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Facade of Love

Chapter 436 Yvette Scott, Come Over Here!
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Why? Everything seemed to be heading in a positive direction! Clap, clap...! Applause echoed in the empty mountains, sharp and distinct.

| followed the sound and saw none other than Lucas, who | thought had already left with the delivery team, standing not far away. The applause cfrom the sharp claps of his well-defined hands, creating a piercing sound.

"Yvette, thank you for helpingkill him," he said, a wicked smile playing on his lips. "For all these years, I've been thinking about how to get rid of this police officer who was wasting my food supply. Unexpectedly, you've taken that burden off my shoulders." | furrowed my brows, looking at him with confusion and not understanding what he meant.

"Dad!" Suddenly, a deep and familiar voice roared. It was a voice | had not heard in a long time.

| took a sharp breath and turned to see Gregory rushing toward us, followed by a grief-stricken Idris. His eyes were fixed on Chandler, who had stopped breathing. Idris’ breathing was labored.

A few seconds later, he looked at me, his gaze landing on my hand gripping the curved knife. He seemed thunderstruck, staring atwith disbelief and despair. "Yvette..." In a matter of seconds, | finally understood the meaning behind Lucas' words just now.

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It was a trap. Everything had been a trap from the moment | arrived at the border. He was just waiting for this very moment.

| retracted my hand in panic while looking at Idris. | wanted to tell him that it was not what it looked like, but my hands were stained with Chandler's blood, and there was no one else here withexcept Chandler. From the beginning, | had been the only one by his side. Not to mention the words Lucas had said earlier.

Seeing Chandler's lifeless body—or rather, REISER peel about the electrified fence, frantically trying to break through it. Fortunately, Gregory held him back desperately.

Touching the electrified fence would mean certain death.

As | realized the truth, | looked at Lucas. He looked back at me, his thin lips appearing indifferent and his dark eyes as cold as ever. That self-satisfied expression of his was particularly irritating.

Upon meeting my gaze, he smirked slightly. It seemed to be carrying a hint of mockery, as if saying, ‘See, everyone is under my control.’ Grief and anger overwhelmedat this moment. | pulled out the curved knife from Kobe's chest and charged toward Lucas like a madwoman.

However, before | could reach him, Inch grabbed onto me. Seeing my anger, Lucas spoke. "Let go!" He was addressing Inch, who furrowed his brows. Inch was puzzled as he said, "Sir?!" "Let her go!" Lucas spoke again.

Inch released me, and | tightly held the curved knife in my hand, ready to strike without hesitation. However, | had overestimated myself.

Before the curved knife could reach him, he stopped me. He seized the hand holding the knife and pulledinto his arms, holdingtightly, lowering his voice as he whispered in my ear, "Yvette, if you kill me, none of these people will survive." By ‘these people’, he naturally meant Idris and his group.

| stiffened, looking at the man I had not seen in so long outside the electrified fence. He remained silent, his gaze fixed on everything inside the fence, his eyes bloodshot.

Kobe was dead, so the father he had been searching for for ten years was also gone.

| could not describe his despair at this moment. | knew Idris’ heart was aching deeply. Suppressing my anger, | took a deep breath and asked Lucas, "What do you want?" Visit englishto read full content.

Lucas did not answer my question.

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Instead, he raised his gaze to the people outside the people outside the electrified fence smirking as he said Mr. Young has come from afar. It would be impolite not to welchim. Hurry up and invite Mr. Young inside." Please read the original content at novelenglish.net.

Hearing his words, Inch signaled to the people behind him and opened the electrified fence, allowing Idris and his group to enter.

Idris walked to Kobe's side, looking at the lifeless body. His thin lips were tightly pressed, and his face seemed cold and moumful.However not a single tear fell from his eyes. He calmly crouched in front of Kobe, gently covering his eyes with his hand and closing them for him.

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After completing everything calmly, he slowly stood up and looked in our direction. His gaze settled on me and after a long pause, he finally spoke, his voice as low and reserved as ever. "Yvette Scott, cover here.