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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 95
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Chapter 95 There’s just something…

Calvin had called immediately he got the missed call notification. He’d explained that the

reason he didn’t pick up is because he was in a meeting and his phone had been silent.

He wanted to come home right away, but told him that everything was now fine. That I

had taken

care of the situation and that Gunner was fine. He wasn’t crying anymore. Neither was he


That was enough for me.

He was reluctant, but he finally agreed given that his meeting would run late.

Now here I was cooking dinner for us. With thousands of thoughts running through my

head. It’s like I can’t get a break from my own thoughts. They’re constantly there and now

there some that are added concerning Gunner.

“What are we having for dinner mom?” Noah asks sitting down at the counter.

“Yes, what? I am starving” Gunner adds smiling at me.

There it was again. That damn smile. It’s not that I hated it. I could never hate any smile

Gunner gives me. It’s just that it fucking bothers me so much. There was something about

it that I just couldn’t place my finger on.

“I’m not sure” I tell them. “Why don’t we see

what my craving will pick?”

Noah smiles wide and turns to Gunner. “Mom has insan

cravings. Sometimes they’re really great

and other times it’s totally disgusting”

Gunner nods his head. “Can I help?”

“Sure. Why don’t you flow the chicken?” I tell him.

Noah wasn’t really that helpful in the kitchen. In fact he was a complete disaster. That’s

why he normally never helps unless it’s something he can actually do. Something he won’t

mess up.

I got out the marinating sliced chicken breasts and the Ziploc bag of seasoned flour and

handed them over to Gunner.

He took them willingly with a smile on his face. One thing I learned about him was that he

loved food and he also loved cooking. He was going to make a very lucky woman happy

one day if he continued like this.

“As for you, Noah, you can help with the dessert” I turn to him


“At least that’s easy and I won’t mess it up” he says grinning, making both me and Gunner


He was self–aware. I liked that about him.

“Now, if you get the buttermilk marinade on your fingers, don’t get it near your eyes. It’ll


because of the Tabasco and salt that is in it I warn Gunner.


We get to work. Chatting and simply having fun. I was so glad that I could give this to

Gunner. So happy that I was able to give him happiness. I couldn’t take away all his pain

and sadness, but

this had to be enough for now.

He was a lovely boy. Shy at first, but when you got to know him, you realize how amazing

he is. I

just couldn’t understand why his mother would do this to him.

From what little I gathered. She doesn’t want to be in his life. I don’t know if it’s by choice


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maybe forced circumstances, all I know is that it was hurting Gunner. The last thing I want

is for

him to grow up with issues just like me.

“This is what I’ve always wished and prayed for” his low voice pulls me back to the


“What?” Noah asks him.

Gunner takes deep breath before answering. “This. Having a mom by my side. Watching

her cook

and cooking alongside her. That kind of thing. Don’t get me wrong, dad is amazing but he

is a dad.

He can never be my mom”

Damn it. There goes my heart shattering into pieces for this little boy. If I could, I would

give him

the world, but that is not sible. Some things just aren’t possible. Like how Noah wants


and I to get back together.

“You okay, honey?” I ask him.

He smiles up at me. “Yes. I have you, Noah and dad. That is enough. I know you’re not my


mom, but you’re like a mom to me already.”

I leave what I am doing and give him a hug before kissing his forehead.

“Damn!” Noah groans.



“Language!” I chastise him and he goes quiet.

“I’m sorry mom ” Noah says after a while “I’ve been pushing and pushing for you and dad

to get back together without realizing how lucky I am that you’re both in my life. Will you

forgive me?”

I open my arms for him and he immediately steps into them. I close them around him


kissing his forehead too.

“You’re forgiven” I tell him while letting him go.

“I’ll keep praying and hoping, but I’ll stop pushing so much.”

“Thank you” I say

We get back to work and eventually finish cooking. They both help me set the table and

we sit

down to eat.

With the three of us, or should I say four, we almost clean everything, but I put my foot

down for some left overs. Calvin was probably going to come home tired and hungry. He

won’t have time to

cook something.

After dinner, I make them shower and then it is off to bed for them.

It was after they were asleep that the idea came to me. I had a five bedroom house. There

was still an extra room even after turning one of them into a nursery. The last remaining

bedroom could be

Gunner’s room.

He could sleep there anytime he was over and it could also be his safe space while he was

here. I quickly get excited about the idea. Immediately I take a note pad and started

scribbling down

what I would need.

I’ll have to ask Calvin for

be helpful when it com

know what he likes.

rmission, but I was sure he’d agree. Well I hoped he would. Plus he’ll

the design of the room. He knows Gunner better than anyone. He’ll

I was just finishing up the list of essentials when the doorbell rang. I wiggle up and go to

open it,

pretty sure that it will Calvin on the door. I wasn’t wrong.

