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Facade of Love

Chapter 31
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Chapter 31 The Motive for Murder

The woman looked at me and continued, “That car was driven away five days ago by

Benett Anderson, the Chief Financial Officer of Scott Corporation, and it hasn’t been

returned since, right?”

I had no clue where the car had been and when. I took a deep breath before saying, “How

do you know there’s a b*dy in that car’s trunk?”

Despite the bright daylight, her expression was dark and foreboding, giving me a chill.

After a while, she said slowly, “I killed him.”

I nearly retreated out of fright, but since I had seen more shocking things before, I

steadied myself and asked her, “You killed someone? And hid the b*dy in the trunk of

Scott Corporation’s car?”

She nodded. Noticing people passing by, she frowned and said, “That car is now parked in

the Spring Hallmark residential complex. If you don’t believe me, you can come with me

and have a look.”

I was getting a headache. I frowned. “Why are you telling me this?” Most murderers would

turn themselves in to the police or clear the evidence and run away, but she had come to

me instead.

She looked at me with a blank expression. “I wasn’t planning to. I wanted to speak to your

father, but I’ve been here a few times, and he’s been occupied with treatments all those

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times. He’s in his own world most of the time now, so I turned to you.”

“You’re looking for my father?”

She nodded. “You might think that after killing someone, I should turn myself in or flee,

but I don’t want to do that just yet. I still have unfinished business. I know that murderers

must pay with their lives, and I will surely die. But before I do, I want people to know why I

had to kill him. I at least want to die with a clear conscience.”

Looking at her slightly pale face, I could not help but take a deep breath and say, “The

police will clear your name.”

“No!” She suddenly raised her voice, looking at me with a hint of red in her eyes. “Even if

the police know, they won’t tell the world. But you can. You’re the successor to Scott

Corporation. You can‘

Even after all this, I still could not understand her purpose in looking for me. I knew that if

I continued to follow her line of thinking, I would only become an outlet for her emotions,

After a moment of silence, I looked at her and asked, “Who did you kill?”

“Benett,” she said. She looked at me and emphasized, “Benett Anderson, the Chief

Financial Officer of Scott Corporation.”

My mind was in turmoil, filled with doubts and conflicts. I hesitated on whether I should

think of a way to call the police, as she did not seem to be lying.

She looked at me, her gaze fixed on me.” “Ms. Scott, can we find somewhere to sit down

and talk?”

I wanted to refuse, but this involved Scott Corporation. The CFO had been murdered, and

this scandal would be enough to doom Scott Corporation. With my father still in the

hospital now, I had no say in many matters of Scott Corporation, and if something

happened, the company would suffer greatly.

Perhaps considering my concerns, she said, “Don’t worry, I’m not a homicidal maniac. I

just want to talk to you so you can hear my story. May 1?”

After a moment of hesitation, I nodded, wanting to see what she really wanted to say.

“There’s a cafe in the mall across the street. Shall we talk there?”

She nodded in agreement.

Choosing this cafe in the mall was strategic: the mall was crowded, security was tight, and

next to it was a military base. If she had any ill intentions toward me, I had a better

chance of getting away safely.

Once we got to the cafe, I handed her the menu, but she shook her head and told the

waiter, “Just a cup of water, thank you.”

Chapter 31 The Motive for Murder


Seeing this, I casually ordered a coffee and then looked at her. “Are you Benett’s friend,

or…?” She looked like the charming type, with enticing fox–like eyes. She seemed older

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than me and very feminine, the type of lady that middle–aged men especially liked.

A woman like her getting involved with a CFO and then killing him made me think that it

was a crime of passion. I could not think of any other reason for it.

“His wife!” she said, looking at me. “I’m his wife, the woman he legally married.”

A wife killing her husband?

I slightly furrowed my brows and asked, “Did he do something wrong?”

She nodded, her eyes filled with despair. “He ruined our happy home. For ten years, I

worked hard to earn money. We don’t have children, so I thought we could save more

money, so we could have a better life when we retire. A year ago, he said that Scott

Corporation invested in a new project with good prospects. The company’s senior

employees could buy shares of this project and become shareholders. He was very

optimistic and asked me to give him all the money we had saved, promising that once the

project took off, we would have enough for our retirement.”

I paused before asking, “You gave him the money?”

She had a sad look on her face. “At first, I thought it was too risky and worried he was

deceiving me, so I checked out the project privately. But the project indeed had a good

reputation and has taken off.”

“GleamGate Media?” I remembered that was the project Scott Corporation invested in a

year ago.

She nodded. “Yes, that’s the one.”