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Facade of Love

Chapter 116
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Chapter 1161 Regretted

Maxwell’s voice was rough with emotion as he said, “I’m just giving you a heads–up. I’m a

guy. Why would I worry about him? Anyway, I’m staying out of it. Let’s hit the road!”

He fired up

the engine, and we zoomed off toward the hospital.

The whole ride, I was drowning in exhaustion, not in the mood to talk

At the hospital, Sweety had been rushed into surgery, and Liam was pacing outside the



Hespotted us and glanced over my shoulder, one eyebrow arched. “Where’s Iddy?”

I pressed my l*ps together tighter, “No clue.”

Then I faced him, concern lacing my voice, “Llam, how’s Sweety? What’s the doc saying?”

Liam’s face tensed up for a second before he answered. “It’s not looking great. She needs

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to be cleaned, and there’s a nasty infection. Her uterus took a serious hit, and she could

have some major complications later, especially with her mental health. It might be tough

to treat.”

I stood there, stiff as a board, fury shaking me to the core, my fingers digging into my

palm, trying to

get a grip on my anger.

“Noah, that monster!”

The sound of footsteps, uneven and echoing, filled the hallway. It was Moore and Idris,

catching up to

The second I laid eyes on Moore, I could not hold back the storm of anger brewing in my

chest. I marched up to her, my b*dy moving of its own accord, and blocked her path.

Before she could even blink, my hand flew up and cracked across her face with a

resounding slap.

The slap caught everyone off guard, Moore included.

Her eyes went wide with shock, staring at me, but that shock lasted only a second. When

her gaze flicked to Idris standing nearby, tears began to roll down her cheeks

She looked at me, her face a mix of bewilderment and sorrow. “Yvette, are you still mad

about what happened last night? I swear it wasn’t on purpose. I’m so sorry. I had no idea

you were actually pregnant. I just didn’t want you to lie to Iddy. If I’d known, I swear, even

if you were drowning me in that pool, I wouldn’t have said a word. Honest1”

Her acting made my blood boil. I wanted to rip her lying mouth right off her face. “Moore,

just go die! “I was too furious to think straight, and all I wanted was to shred her to bits,

As I went to claw at Moore again, a strong hand caught mine. It was Idris. His right hand

was injured, but it did not stop him from defending Moore.

Ishot him a venomous look, trying to squash the rage bubbling inside me. “Let go!”

He did not release me. Instead, he met my gaze firmly. “If you need to lash out, come at


My mind was a blur of fury, especially thinking about how Sweety had been mistreated. I

was beyond furious. If my hands were tied, well, my feet were not. I lashed out with a kick

aimed at Moore’s belly.

It was no use. I could not touch her. Idris yanked me into his arms, holding me so tight I

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could not move. As I struggled, his blood smeared across my clothes.

I stopped fighting, completely wrapped up in exhaustion and a sense of helplessness. I

looked up at the man standing before me, not even realizing when my face had become

wet with tears.

I had no idea how messed up I must have looked right then, but honestly, I could not care

less. I was so mad at myself for not being able to get revenge for my best friend.

Forget it, I thought as I stared at Idris, feeling totally numb inside. “Idris, I wish I hadn’t,” I

said, my voice hollow

Why did I even bother saving him at the border? Why did I go out of my way to bring him

back home?

Was all of this just so he could end up hurting me like this?

yvette, what are you even talking about?” Idris’s dark eyes were filled with panic,

helplessness, and

a whole lot of confusion

I could not help but laugh, a bitter, mocking sound. I pushed him away and stepped back,

putting some space between us. I took a quick look at Moore, who was now standing far

off, then turned back to Idris with an even more sarcastic smile. “Idris, you think you can

make it up to me? That’s never going to happen.”