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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 64
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It seemed to him that she was trying her absolute best to prevent him from marrying her.

Ethan was never wrong in his judgment of people and events. No one could fake or act before him, as he could see

right through their acts.

Thus, he could tell she didn’t want to marry him, and there was no hint of playing hard to get on her part.

“Such women are common.” When Ethan didn’t reply to Britney, she thought she had guessed correctly. “Son, let

me handle this.”

“Mom, it’s not what you think. It’s my idea.” He immediately remembered the first thought that came to mind upon

seeing the photo of Caroline he got from Chris when he asked the latter to investigate Alice.

What was Ethan thinking at the time? He wanted to take care of Christine’s child and have her return to the Knight

Family. That was why Ethan married Alice. Whether he made this decision solely for Caroline’s sake or something

else, only he knew the answer!

Tonight, he had to take careful steps and get his marriage certificate!

He rarely cared so much about such things.

“Why? Are you afraid that people will question Caroline’s identity when she returns to the Knight Family? Even so,

you don’t have to marry Alice. I can help you find a suitable person to marry. Someone like Alice is…” Britney didn’t

want to speak ill of others behind their backs, but her meaning was clear.

“Ethan, don’t marry Alice.” She felt suffocated at the thought of her accomplished son marrying a woman like Alice.

“That’s enough. This is Ethan’s business. He has always been prudent in his actions and can decide for himself. You

don’t need to interfere.” Lawrence, who had been observing in silence, finally spoke up.

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He understood his son well. Although Caroline’s situation was troublesome and sensitive, Ethan had plenty of ways

to handle it properly.

It was unexpected that his son had gone to register for marriage with someone. His son was never the type to

make sacrifices for others, especially when it involved something as important as marriage. This is now getting

interesting, Lawrence thought.

“But—” Britney was unsatisfied and wanted to say more.

“Alright, it’s getting late. Ethan just said he’d pick up Caroline and Alice tomorrow. You don’t want to look too tired

and scare the children, do you?” Lawrence pulled her back to their room.

However, at a spot out of Britney’s sight, he gave a thumbs-up to his son.

Not only did he find Christine’s child, but he also brought himself a wife. Such an outstanding son deserved some


When Ethan saw his father’s gesture, he couldn’t help but smile as he found his father’s action rather childish.

However, his father had always respected his decisions since he was young and never forced him to do anything.

Today, Ethan went ahead with his marriage without consulting his father, but Lawrence didn’t criticize him and even

supported him unconditionally.

“No, we can’t sacrifice Ethan’s happiness for the sake of Christine’s child. It’s not right,” said Britney. She was still

uneasy even though Lawrence had brought her back to the room.

“Have you thought about the Wallace Family?” Lawrence sighed softly. His expression became solemn, and his

voice was noticeably heavier.

“The Wallace Family? What about them? Felix and Christine are already dead. Are they not going to let go of a

child? Besides, they don’t even know the child’s father is Felix. Now, the child is recognized under Ethan’s name,

right?” When Britney mentioned the Wallace Family, her emotions were mixed with grief and hatred. Christine was

still so young when she died, and it was all because she married into the Wallace Family.

“Do you think the Wallace Family is easy to fool? Now that Triston is the young master of the Wallace Family, he will

take the child back to the family if he knows that Felix’s child is still alive. Even if Triston doesn’t make a move, will

the other members of the Wallace Family not use the child to threaten him?” Lawrence was thinking more about

this matter. Although the Knight Family was powerful, they couldn’t guarantee that nothing unexpected would

happen to Caroline. Otherwise, Christine wouldn’t have died in a car accident all those years ago.

Britney’s expression instantly became solemn. “The Wallaces are vicious and greedy. We cannot let Caroline return

to them. We must not let them know that Caroline is Felix’s child.”

“So, when Caroline returns to the Knight Family for the first time, she needs to have the perfect identity.” The way

Lawrence handled things was similar to that of Ethan. They left no room for hidden dangers, let alone this matter.

“But this is too unfair to our son. Our son has suffered a great deal for Christine’s sake this time. I searched the

Internet for some information about Alice these past few days. I have read media reports. She is too…” Britney felt

that her son was treated unfairly.

Alice has no merit at all. How can she match my son?

“Following the crowd and rumors is not reliable. Even if the rumors are true, Alice will be a member of our family in

the future. Our family will protect her. By then, who dares to say a word against her?” Lawrence was indeed

powerful, especially with a commanding presence.

Britney was speechless.

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Is this about the matter of speaking or not? Just because of Knight Family’s influence, it doesn’t mean Alice’s issue

does not exist. Furthermore, even if others do not say it to her face, they will talk about it behind her back. Though,

what does it matter if others talk about Alice? It has nothing to do with me. She simply felt that her son had gotten

the short end of the stick.

In the meantime, Ethan returned to his room and took out the freshly printed marriage certificate. He looked at it

and suddenly remembered a sentence Alice had said before. She asked him whether he ever thought that he would

make her feel unfairly treated by marrying her.

Would it be unfair for him to marry her? Was it unfair?

He thought about it for a while but didn’t manage to get an answer in the end. So, he locked the marriage

certificate in the drawer.

He did not pick up Alice and Caroline personally the next day. Caleb went in his stead.

“Mr. Knight received an urgent task and went out. He instructed me to pick up Miss—I mean, Young Madam Knight

and Miss Caroline.” Bradley changed his salutations with a polite attitude.

Alice had a relatively deep impression of Bradley since he spoke up for her yesterday.

She seemed to be in a good mood since she didn’t have to see Ethan. She was polite and gentle to Bradley,

carrying a smile on her face. She was devoid of the tension and hostility she had toward Ethan last night.

Bradley was somewhat flattered and uneasy at the same time as Alice treated him with much kindness as

compared to her treatment for Ethan. He couldn’t help but wonder, would Mr. Knight be angry when he saw this?

Although he had been with Ethan all these years and had never seen him angry, he had also never seen him meet

a girl and marry her on their first meeting.

Moreover, it was the first time he had seen Ethan waiting for a woman to finish her meal. He had even waited for

more than an hour.