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Facade of Love

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106 Time to Wake Up

Mom’s face lit up with joy when she saw my eyes open, and she quickly called for the


As I took in the stark white surroundings and the doctors in their white coats, it clicked–I

was in a hospital.

I watched the doctors talk to my mom after they checked me over. She nodded at

everything they said, and then they were gone.

Mom was right there next to me, gripping my hand, her voice breaking as she asked,

“You’re awake, sweetie. Hungry for anything? Want me to whip up your favorite?”

I tried to answer, but just then, the door burst open.

Maxwell and Zoe rushed in, breathless with relief.

“Yvette, you’re up! This is awesome–I gotta go tell Madam Young and Iddy!” Zoe blurted

out, then dashed off before I could even get a word in.

I wanted to call her back, but she was already gone.

Maxwell leaned against the wall, arms folded, giving me this lopsided look. ” Man, you

bled out so much. I was scared we’d lost you for good.”

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Mom shot him a warning glance. “Don’t you dare say that! Yvette’s right here, and she’s


He grinned, nodding. “Yeah, yeah, I’m sorry.”

I watched them, a lump forming in my throat, but I had to ask, “Mom… my baby…

She looked away, her smile strained. “Yvette, the doc said you can start with something

light. I’ll go fix you up a little something, okay?” Without another glance, she stood up, her

tears hidden as she left the room.

I knew why she dodged the question–she did not want to see me hurt.

Maxwell’s voice was heavy when he finally spoke. “The docs did all they could. You nearly

didn’t make it, and as for the baby… It was just too hard to save.”

staring at the celling as a sharp pain spread through me I had know deep down even in

the haze that I was going to lose the baby, hi

real, and is hart all over.

hopeful. “Hey, you’re young. There’s time. You’ll heal, and there’ll be other chances. Just

focus on getting better, okay?”

“I’m okay,” I said, cutting him off mid–sentence with a smile that did not quite. reach my

eyes. “He was just a six–week whisper of a dream, not even fully shaped. Maybe it’s for

the best that he’s gone. I thought his arrival was a sign from above, a nudge to be braver,

to fight for my marriage, and to chase the love of my life, but maybe the universe is telling

me something else telling me to be decisive, to stop hesitating, and to not cling to what’s

not meant to be.”

The hospital room door creaked open.

In walked Madam Young, followed by… Idris.

Maxwell got to his feet, shooting Idris a frosty look before turning to me. “If you don’t want

them here, just say the word, and I’ll take care of it.”

I shook my head, managing another half–hearted smile. “No worries. Go see how my

mom’s doing.”

He looked at me, concern etching his brow. He took a moment, eyeing Idris and Madam

Young, then finally said, “I’ll be right outside. Anything you need, just holler.”

I gave him a nod.

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Once Maxwell stepped out, Madam Young settled into a chair, her face the picture of

kindness. She let out a soft sigh and asked, “Feeling any better?”

I nodded and whispered, “Yeah.”

She hummed in response, clearly struggling to find the right words. After a brief pause,

she offered, “You’re young. Life’s full of second chances.”

Again, I nodded, echoing her, “Yeah.”

She reached into her purse and pulled out a folder, handing it to me. “Green City Bay is a

slice of paradise–gorgeous views and soothing hot springs, perfect for some rest and

recovery. Mr. Zachary’s picked out a villa for you. Once you’re out of here, you can go

there to rest up and heal.”

I bit my l*p, deep down I knew that for someone like Madam Young, the only real way to

calm her down was with cold, hard cash and fancy stuff. Words were just ale to her. They

could not hold a candle to a multimillion–dollar mansion.

just how she rolled. She was never one for sweet talk. She figured a villa might just make

up for the grudge weighing on my heart, Call it her of an apology.

She nodded back, set some things down on the stand next to my IV drip, gave. Idris a

look, and then, she was gone.

The room felt so empty and heavy. I did not even glance at the person next to me, just

shut my ey