“Hi” I tell him.

“Hi to you too” he says, giving me a tired smile.

I step aside and he comes in. We move to the living room.



“It’s quiet Are they asleep?” he asks


I didn’t know what to say. I had so many question, but I was afraid of stepping out of


“About today? Gunner was crying because of his mother” I start slowly.

The moment I say those words, his face turns stone cold.

“Don’t mention that bitch to me again! She has done nothing, but hurt me and my son

over and over again. What kind of woman abandons her son? I get and understand that

she doesn’t love me and she never will, it hurts, but I learned to accept that. Turning her

back on Gunner is something else. I will never forgive her for that” he was breathing hard

and his voice was cold.

Unrequited love. Wasn’t it just a bitch? I’ve suffered through it since I first fell for Rowan. I

didn’t want my friend to go through it, but it looks like he has.

“Every time I call and she refuses to come see Gunner kills me. He is amazing, yet his


wants nothing to do with him. I tried hiding it from him, but as he got older he started to

understand things. He started to understand that his mother doesn’t want him and she

wants nothing to do with him. Fuck I hate her so much, but I also can’t stop loving her” he

says before

continuing. Pain radiating from his eyes.

“I want to give Gunner the world, but the one thing he wants is totally out of my reach. I

regret ever falling in love with her. Regret ever meeting her. But the thing is, regretting her


regretting Gunner and that is one thing I can never do”

Where have I heard those words from? Yeah from my own lips. Didn’t I tell Rowan the

same thing?

That as much as I want to regret him, I can’t because it means regretting Noah.

“I don’t have the right Is for you. Hell. Our situations are the same, but different at the


time. All I can tell you is, De there for Gunner as best as you can. Love him so much that

he doesn’t

miss the love of his mother. Show him that he is enough and that it’s his mother’s loss not


Those are the only words I can offer. I wanted to say more, but I didn’t have the words to


him. He nods his head and we stay in silence.

“Thank you, Ava. For being there for me and my son” he says after a while.

“You’re welcome”


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“It’s quiet. Are they asleep?” he asks


I didn’t know what to say. I had so many question, but I was afraid of stepping out of


“About today? Gunner was crying because of his mother” I start slowly.

The moment I say those words, his face turns stone cold.

“Don’t mention that bitch to me again! She has done nothing, but hurt me and my son

over and

over again. What kind of woman abandons her son? I get and understand that she doesn’t

love me

and she never will, it hurts, but I learned to accept that. Turning her back on Gunner is


else. I will never forgive her for that” he was breathing hard and his voice was cold.

Unrequited love. Wasn’t it just a bitch? I’ve suffered through it since I first fell for Rowan. I


want my friend to go through it, but it looks like he has.

“Every time I call and she refuses to come see Gunner kills me. He is amazing, yet his


wants nothing to do with him. I tried hiding it from him, but as he got older he started to

understand things. He started to understand that his mother doesn’t want him and she

wants nothing to do with him. Fuck I hate her so much, but I also can’t stop loving her” he

says before continuing. Pain radiating from his eyes.

“I want to give Gunner the world, but the one thing he wants is totally out of my reach. I

regret ever falling in love with her. Regret ever meeting her. But the thing is, regretting her


regretting Gunner and that is one thing I can never do”

Where have I heard those words from? Yeah from my own lips. Didn’t I tell Rowan the

same thing? That as much as I want to regret I can’t because it means regretting Noah.

“I don’t have the right words for you. Hell. Our situations are the same, but different at the

same time. All I can tell you is; be there for Gunner as best as you can. Love him so much

that he doesn’t miss the love of his mother. Show him that he is enough and that it’s his

mother’s loss not his”

Those are the only words I can offer. I wanted to say more, but I didn’t have the words to

comfort him. He nods his head and we stay in silence.

“Thank you, Ava. For being there for me and my son” he says after a while.

“You’re welcome”

After, he leaves carring Gunner’s sleeping form and the food I saved for him.


Hours after he leaves. Hours after I go to bed. Gunner’s smile still haunts my mind. His

smile and

his mysterious mother invade my every thought.

There was something I was missing. If only I could piece the pieces together then maybe I

could figure out why this whole issue bothers me so fucking much. Maybe I can figure out

why my

mind won’t give me piece concerning the matter.

Evelyn M.M


Hi loves

Sorry, due to unavoidable circumstances, today I can only post one chapter. Tomorrow, I’ll

post two instead of one. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one as we get closer to another

reveal. Bye, and take care.