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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 49
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“You said she is your most important woman. How important is she?” Ethan’s eyes narrowed.

He actually still cared a little about this. Of course, he also wanted to talk to the other party at this moment. He

wanted to know what the relationship between the other party and Alice was. Although the other party kept saying

that she was his most important woman, Ethan felt that the relationship between the two should not be romantic.

However, it was a pity that the almighty Ethan failed this time as Apollo saw through him right away. “I just told you

not to trick me. Why are you so stup*d?”

Ethan was suddenly speechless and did not know what to say for a while. His IQ was high since he was a child; he

was able to read books and newspapers by himself at the age of four; he lured a kidnapper into the police station at

the age of six; he finished high school at the age of 10, and got a double doctorate at the age of 15. Currently, he

was considered to be successful and had a great career too.

Yet, he was being called stup*d!

Ethan recalled the conversation between the two of them just now and found that there was something wrong. He

answered all the questions the other party asked him, but the other party did not answer any of the questions he

asked. Ethan blinked his eyes, feeling that he seemed to be possessed. For some reason, although the other party

was provocative, the other end’s tone and attitude were all similar to a love rival’s, Ethan just could not show any

hostility toward that person.

Instead, he unconsciously chatted with the other party.

Fortunately, Caleb’s health was good enough. Otherwise, he might have fainted when he heard someone scold

Ethan for being stupid.

Who is this? What kind of prodigy is this who dares to call Ethan stup*d?

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“How’s your investigation going?” Caleb was now more anxious than Ethan. He was anxious to find out that

person’s identity.

Sam wiped the sweat on his brow. Seeing Ethan looking over, he did not dare to hide his findings, so he could only

admit, “I traced it.”

He wanted to save his apprentice, but he could not betray Ethan. In fact, he did not dare to deceive Ethan. Of

course, he could not successfully deceive Ethan either, so he could only report the truth.

“Traced it? Great, where is this person? Have you located him?” Caleb’s eyes lit up.

“I remember that the location can be as accurate as within 5 meters. Is it possible to do so to this person’s location

so that we can find his exact room?”

“Yes.” Sam originally wanted to cover it up a little bit, but when Caleb said this, he gave up struggling.

Apollo, it’s not that I don’t want to save you. It’s just that I’m powerless, and you should never, ever have messed

with Ethan Knight! You’re just waiting to be caught by him! You can only wait to be caught by him!

“Give me the location. I’ll go take him down now.” Caleb could not wait any longer to the point he forgot all about

what Ethan told him just now.

Caleb turned his eyes just in time to meet Ethan’s gaze. In that instant, he realized his mistake. “It’s better for

Bradley to go with Liam; it’s more efficient for the two of them to go.”

Bradley’s driving skills were amazing and he was the fastest at it. On the other hand, Liam was the best at taking

people down.

As for Caleb, he had to obediently find evidence that Alice did not hit Sophia.

Liam immediately obtained the location Sam had just traced, then left the room to take down the perpetrator. The

location Sam traced was not far. With Bradley’s speed and Liam’s ability, it would not take long for him to be


“It’s none of my business now. I still have a program to make. I’ll go back to my room first.” Sam thought that he

could at least go back to his room and send a message to his little apprentice so that Apollo could make


“Don’t go yet. There is still a very important matter and you must help with this.” Caleb had not forgotten what

Ethan ordered. Tomorrow, the former had to show evidence that Alice did not hit the old woman. Judging from the

previous situation, the members of the Woland Family were all in collusion with Elijah, and it was difficult to obtain

real evidence. At most, he could spend money on one or two people to change their stories. However, in the

current situation, those who could be bribed by money were definitely not important members of the Woland

Family. Even if there were one or two such members of the Woland Family who came forward to testify for Alice, it

would not be of much use.

When the time comes, if Sophia added more fuel to the fire, these two witnesses would basically become useless.

Maybe, it would even have the opposite effect and people would think that Alice had bribed others to make her look


Since they could not get real evidence, they could only make fake ones. In that case, Sam was the best in this


Those people in the Woland Family were shameless. To deal with such people, they must use some extreme


Sam’s face was obviously a little stiff. He did not even have a chance to inform Apollo! He just wanted to beat Caleb


“What’s the matter?” However, now he could not say nor do anything and had to obediently work for Caleb.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Do you know the news about Miss Woland on the Internet?” Caleb knew that although Sam was proficient in

computers, he rarely read gossip news. He was not sure if Sam knew about it.

“Alice Woland who injured her 80-year-old grandmother?” Sam was in a bad mood at the moment, so his tone was

not good and his words were not very pleasant. Of course, he also mentioned things on the Internet in a matter-of-

fact manner.

“Don’t talk nonsense. It’s all fake. It’s impossible for Miss Woland to hit someone, let alone her own grandmother.”

Caleb could not help but immediately go up and cover Sam’s mouth. Although Ethan was still not sure that the

woman that night seven years ago was Alice, he had already begun to protect her. Caleb was afraid that Sam

would talk nonsense again, so he pulled Sam out. “Come. Let’s go to your room. Your room is fully equipped


“Why are you in such a hurry?” Sam rolled his eyes at Caleb. “What does this matter have to do with you?”

Sam did not want to go back to his room with Caleb. Since he could not inform his little apprentice with Caleb

around, he might as well wait here and see what happened next. If Apollo was really captured, he could defend

Apollo! He had not seen Apollo for more than two years, so he did not know if the little boy had changed.

“Of course, it has a lot to do with me. We have to do research on how to clarify for Miss Woland right now.”

Caleb did not give Sam a chance to refuse and pulled Sam downstairs.

“Clarify for Miss Woland?” Sam looked at him speechlessly. “How do you clarify this kind of thing? Old Mrs. Woland

told the media that Alice had injured her. Besides that, the wound on the old lady’s face is quite serious too. All the

members of the family have accounts that are consistent with what Old Mrs. Woland said; even Elijah Woland

himself admitted to the media that Alice injured her grandmother. Do you really think this matter can be clarified
