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Ex-Husband Wants Badly to Resume Their Marriage

Chapter 588: Sleep Yourself
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On the phone, after hearing what Sharon Allyson said, the private doctor spoke out, "Mrs.Proctor, this is mainly because of the
wound infection inflammation.It aggravated the cold.
Do not worry.
As long as the inflammation goes down, basically there is no problem."
Sharon Allyson frowned, "Are you sure you he doesn't need to go to the hospital?"
"There's no need.But the medicine must be taken on time."
"He took them yesterday at noon and at night."
"This is strange.Theoretically, the situation should improve."
After a pause, he added, "Mrs.Proctor, have you changed the medication this morning?"
"...Not yet."
"Then please change it for Mr.Proctor again, and take another course of medicine afterwards, and if it's still like this in a couple of
hours, I'll come over"
Sharon Allyson exhaled, "Okay, I got it."
After hanging up the phone, Sharon Allyson saw no sign of Jameson Proctor waking up, so she went out to make some porridge.
After picking up the water and putting it on the stove, she washed the sheets she had thrown in the washing machine yesterday,
tidied up the living room, and when she was throwing out the trash, she caught a glimpse of some pills in the trash.
Sharon Allyson put the towel in her hand, squatted in front of the trash can, picked up the pills inside one by one, and went to get
the pills the doctor prescribed for Jameson Proctor yesterday for comparison.
Sure enough, they were exactly the same.
Sharon Allyson's brow jumped and her fist clenched.
Long before Sharon Allyson called the doctor, Jameson Proctor woke up, opened his eyes and lay in bed for a while, heard the
bedroom door being pushed open again and he immediately closed his eyes.

Sharon Allyson took the medical kit and sat down on the edge of the bed, took a small pair of scissors and slowly cut the gauze
wrapped around his arm, gently and carefully changing his medicine.
Suddenly, a sharp pain came and Jameson Proctor grunted.
Sharon Allyson spoke slowly, "Awake?"
Jameson Proctor opened his eyes and looked at her, "What are you doing?"
"Changing your medicine."
Sharon Allyson unhurriedly loosened the gauze she had just tightened, "I see that your wound is quite inflamed, so I'll try to
attack the poison with poison.Maybe it'll work."
Jameson Proctor licked his teeth and said in a deep voice, "What effect can this have?"

"You're awake, and besides, you don't want this arm anyway, so it's better to recycle it."
Jameson Proctor, "..."
Sharon Allyson looked at the wound and no blood was seeping out.She continued to wrap the gauze around it again, tied a knot
and left.
Jameson Proctor slowly sat up and raised his hand to rub his temples.
After a short while, Sharon Allyson came in with the porridge, put it on the bedside table and left again.
Jameson Proctor waited for a few seconds, and when he didn't hear the door close, he walked out with the tray in one hand.
In the dining room, Sharon Allyson was eating.
Jameson Proctor put the tray on the table and sat across from her, "Why didn't you go back?"
Sharon Allyson didn't even look up, "Thanks to you, I have a cold"
Jameson Proctor raised his eyebrows slightly, and his thin lips curled up vaguely.
He picked up a spoon in his left hand, scooped up a spoonful of porridge, and looked at her, "Did you go to the hospital?"

"Yes “
"What did the doctor say?"
"He told me to get ready to die if I won't take my medicine"
Jameson Proctor, "...?"
He subconsciously looked over at the trash can not far away and raised his hand to his brow.
Sharon Allyson ignored him and looked down to eat.
Jameson Proctor was in the wrong, so he didn't say another word.
The meal was a quiet one.
After eating, Sharon Allyson washed her own bowl, got water and sat on the couch to take her medication.
Just as she took out her medicine, Jameson Proctor also brought a glass of water and sat next to her, and took out the medicine
from the coffee table in front of her.
Sharon Allyson watched his near identical actions and turned her head to glare at him.
Jameson Proctor looked subdued, and under her watchful eye, threw the medicine into his mouth and tilted his head back to
drink the water.
After taking the medicine, Jameson Proctor turned his head, "What are you looking at me for?"
Sharon Allyson grunted softly, withdrew her eyes, and took her own medicine.
Outside the window, the rain was getting heavier, and the sky was dark with little light.It was a good day to sleep at home.
The pill made her a little sleepy, and after a while, Sharon Allyson yawned and fell asleep on the couch.
Jameson Proctor came out of the bathroom and saw the scene, and a smile appeared in his dark eyes.
He walked over to her, knelt down on his knees, and whispered, "Sharon Allyson.".

There was no response.
Jameson Proctor reached out and pinched her nose.
Sharon Allyson's brow furrowed as she tried to swat his hand away, but she didn't wake up.She was really asleep.
Jameson Proctor got up, carried her into the bedroom, and put her on the bed.
Because of the cold medicine, Sharon Allyson slept soundly and did not wake up during the whole process.
After Jameson Proctor tucked her in, he lay down next to her and pulled the person gently into his arms.
Sharon Allyson habitually wrapped her arms around his waist, rubbed herself against his chest, and found a more comfortable
position to sleep.
Jameson Proctor kissed her forehead and closed his eyes.
Sharon Allyson woke up to a dark house and a whole lot of laziness, not wanting to get up.She stretched and tried to touch her
phone to see what time it was, but all she felt was the man's straight nose and thin lips.
Sharon Allyson, "..."
After a couple of seconds of silence, she put her hand to his forehead again.
Luckily, the fever had finally gone down.
Sharon Allyson looked at the window and could see through the curtains that it was already dark outside and the neon lights
were flashing.
It was so late.She sat up sharply and wondered what was going on next door.
Sharon Allyson had just made a move when she was pushed back.
Jameson Proctor said in a mute voice, "Sleep a little longer."
"Sleep, sleep, sleep..It's already dark! Sleep yourself, you pig!"
Sharon Allyson pushed his hand away and ran out in a hurry.

She and Paisley Gregory opened the door almost at the same time.
Paisley Gregory said, "Hey, your brother is here.I'll go first."
Sharon Allyson nodded, "It's still raining outside.Take care on your way."
Paisley Gregory raised her chin, "Got it.My husband is here to pick me up."
Sharon Allyson, "..."
At that moment, the elevator arrived just in time.
Paisley Gregory said, "I'm leaving."
After walking a few steps, she turned back and said, "By the way, you are still not well from that cold, so don't go back tonight,
and don't run around.It's not easy to coax your kid.Stay next door"
Sharon Allyson felt her temples jump, "Hurry up and go"
When Paisley Gregory left, Sharon Allyson went next door and stood in the foyer without going in, "Ruben."
Ruben turned back, "Are you feeling better from your cold?"
"Yes ...a little better."
The little one also saw Sharon Allyson, crawled and tried to come over, "Ma, ma..."
But he had just crawled a few steps when he was carried back by Ruben.
Ruben said to Sharon Allyson, "I'll be here both days of the weekend, so you can come back when you get over your cold."
Sharon Allyson scratched her brow and sighed, "You hold him while I go to my room to get my clothes."