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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 501
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Lam nervous. Lam very nervous, My hearts racing and can barely breathe.

clutch the steering wheel ina tight grip as try to calm down the panic that was surging inside me.

61am honest, then ll admit tht [have been skeptical sinc talking to Ava My words werea alse bravado from a ‘woman who, at the moment, had an unusual surge in confidence. After Ava left, that false bravado faded. The confidence had dropped and 1 was lft doubting the decision [had made.

struggled with if, wondering f was doing the ight thing. I doubted the actions I wanted to take, wasn't sure it ‘would bear fruits orf would be making.

things worse by pushing myself onto them,

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‘Finally, 1 decided to hold off on my plans, Te surprised me, honestly. 1 wasn't like that before. never doubted myself or my.

decisions, If wanted something, ent after it, guns blazing esterday after talked to Mia, it opened my eyes. She asked me if [vas sure bout ‘making things ight was sure, That s what [wanted couldn't help but ask: myself ne question as went hore, being in Gunner's ie was what wanted, then why was hesitating concerning the decision I had made? Tgothome and the question kept ringing.

in my head like a broken record. The rest ofthe day, 1 thought about nothing ele.

Finally, before going tosleep, 1 decided to 0 through wih the plan. This vas the only way to get close to them To gt close to Gunner, He was what wanted and was planning 0 goafter him, guns blazing, Which brings me to now. When | got pin

the morning, | called Ava and told her that 'd be coming in the afternoon. She as happy to hear, So glad that {had backed out from my orginal lan. She'd given me her new address and 1 was on my way there now.

push down the pan tht threatens to eatme alive Taking a decp breathe, | loosen the grip Thad on the steering wheel. Iwas driving and I needed to relax.

The las thing need sto get nto an accident “Tus eft, on the fifth avene.” Sic’ the tense atmosphere inside my car Following her direction, turn the wheel and geton tothe avenue, driving ata slow pace as try o get my emotions under wraps.

1 continue following directions wll get to an exclusive community for the upper ch. grew up around weal, but sil get shocked when I come across evidence.

of wealth that is beyond my imagination,

Going at the required speed limit of ten, | follow Sirs vol ll eads meto black wrought ron gate.

“Youhave reached your destination” Her Voice says before tuning off.

Rolling my window down, press button with a bel engraved on t,o the screen next tothe gates, “Hello?” Ava's voce comes through the speaker.

“HI, Ava, it's Emma Pm at the gates” Oh, hi, Hee voice tums cheerful Lt me just open therm for you. Follow the driveway til the end." “Thanks.” Seconds later, the gates open Soundlessly. release thebreaks and drive through the long driveway. Finally, 1 se thei house and I's completely.

marvelous. 10s straight out of a dream. [¢ even had a fountain at the front.

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I parkmy car and get out. Takdng a deep breathe, slowly walk towards the hase, my nervousness now back, Gently Knocking the door, step back and wai Slowly, the door opens before Nah's Head peaks aut.

“ON its you,” he says in an emotionless and detached tone. “What sre you doing.

here?” Looking at him, see so much of Rowan inhi tha, fora minut, forge that this is his son never got to interact Nosh For some reason, he hated me from the moment he first sa me.

“si, Noah, 1 say, unsuee, with alight wembln my voice.

Does it say something about me thatthe.

two kids know in my if hate me? “asked what you want His vce was cold. ave never been intimated byalid fore. here vas ust something about

‘Noah that was domineering, “I'm hereto see your mom,” reply nervously, shifting from one fo to another as his grey eyes bre nto me.

ellie he was searing my soul His stare et me feeling ie he could sc the ugly arts of me that try o ide.

Bul, self-hatred, and insecurities. lc like he could see them al.

“hope you are no here to cause any rouble because Ton’ le you, he hisses, his voice aut. “Because etme warn you, lady, won't let you upset my mother.” My heart breaks all ove again watching just how ready he was o tear me down £1 somich looked at Ava wrong. | could Have had this with Gunner, yet ruined it all because 1 was selfish