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Facade of Love

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101 Moore’s in on My Little Secret

I furrowed my brow. “Who?”

Zoe nodded enthusiastically. “Charles was all hush–hush about it. He just said you should

swing by. I’ve got no clue who it is, but it’s gotta be Mr. Young’s doing. He’s up to

something, probably cooking up a surprise for you.” She winked at me, her playful

expression making her look absolutely adorable.

I could not help but chuckle at her antics. Glancing over at Maxwell, who was just lounging

around, I said to Zoe, “Okay, I’m off. Can you keep an eye on my buddy here?”

I gave Maxwell a nudge and introduced him, “This is Maxwell, the big shot CEO of Scott

Corporation. Zoe, since you know the old manor like the back of your hand, mind giving

him the grand tour?”

Zoe’s eyes sparkled as she looked at Maxwell, her smile widening into a perfect. crescent.

She reached out with a delicate hand and greeted him sweetly, “Pleased to meet you, Mr.

Sanchez. I’m Zoe, Zoe Zachary.”

Maxwell was the strong, silent type, especially around new faces, preferring to keep it cool

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and collected. He shook Zoe’s hand briefly, managing a curt ‘hello,‘ before going quiet


Zoe did not seem to mind his chilly vibe one bit. Her eyes danced with interest as she took

in Maxwell, not even trying to hide her crush.

I took that as my cue to sl*p away.


I made my way to the pavilion in the backyard and found it warmly lit. The stone table was

set with an array of pastries and drinks. Moore was lounging in a chair, one hand resting

on her round belly, the other hanging over the railing, totally chill as she watched the

goldfish darting around in the pond below.

When she heard me coming, she slowly looked up with a relaxed smile and said, ” Hey,

you made it. Grab a seat!”

I stayed put, just standing there with a cool gaze, and asked, “You needed to see me?

had been sure it was Idris who wanted to talk, not her. And I definitely did not pect her to

show up at the Youngs Old Manor tonight.

she saw I was not moving, then got up and settled ch: She grabbed a plece of


at me. “Yvette, you’re just gonna stand there the whole time? Just a heads–up, standing

for too long isn’t great for the baby, you know.”

Then she stretched out a long ‘ohhh,‘ with a dramatic look on her face. “Almost sl*pped

my mind–you’re not expecting, so no baby to worry about, huh?”

I narrowed my eyes at her, my voice dropping a notch. “What are you getting at?”

She just laughed, giving me a once–over with a mocking glance. “Isn’t it obvious? You’re

not pregnant, Yvette. You don’t seriously think you can fake a pregnancy in front of Iddy

and then magically have a baby, do you?”

I kept silent, but my eyes were on high alert. What exactly had she figured out?

Seeing I did not say a word, she dropped the act and brushed her hands together as if

dismissing the whole thing. “Madam Young is one clever lady, trying to use me to get you

to have the Youngs‘ baby. Too bad for her, but the kid’s not a Young. She would’ve had it

all if it were.”

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My hands tightened at my sides. She knew about the fake pregnancy Madam Young had


I faced her, my expression unreadable. “Moore, what are you getting at?”

She burst into laughter, eyeing me with amusement. “Yvette, still putting on a show? I’m

onto you. There’s no baby, and I know Madam Young put you up to this charade. Did you

ever stop to think about what’d happen when Iddy finds out?”

What would happen?

I bit my l*p and squinted at her, my voice icy. “Moore, did you really drag me here just to

chat about this?”

I had already figured out the fallout from this mess and how I would explain it to Idris. If

she thought she could use this to bully me into helping her, she was sorely mistaken.

Her face fell when she saw I was not rattled. “Oh? So you’re ready to spill the beans to


“This is between Idris and me. What’s it to you?” I was done wasting time.” Moore, if

you’re thinking of blackmailing me into working with you, you’ve got another thing

coming. Go ahead, tell Idris. Let’s see how he deals with me, the deceiver