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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 42
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“What are you doing, Alice? For seven years, you never came home. The moment you return, you start berating

your grandmother, angering her. Is this how you are supposed to treat an elder? Where are your manners? Do you

even know how to be filial? You shamelessly insisted on marrying Bruce, but he did not want you. Well, no one is to

blame for that, especially not your grandmother,” barked Elijah as he stood up and pointed at Alice. Every word he

said was spoken with the intent to humiliate her.

He wanted her to be angry, to lose her temper, to step out of line due to her fury. That was the plan he and Emma

came up with.

Alice was a stupid fool. One insult from him would definitely infuriate her so much that she might be about to

explode. She looked up and glanced at him. Was he deliberately provoking her?

Frankly speaking, she had been surprised by Sophia’s request for her to visit home today. His attitude made the

entire situation even stranger.

She internally smirked. Since he went through all that to trick her into coming back, she would play long for a while

longer. Hopefully, he would put on a great show, or she would be very disappointed.

Looking at the others in the room, she no longer felt the urge to speak anymore. In that case, she should just act.

After looking around the room, she found a golf club. She walked over and picked it up and it felt nice to hold.

These people thought she was a fool, a weakling they could trample all over. So, why not give them a show of her

might today?

She casually swung the golf club around, shattering the trinkets displayed on the table near her.

“What are you doing? Have you gone mad?” Elijah shot to his feet. “You rebellious child! I will have to discipline you

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on Ethan’s behalf.”

He then moved as if he was going to charge forward and hit her.

However, if one took a closer look, one would find his eyes glimmering with glee. He had been worried their plan

might fail. Now that she was doing this, she had no one to blame but herself for what was going to happen. This

was amazing.

In his mind, he had suffered for years under Lucas and Alice’s thumb. Hence, he wanted to seize this chance to take

his anger out on her.

As he approached, she nonchalantly glanced at him before lifting her leg to kick him away. He was then sent

crashing to the ground without being able to stand for a few long moments.

The room suddenly went silent.

“For seven years, you tried to kill me multiple times. I am still alive because I still have a few tricks up my sleeves. If

you want a fight, I will not hold back.”

He stared at her in shock. Hatred blazed in his eyes, but he did not dare try to hit her again.

It was not just Elijah. Everyone else in the room was shocked. Evidently, no one had imagined she would do

anything. Not only did she smash some trinkets, she also hit her uncle.

Moreover, she was quite a strong fighter!

No one dared take a step forward or say a single word.

Alice snorted.

The Wolands was a family full of bullies.

“You asked me to come back, so I have to collect a fee for that. I will be taking what was once my mother’s.” She

tapped the tip of the golf club against the table as a soft smile spread across her lips. “I want everything that

belonged to her. Which of you took them? You will be returning to me exactly what you took, or an exact

replacement of it.”

After the car crash seven years ago that led to her parents’ deaths and her brother’s coma, the elderly duo of the

Wolands moved into the mansion while she was stuck in the hospital. They took over her home and everything that

it contained.

That included her mother’s belongings.

Sienna was the daughter of the Glenns. When she married into the Wolands, she received a substantial dowry. After

the marriage, Lucas’ business kept growing as he continued to shower his love on her.

Thus, Sienna’s jewelry collection contained countless priceless pieces.

As soon as Alice entered the room, she knew the necklace Bethany wore used to belong to Sienna.

The jade bangle on Bethany’s arm also belonged to her. This family had taken everything that used to belong to


These people did not deserve to wear them!

Today, Alice wanted everything back.

“You disrespectful brat!” Sophia’s finger shook from anger as she pointed at Alice. Nevertheless, fear still lingered

deep in her as she recalled how Alice had kicked Elijah.

Sienna now owned a lot of valuable items. There were many treasures currently in her possession. Hence, there

was no way she would give any of them to this brat.

“Respect? Are you asking me to respect a group of people who want me dead?” Alice scanned through the room of

people with her sharp eyes.

After everyone heard her question, their faces, including Sophia’s, started to pale.

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“Are you even worthy of it?” Alice coldly smirked upon seeing their reaction. None of the people in this room were


“As I’ve said, I will be taking back what belonged to my mother.” She raised the golf club and casually swung it at

one of the exquisite trinkets near her, smashing it to pieces.

Her lips then twitched upward in a gentle smile filled with the warmth of spring. “There is no need to rush. Take your

time. I love the sound of things shattering. I will slowly destroy everything here. Once I am done, I will go to another

place. Uncle Elijah’s home will be next, then Aunt Bethany’s. I will take my time with every new place I go to.”

The golf club swung through the air once more. As another trinket loudly shattered into shards, she calmly

continued, “Once I am all done, I will move on to the Glenn Group office.”

“If you dare destroy my home, I will call the police and have you arrested!” Sharon Lane, Bethany’s daughter, could

not resist shouting out as she thought she was in the right.

Alice glanced at her. “If I remember correctly, the houses they live in all belonged to my father. I am his daughter.

Who could say anything about a daughter creating a mess on her father’s property? The police can do nothing

about it.”

After the car crash seven years ago, she was still in the hospital when these people took everything that belonged

to her family, except for Woland Group. They even stole the properties Lucas bought before his death.

Her parents might be dead, but she was still alive.

Naturally, that meant ownership of those properties could not be transferred to them. Thus, they were only

considered tenants.

“As for Glenn Group, it belongs to my grandfather. Even if it belongs to Travis now, I am his sister. Who could stop a

sister from doing anything in her brother’s office?” As she spoke, she raised the golf club high once more.

“You… Stop right there!” Sophia’s eyes were wide with fury, too worried to hide her feelings any longer.