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Ex-husband Unmasked He’s a Billionaire?

Chapter 358
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The next morning, as the sky was just starting to lighten, Dakota opened her eyes and prepared to freshen up.

"Dakota, you're up so early." Sensing Dakota's movements, Cameron also opened his eyes.

"yeah." Dakota nodded lightly, looking troubled after a sleepless night.

"Still thinking about yesterday?" Cameron asked softly when he saw her expression.

After a moment's hesitation, Dakota nodded. "Yeah." Cameron took a deep breath. He sat up in bed and looked at Dakota. "Is it because of Laura?" "Partly," Dakota admitted.

"I'm sorry..." Cameron seemed to realize something as a wave of guilt surged through his chest. How could he not have realized how distressed Dakota would be seeing him upset about Laura? He knew that what happened last night must have caused Dakota great emotional pain. After all, no woman would want to see her boyfriend still have feelings for another woman. Cameran blamed himself for not controlling his emotions when he returned after talking to Laura. "Dummy..." Dakota suddenly found his guilty look adorable. It dispelled yesterday's gloom.

"How did I suddenly beca dummy?" Cameron was puzzled.

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"I wasn't upset about that incident,” Dakota said quietly.

She knew the special bond that Cameron and Laura had.

It was impossible for Cameron to completely disregard it. If he were that indifferent, he wouldn't be the Cameron she liked.

Although she occasionally felt a tinge of jealousy, she had never blamed Cameron for this matter.

What truly saddened her was the gap between her and Laura.

Every tCameron faced difficulties, all she could do was worry. She wasn't like Laura, who could assist Cameron.

Cameron didn't know what Dakota was thinking, but he noticed her low spirits and asked with concern, "So, what's bothering you? Can you tell me?" "I..." Dakota hesitated.

Cameron stared at her intently.

"Cameron, do you ever feel like I'm useless?" Dakota suddenly asked.

"Useless?" Cameron was taken aback, then chuckled as he shook his head. "Why would you think that?" "Cameron, I want you to answerseriously." Dakota was serious.

Cameron paused, his demeanor becoming serious as well. "Dakota, I've never thought of you that way. Why would you suddenly say that?" "I just feel like I'm really useless. Like I'm pulling you down." Dakota bit her lip gently.

As she spoke, she looked away. Her vision began to blur.

"How could you say that?" Cameron's expression softened, and he sat up.

"Every tyou get in trouble, there's nothing I can do to help." Dakota blamed herself. "Like when Alan bullied you at the grand ceremony last time, and this ttoo..." If it were Laura in her place, she would have found a way to resolve the situation easily.

"Silly, so you're upset about this?" Cameron felt touched.

"Am I wrong?" Dakota bit her lip tighter.

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"Yes, you're wrong. You're not useless." Cameron shook his head.

His gaze was determined as he looked at Dakota. "Silly, don't bem this anymore. Maybe upset about this bem you can't help with the Xander family's matters, but your help togoes far beyond that.

"In my heart, there's no one who can replace you."

15 years ago, on that bitterly cold night, if it weren't for the girl's piege of bread and her encouragement, perhaps there wouldn't be the Cameron of today.

It was the girl's kindness that kept him alive and accompanied himm through every/difficult moment in life in the years that followed. So no one could ever replace Dakota.

The words "There's no one who can replace you" made Dakota's heart flutter violently.

She looked at Cameron. She admired the depth and strength in his eyes as a shy blush colored her cheeks.

Then she asked softly, "So, what do you... like about me?"