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Ex-husband Unmasked He’s a Billionaire?

Chapter 136
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Chapter 136


Cameron had no tto return home. He had to take Lena to the nearest hotel, Century Inn, and have

Blackheart send the acupuncture needles because Lena was already burning with desire. Without

treatment, her blood vessels might burst from the overwhelming heat.

Cameron placed the feverish Lena on the bed and selected the Filiform needles from his bag

“Where is this... Why is my body so hot... It feels so uncomfortable...”

Lena’s soft and weak murmurs sent shivers down Cameron's spine.

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He had never imagined the usually stern Lena could sound so vulnerable.

Taking a deep breath, Cameron reminded himself he wasn’t the type to exploit someone’s vulnerability. He

focused on preparing to administer the antidote with six slender Filiform needles.

However, as he glanced at Lena, his resolve wavered when he saw her beginning to tear at her clothes.

Fortunately, her weakened state prevented any serious exposure. Still, the glimpses of her skin quickened

Cameron's heartbeat.

Cameron swallowed hard. He mentally chastised himself to stay focused and not be swayed by fleeting desires.

Concentrating again, he inserted the first needle into the CV 22 acupuncture point just below Lena’s neck.

Lena’s reaction to the stimulation made Cameron's heart skip a beat. He realized the challenge of this

detoxification treatment.

As he prepared the second needle, Lena pulled out the first needle and tossed it aside after feeling an unusual

sensation. Her continued restlessness and moans tested Cameron's patience.

“Please, Colonel Bailey, try to stay still,” he pleaded.

He felt frustrated and bitter.

“Cameron... Is that you?”

Lena’s drug-addled mind barely recognized Cameron, as her voice was laced with desperation.

“It’s me,” Cameron replied.

Cameron's gaze sharpened. He thought Lena might have regained slucidity and could cooperate with the

acupuncture. But as soon as he spoke, Lena let out a seductive moan.

“I can’t take it anymore... Cameron...”

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Her eyes, once sharp, were now lost in a haze of confusion and desire, like mist swirling through a tranquil forest.

Cameron cussed inwardly. He felt as though he was about to lose his mind.

“Colonel Bailey, are you trying to kill me?” he lamented internally.


With no other choice, he steeled himself to proceed with the acupuncture, knowing twas running out for the

both of them.

Taking a deep breath, Cameron prepared another needle. His fingers deftly handled it for another


The restless Lena suddenly tore open her shirt collar, revealing a swath of blindingly fair skin. Cameron's eyes

twitched at the sight. He felt a rush of blood to his head, resulting in a nosebleed.