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Facade of Love

Chapter 434 We Could Have Left Already
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Rebecca's face contorted unnaturally, as if she wanted to smile but could not. She touched her face awkwardly, perhaps in pain, then lowered her head and said, "I tripped while walking just now. It's nothing." With my mind preoccupied with Chandler's situation, | did not press further and said, "You should go back and apply smedicine. Your face is injured. You need to take care of it." She responded with a faint hum, then looked in the direction of the cell. "Ms. Scott, are you planning to distract the two guards at the gate?" | nodded. Over the past few days, she had been followingaround and probably guessed what | was planning.

| had not been too cautious with her, thinking that her simple nature would keep her from revealing anything.

Seeing my nod, she said, "I'll go, then!" As she prepared to move forward, | grabbed onto her. With a serious expression, | whispered, "Rebecca, today | don't just want to check on Mr. Copper. | want to take him away from here, to help him escape." She paused for a moment, not seeming very surprised. She simply nodded and said, "Alright. I've got it, Ms.

Scott." Her lack of questions surpriseda little. | could not help but ask, "Aren't you worried that Lucas will cafter you for helping me?" She seemed to think for a moment and then asked, "Are you planning to escape with him?" | hesitated before replying, "I won't be leaving for now." | wanted to stay behind to seek revenge for Officer Jackson.

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Hearing this, she said, "That's fine. Mr. Lucas cares about you, and he'll speak up for me. So, | should be fine." After that, she headed directly toward the cell. | did not know what she said to the two guards, but they left their posts one after the other. [x] As the guards left, she waved at me. | hastily entered the cell.

Chandler was still locked in the iron cage, lying on the ground and trembling all over. His lips were trembling, and he was turning pale. | was stunned by his condition and did not know what had happened. | called his nseveral times, but he did not respond.

Rebecca looked atand said, "Ms. Scott, you should take him away. Otherwise, he won't make it." | nodded and realized that at this point, | could only take him away. Rebecca and | helped Chandler out of the cell. Since most of the people in the mountain had gone to deliver goods, there were quite few people around, making our escape relatively smooth.

However, after a short distance, Chandler suddenly spat out blood, and his breathing grew weaker. | was puzzled by his sudden deterioration and did not know what was happening to him.

| thought of finding someone to help him, but Rebecca took out a few pills from her pocket. She looked atand said, "Ms. Scott, he might have been given too much raw poppy powder. These pills can help stabilize him." | was confused and furrowed my brows. "Poppy powder?" She nodded, her face turning pale. "When people brought here are deemed useless, they are given large amounts of unprocessed poppy powder to slowly kill them. I've seen cases like his before, so this should help stabilize him. But we need to get him out of here quickly and find a doctor for treatment, or he'll die." Visit englishto read full content.

| did not have tto think it through.

| gave Chandler the pills and prepared to support him on the journey .It was a struggle but we finally rived at the location where | had arranged to meet Gregory.

However, | did not see anyone from Gregory's group, and Chandler's condition was worsening. Please read the original content at novelenglish.net.

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Afraid that Chandler would not make it, | looked at Rebecca and asked "Rebecca do you have any other ideas?If he continues like this, I'm afraid he won't hold on." Please read the original content at novelenglish.net.

Rebecca looked around, panicked and unsure of what to do. She shook her head and said, "I don't know either." Thinking of the walkie-talkie Gregory had givenearlier, | took it out and tried to contact Gregory, but for sreason, | could not reach him.

"Child..." Chandler surprisingly regained sclarity, perhaps due to the effect of Rebecca's medicine.

Seeing him becsomewhat coherent, | hastily grabbed his arm and said, "Mr. Copper, just hold on a little longer. The police will be here soon, and you'll be fine." He gazed at me. His face was pale, and he let out a faint sigh. "It's too late... It's too late forto go back." Visit englishto read full content.

| shook my head, my mind suddenly filled with the memory of that rainy night when Officer Jackson lay nay pool of blood.Tears welled up in my eyes and I help Chandler's hand tightly, my voice choked with emotion. "No, you'll be okay. | promised to help you get back home, and | will keep that promise. Just hang on a little longer! The police will be here soon."