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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 59
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I once heard somewhere that issues aren’t issues when they can be resolved with money. Things get easy if they

can be settled with money.

“How much do you want?” Ethan was surprised for a moment. After some hesitation, he allowed Alice to name her

price. Alice felt like jumping with joy. I’m glad that we can talk about this. Maybe I acted a little too pitiful earlier—it

seems like I somehow managed to melt Mr. Knight’s heart of ice. But… He’s asking me how much I want, huh? How

much? I’m not selling Caroline, and I don’t actually need money. I don’t want the Knight Family to pay me because

of Caroline. But if I don’t take the money, does that mean that I’ll have to get married to Mr. Knight?

I’d rather take the money then. How much should I ask for? Alice felt like this question was harder than all the ones

she had in her mind earlier. She could feel her palms sweating. As she reached her hand out to grab a tissue to

wipe her palms, a man’s voice sounded before she could get her tissue. “50 million?” Ethan glared at her spread-

out fingers before speaking.

Alice’s hand froze in mid-air. It wasn’t that she wanted to pause in that position—her brain simply couldn’t function

quickly enough to do anything at that moment. “You can transfer the money to Miss Woland, Caleb.” Ethan was a

man of action—he was too quick for others to even catch up with him. Alice let out a sigh. He sure is the son of the

Knight Family! He’s so generous with his money… I can’t help but feel jealous of him.

Alice figured that she didn’t want to create any more issues for herself. Considering the fact that she could give the

money to Caroline, she decided to hold her tongue and stop herself from saying anything else. There isn’t really an

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issue if it’s an issue that can be fixed with money. This is way better than me getting married to him.

“Why don’t we settle the marriage certificate after I transfer the money to you?” Alice had just managed to calm

herself down when she heard Ethan’s voice filling the room once more.

“Wait, didn’t I agree to take the cash already?” Alice raised her gaze to stare at him with a look of utter shock on

her face. That’s right. I’m shocked! I already agreed to take the money, so why are you still forcing me to get

married to you? I’m a timid girl. Stop scaring me!

Meanwhile, Bradley, who was standing a distance away, couldn’t help but stare at Alice puzzledly. Is she dumb or

something? There are tons of women who would die to be in her position right now. Why does she look so terrified

of Mr. Knight? Is Mr. Knight that scary? A rather peculiar look flashed across Ethan’s gaze when he saw the terror

on Alice’s face. However, it wasn’t clear if he was surprised or if he was thinking about something else—he simply

curled his lips into a smirk. “Do you have an issue with both taking the money and getting married to me?” Alice

froze. There’s no conflict between those two things, but… but… I already agreed to take the money. Why do I still

have to give myself to him? Wait—if I take the money, does that give me more reason for me to give my all to him?

No, no, no! That’s not right. Nothing makes sense.

Earlier, Alice had assumed that Ethan was being kind when he offered to give her money. However, that turned out

to be just wishful thinking. Mr. Knight doesn’t even have a heart! I have to calm down and keep my cool now. I can’t

get mad—that’ll make me really reactive, and that’s not going to help me out of this situation. “I believe you

understand that you can’t force someone to develop feelings for you, Mr. Knight.” Alice decided to use a different

approach. Considering how high and mighty Ethan seemed, Alice figured that he wouldn’t want to force someone

like her into doing something she didn’t want to, especially when it came to her romantic feelings.

Alice had never had the chance to develop any feelings for Ethan, so they clearly had no relationship issues with

one another. Even if Ethan was actually the man from seven years ago, Alice only spent that one night with him. It

seems like he still doesn’t know that I was the woman from that night. So, we’re practically strangers to one

another. Alice stared at Ethan in anticipation of his response after she finished speaking.

“I’ve never been in love, so I don’t understand.” Ethan gazed at her before speaking in a matter-of-factly tone.

Sh*t! It’s annoying how he makes complete sense! Ethan hadn’t responded in the way that Alice had hoped, so she

was speechless for a while. Love is something that even a kid would understand. How can he tell me that he doesn’t

understand what love is? How does he even say that without feeling embarrassed of himself? He doesn’t even look

that young—he’s probably in his late twenties or early thirties, right? How am I supposed to believe that he has

never been in love?

“Mr. Knight, I think what Miss Woland meant earlier was for us to help her get married to Bruce.” Bradley and Liam

had always been more forthcoming with their words, and Bradley was starting to get frustrated when he saw how

Ethan and Alice couldn’t seem to communicate with one another. Bradley felt like he was the only one who

understood the entire situation at that moment, so he felt like it was his duty to tell Ethan about it.

Caleb felt his knees buckling as his legs turned to jelly. Just Liam himself was already a lot to deal with, so Caleb had

purposely sent Liam away for that day, but he hadn’t expected Bradley to be equally insensitive with his words. How

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do I even work with these two idiots? They should just keep their mouths shut if they don’t know what they’re doing.

Ethan’s gaze circled around the room and landed on Bradley for a moment. Even though it was just a momentary

glance, Caleb could sense the sharp, threatening look in Ethan’s gaze. “Is that so?” Ethan turned to look at Alice just

to make it clear that he was questioning her. “Um… Yeah…” Alice nodded furiously. She figured that she had to get

rid of this man before dealing with any of her other issues.

Alice knew how to deal with Bruce. She could come up with tons of ways to tackle him, but she was out of ideas

when it came to the annoying pest before her eyes. I’ve come back to get revenge, and there are a lot of other

things I need to do. How am I going to do those things if I enter the Knight Family? Ethan merely stared at Alice

without saying anything.

Alice stared back at him while waiting for his response. He lowered his gaze after a while and reached his hand out

to lift his cup of tea. However, instead of sipping from the cup, he simply spoke while fixing his gaze on the cup. “Do

you want to get married to Bruce?” he asked in a monotonous voice. Alice was stunned by his question. Do I want

to get married to Bruce? Of course not. But will Mr. Knight force me to get married to him if I say no right now? I

don’t want to marry Bruce, but I don’t want to marry Ethan and get myself into the Knight Family, either! It sounds

like Mr. Knight is willing to talk things out. Well, I hope that’s the case!

Alice could feel her sunken heart gaining some hope. How about… I admit to what Ethan said? But I do feel rather

disgusted to claim that I want to marry a jerk like Bruce. All of a sudden, Ethan shifted his gaze to stare at Alice.

Alice felt like she had found a spark of hope at that moment. Are we really going to talk things out? Is he going to

have a civil discussion with me? That would be great. It seems like Mr. Knight is still a pretty reasonable man!

Alice’s eyes looked like they had bright, twinkling stars in them as she stared at him.