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Ex-Husband Wants Badly to Resume Their Marriage

Chapter 618: I Don't Agree
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After the ancestral worship ceremony ended, many people from the Hood family who didn't want to get into trouble left one after
Those who stayed behind were all a group of people who wanted to watch the show.
However, because more than half of the people had left, the two unfamiliar faces, Jameson Proctor and Sharon Allyson, became
particularly prominent.
If Charlotte Hood hadn't appeared here, no one would have thought of other things.
But now, Charlotte Hood was here.
There was another man who looked somewhat similar to Harry Hood, who was also around the same age.The discussion
couldn't help but surge.The eldest one also heard these voices and looked at Jameson Proctor from afar through his glasses.
He held onto his walking stick and coughed a few times before speaking, "The ancestral worship has already ended.Apart from
me and a few elders, Ethan, Harry, and Charlotte will stay behind.Everyone else, go to the front hall."
The people did not dare to watch the commotion anymore and dispersed.
When Olivia Hood saw this, she also wanted to slip away.
Great-Grandfather stopped her.
"Olivia, you stay!"
Olivia Hood withdrew her foot and obediently stood next to her father.
After everyone else had left, Great-Grandfather Hood picked up the tea cup next to him and blew on the floating tea leaves.
He slowly said, "Don't worry, we'll settle things one by one."
As he spoke, he looked at Olivia Hood.
"I'll start with you."
Olivia Hood tried to act like a spoiled child and muddle through.

Great-grandfather Hood took a sip of tea and didn't fall for it.
He raised his head again and said, "The few people standing over there, come inside."
Jameson Proctor pursed her thin lips and brought Sharon Allyson over.
Seeing this, Robert Hood looked around.He didn't know whether he should leave or go over.He scratched the back of his head.
Forget it, it didn't matter.
When Olivia Hood saw Jameson Proctor coming over, she immediately had a solution in her heart.She reached out to hug his

arm, but he easily dodged her.
Olivia Hood looked at the cold eyes and was a little frightened.
However, if she did not want to marry Harry Hood, she could only do this.
Ethan Hood coughed heavily and reminded her to stop before going too far.
Olivia Hood retracted her hand and did not feel embarrassed.
Instead, she said confidently, "Great grandfather, I have someone I like.I don't want to marry...Uncle Hood!"
Ethan Hood frowned and spoke first, "What are you doing? What kind of uncle is he to you? Don't talk nonsense."
Olivia Hood retorted, "It was you guys who told me to call him uncle that when I was a child.So of course he's my uncle!"
Great-Grandfather Hood said in a deep voice, "Olivia, Iam a cousin of Harry's grandfather in my generation.Moreover, you are
separated by several generations.It is just a form of address for you to call him uncle when you were a child.It doesn't mean
Just as Olivia Hood was about to speak, the other elders sitting next to him started coughing.
Ethan Hood also gave her a warning look, telling her not to speak again.
At this time, Harry Hood said lightly, "I don't agree either.".

Harry Hood's mother seemed to want to say something, but she hesitated.
Harry Hood continued, "! don't have any plans to get married for the time being.Olivia is still young and not suitable."
An elder said, "You can get engaged first.We can talk about other things when Olivia is older."
When Olivia Hood heard this, how could she endure it? She immediately said, "I already said that I have someone I like!
Grandfathers, what era are we in now? The modern time! There is no such thing as an arranged marriage! I don't accept it! I
want to pursue my own happiness! You guys are too stubborn, I..."
Slap! Before Olivia Hood finished speaking, she felt a burning pain on her face.She stood rooted to the ground and looked at her
Ethan Hood snapped, "Kneel!"
Tears welled up in Olivia Hood's eyes.She choked a few times, as if she still wanted to explain something.
However, it seemed that the moment she opened her mouth, she could not help but cry out.She bit her lips tightly and knelt
behind Charlotte with a thud.
When Robert Hood saw this scene, he couldn't help but take a step back.He felt his knees hurt.
Harry Hood frowned and looked at Olivia Hood, but he didn't say anything.
Ethan Hood retracted his hand and took a deep breath.
"Olivia is still young.I will discipline her more when we get back."
In this way, the livid faces of the clan elders eased a little.

For the time being, they put this matter aside and continued the next matter.
The eldest one said, "The second thing, I recently heard rumors that someone from the Hood family went to the South City.In
addition, there are some messy things.Have you heard about it, Harry?"
Harry Hood's tone was neither cold nor indifferent.
"It's just some groundless rumor.I will handle it well."Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"If someone really left River City and went to the South City, it would not be a small matter."
It was not difficult to tell from these words that he had some complaints about the matter of Charlotte Clarke returning to the
Hood family.He was taking the opportunity to show off and pave the way for the next thing.
Harry Hood said, "I know about this matter.I was also the one who asked Robert Hood to go over."
",.." Robert Hood asked.
Great-grandfather Hood and the other elders all raised their eyes and looked at Robert Hood, who thought he would have
nothing to do with anything.
Robert Hood's scalp instantly went numb.
Recalling the slap that Olivia Hood had just received, he immediately felt a burning pain on his right cheek.
He knelt down without hesitation, "Great grandfather, and grandfathers, I..."
Harry Hood said, "Something has happened on the South City's side.Someone is targeting the Hood family.If I just sit and wait
for death, we will be used."
Great-Grandfather Hood held his walking stick with both hands and didn't say anything else.He sat there with drooping eyelids.
Sharon Allyson actually couldn't tell whether he was asleep or deep in thought.She turned her head and looked at the man
beside her who seemed to be thinking about something.
At this time, a clan elder spoke up, "Even if that's the case, you should have discussed it with us before making a decision, not
making your own decisions.No matter what, we can not forget the Ancestral Behest."
Harry Hood's expression did not change.
"Ever since I became the head of the Hood family, grandfather told me that I have the right to do anything."
The clan elder who had just spoken was so angry that his beard was raised.
Harry Hood continued, "If everyone feels that this matter of mine is not handled properly, I can give up my position at any time."

The moment these words were spoken, the surroundings instantly quieted down.
Although these elders each had their own considerations.
If Harry Hood was to give up the position at this time, there was no one capable to replace him.It was still not the time.
Old Master Hood said, "Harry is right.He is the head of the Hood family.He can make his own decisions on any matter.There is
no need to inform others.Let's leave this matter for now.But no matter what, kneel down first"
Robert Hood.