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Facade of Love

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44 I owe her my life.

Ignoring my protests, Idris strode out of the conference room. I had too much on my plate

to chase after him. After delegating some tasks to Uncle Marcus, I gathered my things to

head to the old mansion

Outside the company, true to his word, Idris was waiting. Dressed in black, he stood next

to his McLaren of the same hue. His handsome, aristocratic demeanor was impossible to

ignore, drawing the eyes of passersby,

Everyone appreciated beauty, and a good–looking person inevitably attracted extra

glances from passers–by, regardless of gender.

Not wanting to be the center of attention, I shot him a glance and headed towards my car.

Beep beep… Idris honked his hom, drawing even more attention. Then he called out,

“Yvette, let me drive you.”

His voice was not loud, but the employees of Scott Corporation and the passers–by could

hear him. After all, he had honked his horn, making it hard for people not to notice.

I looked at him, l*ps pursed. How had I never noticed before just how shameless this man

could be?

If I were to strut out of here right now, it would take less than two hours for the gossip

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about Ms. Scott of Scott Corporation and the Young heir having a spat to spread like

wildfire throughout the company.

It was not a big deal, but she did not want her personal business to be the talk of the


Despite my reluctance to let Idris drive me, I found myself climbing into his car. The

McLaren that was worth a fortune roared. to life with a powerful purr that was impossible

to ignore.

It drew envious stares from passersby, which I found uncomfortable, so I rolled up the


Idris glanced at me, his handsome eyebrows arching in surprise. “I thought you’d enjoy

this,” he said.

I pressed my l*ps together, not in the mood to engage with him. “Moore would,” I replied.

His brow furrowed, a hint of displeasure in his eyes. As we waited at a red light, his strong

fingers tapped rhythmically on the steering wheel. “I’m sorry about what happened to

your father,” he said. “If you’re angry and need to vent, I’m here.”

I scoffed. “That’s easy for you to say, Mr. Young. What, are you afraid I’ll take out my

anger on Moore and hurt your precious darling?”

His voice was low and controlled as he replied, “Yvette, she’s just a pregnant woman. If

you hurt her, it would upset my grandmother. Besides, you’re carrying my child. I want

you to take care of yourself.

I laughed bitterly. My heart felt numb. “Idris, what makes you so sure I’d still want to have

your child?”

The car jerked to a stop as he slammed on the brakes. He turned to me, his face showing

a rare moment of panic. “What are you planning to do?”

His reaction caught me off guard. I had not expected such a strong response. “What do

you think I’m going to do?” I asked, ” You’re hardly short of children, Mr. Young. And if this

child in my belly were to be born, he’d have to share your love with others. It might be

kinder not to bring him into this world to suffer.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” Idris’s grip tightened on my wrist, his dark eyes boring into mine.

“Yvette, if you need to vent, take it out on me. The child is innocent.”

“Innocent? I scoffed, “Who’s guilty, then? My father? Me? Idris, if you’d been honest about

having someone else in your heart, we wouldn’t be here. You wanted to enjoy the love of

many, but did you ever consider how I felt? You hurt me, and that was bad enough, but

you also hurt my father. Idris, do you really think I’m emotionless, that I can’t feel pain?”

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He held my hand in silence for a long moment before finally releasing me. “I owe her my

life,” he said in a low voice. With that, he restarted the car.

I was taken aback. Was he talking about Moore?


Chapter 44 Towe her my life.

As the car slowly made its way towards the Youngs‘ old house, his voice was distant. “Five

years ago, I went to the border. I had an accident there and lost my sight. She was the one

who brought me back to Lake City. I had planned to marry her so she could live

comfortably with the Youngs for the rest of her life. But then she suddenly married

someone else. I thought she had found her happiness, so I never brought it up after we

got married.”

Five years ago, again.

I felt a headache coming on and rubbed my temples. “So, now that she’s back and

unhappy, you plan to make her happy?”

He knitted his brows, casting a sidelong glance at me, his voice tinged with a hint of

helplessness. “Yvette, after two years of marriage, is this how you see me? I promise to

provide for her for the rest of her life, but that’s where it ends. My grandmother will ensure

she spends her remaining years in peace at the old house. You are my wife, and you

always will be. The child you’re carrying is mine, and no one can take away even a shred

of his father’s love. We are husband and wife, forever and always.”