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Facade of Love

Chapter 459
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When did | ever think about letting him go?

I had never, not once.

However, the path | took had broughtto a point of no return.

| stood there, letting his arms wrap around me, lost in the sound of the relentless rain tapping against the window. Man, Lake City's

rain was something else.

After what felt like forever, | gently unwrapped his arms, turned to face him, and met his gaze with a steady one of my own. Years

had passed, but he was still that sguy—regal, graceful, distractingly handsome.

Our eyes locked, and | caught a glimpse of the mistiness in his. A tightness gripped my chest, and | took a shallow breath. With a

small, playful smile, | asked, "Idris, do you believe in fate?"

He looked at me, unsure of what | was getting at, his lips pursed slightly, but he remained silent, neither affirming nor denying.

Knowing | would not get an answer, | smiled softly and said, "They say that fate is a series of intertwined destinies, binding people

together until their paths diverge. When we were in Tully City, | prayed in Grace Cathedral, not only for the well-being of the living

and the peace of the departed but also secretly hoping that we could stay together for life."

As | saw the light in his dark eyes, | took a deep breath and continued, "Back then, | truly wanted to be together with you.

However, as the elders say, fate has its own way. If two people destined to be together pray for it, they'll stick with each other

through thick and thin, no matter the quarrels. However, if it's a troubled bond, fate won't let them suffer through hardships only to

stay apart. It cuts their ties in this life, letting them find better matches, sparing them the pain of a love that's not meant to be. You

and |, we're the latter."

He gavea puzzled look, his lips pressed together in thought, but he stayed quiet, not giving anything away.

| looked at him, took another deep breath, and let it out slowly. "Idris, it's not about giving up on you. It's not because of Lucas or

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Alice. It's just that, after everything, it's clear we're not meant to keep going."

He stared back at me, silent as the night, the sharp tang of alcohol hanging between us. His silence weighed down the room,

making the air thick and heavy.

Then, out of the silence, a harsh laugh broke free from him, detached and mocking, sending shivers down my spine.

Fate?" Idris’'s voice was laced with

scorn as he sneered atme. "You're

alking to nie-about fate, Yvette?

“hat's a joke, a real joke. Since wher

iid soar hiding behind these >

airy tales? | could've respected that

Fyoud just been straight with me

aolyou don't lovelime

inymore, that I'm not in our heart.

3ut, this? Do you think I'm an idiot?"

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| could see the anger in his eyes, and | knew that my words were like whispers in a storm.

| let out a weary sigh and met his gaze with a calm | did not feel. "Fine, then believe that | don't love you anymore and that you're

not in my heart."

"Yvette!" His voice was a roar, his hands clenching mine with a fierce desperation. His eyes were wild, tinged with red, as he

pleaded, "Why? Haven't | done enough? What do | have to do to make you loveand to make you stay? I've done everything

you wanted, haven't I?"

Seeing him like that, my heart swelled with a painful sourness. | gasped for air, my voice raspy as | faced him, "Idris, I... ."

"I was wrong," he admitted, pulling

New Year's Eve, | don't know what

happened. | can't remember if |

touched her. Yyette, just givea

little time. {figure out what went

down thatright. lowe youthat ©

much, and | owe it to myself. When |

said [Pmarry her, | was just tnfing to

getarise out of you to get batk at

you for being so distant. l-thought if

we made it back from th& border

alive, you'd be worried sick about

me. | thought you'd be the first face

I'd see when | woke up, that you'd be

there to holdand tellit's all

behind us. But | woke up to

strangers, not you. | figured you

were just too busy, so | went looking

for you, hoping to hear you say you

were worried, that you'd be relieved

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to seeawake. Then, you... ."

I let him hold me, his words spilling out like a child who had been wronged, each one tugging at my heart.

He was always so proud, but now...

Did love really drag a god from his throne, making him as lowly as an ant for someone else's sake?

Well, not for me. | did not want that for him. He's a man of pride and distinction. He should be up there like he always was, the

elegant chairman of Young Corporation, commanding from his high perch and living life on his own terms.

Idris should not have to grovel like that, not for me.

"Idris." My voice cracked as | gripped his hand, my heart aching so much | could barely breathe. He eased up just a little but did

not let go. His gaze locked on mine, his eyes a fierce, fiery red.

I took a deep breath and gently

cupped his faze, looking up into his

eyes, my oie sof with concern, "|

can't giveyou the answers you want

right noW- and | can't make any

promises. | want you to be happy,

and{really hope I'm part of that

ones But I'm so, SO SOFrYy.

e've been through so rach, and

it's like we're not in charge of our

own fate anymore." Content belongs

to novelenglish.net