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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chatper 370
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Chapter 0370


I stand on the side with a glass of champagne in my hand, just

watching. Everyone seems to be happy and in a good mood, which is more I can say about myself.

We’re at the reception of Rowan and Ava’s second wedding, yet I can’t bring myself to be excited.

Don’t get me wrong, I am genuinely happy for my brother. Happy that he and Ava were able to fix

things, so fucking happy that they got a second chance despite how their love story started. That being

said, I may sound selfish, but I’ve got my own shit to deal with.

I can’t get the conversation I had with my father yesterday out of my fucking mind. It’s been eating at

me. Driving me crazy. Ruining every good vibe I had.

I should be dancing. I should be checking out the single, sexy women, deciding who is going to be the

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lucky lady to share my bed tonight, but here I was brooding, wishing that this damn champagne was

something stronger. Something to take the edge off.

My eyes roam the room. There are some seated, some dancing, and some at the bar, which, doesn’t

have any real alcohol. That pissed me off to no end. The bride and the groom are nowhere to be seen.

I spot a familiar blonde hair. Just like me, Emma was brooding, hidden in a corner, just watching.

Correction, she wasn’t just watching, she was hyper focused on Calvin, his date, and Gunner. Her eyes

follow their every move, and it’s like she’s frozen in time.

We were all worried about Emma. It’s like she was stuck in her own world. In her own hell. In her own

torment, where she is tormented day in and day out by the mistakes she made. No one has been able

to reach her. No one has been able to help her.

The only time you see some light shining through her eyes is when Gunner is around. Gunner and

Calvin, on the other hand, don’t give her the time of day, and that rips her to shreds.

I truly believe that those two are the only ones that can bring her back, but it’s a long shot. She treated

them like nothing, and finally they gave up on her. Now, even Gunner doesn’t want anything to do

with her.

I feel sorry for her, but I’m a big believer in owning your shit. Just like Rowan and Ava did. It’s the only

way to move forward. I believe that Emma hasn’t been able to do that. Instead, she’s drowning in a lot

of guilt and regrets.

gulped down the rest of the liquid before snatching another glass from a passing waiter. Champagne

wasn’t strong enough, but for now it’ll do the trick till I get home.

A flash of white catches my attention. No one had noticed them yet, but I had. Rowan and Ava had

appeared, and Ava looked disheveled. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what they’d been doing

those couple of minutes they’d disappeared.

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I smile at that. Happy that Rowan had finally found his happiness. For a long time, I’d blamed Ava for

his behavior and unhappiness. It took years to realize that every reaction, every behavior, and his

unhappiness were on him and not Aya.

He could have been happy all those years if only he’d seen Ava for who she was. A woman who was in

love with him. He could have been happy with her if only he’d chosen to let go of the past. To let go of

the memory of Emma and embrace his life with Ava. Good thing he realized the truth before it was too


A hard clap on the back pulls me back to the present. “Why the hell are you brooding on my wedding

day? Did the single ladies turn down

