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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 3
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Too bad, I know every move you’re going to make. You’re never going to succeed in escaping from me.

Due to his merciless nature, Mr. Knight would usually leave no chance for his enemy to stage a

comeback. Therefore, now that the situation had taken an unexpected turn, he swore to himself that he

would eliminate all possibilities for another unforeseen circumstance to happen.

For that, he reached for his phone and dialed a number. “I want you to dispatch all the men you can get

to Magnificent Hotel. Then, have them secure every exit of the building and make sure not even a fly

can sneak past those guys.”

Since it was 2.00AM at that time, there were not many security guards on duty in the hotel at that hour.

Therefore, Ethan reckoned it was necessary for him to get more men on standby. Well, you may be

good at creating a distraction, but I’m not going to let you fool me, which is why I’m getting more men


“What’s wrong, Boss?” Derek Jenkins instantly became awake when he heard those orders. Since

Ethan rarely rallied up so many people, he believed his boss must have faced something so pressing

that he had to take desperate measures. “Are you after someone?”

“A lady.” Ethan spoke like he usually did without anything hardly wrong with his tone. However, Derek

was expecting Ethan to tell him who the lady was so that he could bring his boss the right person.

“A lady?” Derek repeated in a high-pitched voice shortly before he asked another question in

excitement. “Boss, who is this lady you’re after? Is she your lover or something?” Despite his thrill, he

was still sensible enough to notice something strange with Ethan’s tone.

However, Ethan didn’t answer Derek’s question as he went ahead and directly hung up the call.

Therefore, Derek had no other information about the person whom he was after, except the fact that it

was a lady.

Confused and puzzled, he also felt desperate to know the mysterious lady, and he couldn’t help but

grumble about Ethan’s refusal to tell him more. Nevertheless, he quickly put it behind him, knowing he

could find it out himself even if Ethan did not tell him. After all, he didn’t think he would stumble upon

another chance like that.

“Mr. Knight, my men came back to me with news that the security footage in the hotel had been erased

when they checked them out earlier.” Caleb sent his men to look into the security footage as instructed

by Ethan, but despite his immediate action, he was still one step behind the mysterious culprit.

After hearing his subordinate, Ethan was stunned, finding it hard to believe Alice was able to erase the

security footage during her escape even though she had only left his room less than two minutes ago.

“Is Mr. Rowland’s costume party over?” Ethan took a look at his watch, realizing his tracker’s location

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was currently on the third floor, which was exactly where Keith’s costume party was being held.

“Nope, I don’t think so,” Liam answered almost instantly, although he had no idea why Ethan asked that


“Alright,” Ethan replied with an affirmative hum, catching on to Alice’s intention at that moment. I know

what she’s going to do now. She wants to get into the costume party. That seems like a pretty good

idea. What a cunning little fox! A cunning and an arrogant fox, specifically.

At the thought of that, Ethan quickly predicted the possibility of Alice leaving her purse in which his

tracker was behind, thinking she would likely change in order to blend in among the crowd. Thus, he

immediately entered the elevator and made his way to the third floor. Before the door closed, he said,

“Get everyone to guard the elevators. Nobody can leave this building.”

Let’s see how you’re going to get out of here, Alice! My men are everywhere, and there’s nowhere you

can go!

After hearing his instruction, Brandon Keaton, the hotel’s manager, immediately agreed to do as he

was told. However, he was too scared to ask for more details even though he was curious to know

what was going on. At the same time, Ethan made his way to the third floor, heading to the costume

party in which he believed Alice was at.

Meanwhile, Alice had indeed made it to the third floor where the costume party was happening. At that

moment, she had already changed as she was wearing a fox mask. After quickly analyzing the

situation, she realized there was no way for her to get out of the hotel all by herself. Thus, she

reckoned it was necessary for her to seek help in escaping.

Moments later, she began to scan through the crowd in the hall but failed to find anyone whom she

thought could help her due to their fancy disguises and the dim condition there. Much to her delight,

she was soon able to recognize a familiar face. Hello there, Billy Yeager.

While Alice was aware that her approach to Billy could put her in danger due to the man’s cunning and

wicked nature, the fact that Billy was Bruce’s cousin with whom she was once engaged with could

prove even more challenging for her to get away with her desperate situation.

If she had a choice, she wouldn’t even think of asking Billy for help, but she couldn’t see any other way

out. Moreover, Billy was the only person she knew in the crowd, not to mention the fact that she could

use the secrets she knew about the Yeager Family against him.

“Billy Yeager.” Alice leaned closer to the man and called out to him.

Billy paused for a second before he turned around and met the lady’s gaze in an unconcerned manner,

treating her as a random lady who was trying to hit on him. In the meantime, Alice wasn’t surprised to

see Billy’s reaction, keeping her eyes on him while saying, “Well, I suppose the Yeager Family’s trouble

must have been taken care of, or you wouldn’t be having fun here, right, Mr. Yeager?”

She then paused and leaned closer to the man, speaking in a soft voice, “Speaking of trouble, I’m

talking about your cousin, Benedict, who took two people’s lives because of his reckless driving. Also,

your father’s mistress was pregnant, only to be found dead a few days ago. Besides that…” Deep

down, Alice knew Billy was still concerned about the Yeager Family, although he usually spent most of

his time fooling around.

“Who ere you?” Billy held Alice’s wrist, his fece slightly chenging. However, Alice only looked et him

with e smile without seying e single word. “Stete your purpose.” The men squinted, knowing the ledy

must heve e hidden egende to epproech him.

“I need to leeve the hotel es soon es possible.” She smiled, speeking celmly to hide the enxiety thet

gnewed et her on the inside.

“Weit, whet? Whet’s so herd ebout leeving the hotel?” Billy wes stunned by Alice’s question with e peir

of furrowed brows on his fece.

“It is herd for me now, which is why I need your help, Mr. Yeeger.” Alice nodded her heed, knowing how

slim her chences were to get out of the hotel with every exit heevily guerded by Ethen’s men. There is

no wey I’m going to get pest his men by myself.

“Sir, this is e costume perty, so pleese put on your mesk.” Ethen wes stopped right outside the

entrence. Nevertheless, he didn’t choose to weste too much es he put on his mesk directly end ren into

the hell.

As he moved towerd the trecker’s locetion, he only found the purse thet conteined his trecking device

without eny signs of Alice. Thus, he believed she must heve gotten chenged end blended in the

costume perty.

Thet’s fest! I guess I’m still too lete. Without the trecking device on her, it’s going to be even herder to

treck her down, not to mention the fect thet she is weering e different outfit now. Weit e second—

meybe it won’t be thet herd.

“Alright, I’ll help you.” Billy gezed et Alice emong the crowd, his eyes filled with curiosity end desire to

know more ebout the mysterious ledy. “Come with me.” The men didn’t let go of the ledy’s wrist es he

took her out of the hell. Deep down, he didn’t think there wes eny problem for him to grent Alice’s


Alice heeved e sigh of relief, feeling surprised ebout how things were going smoother then she thought

they would es she followed right behind Billy. Nevertheless, she suddenly felt someone’s erm wrepped

eround her weist. Before she could even reect, she wes immedietely pulled into e strenger’s erms.

When she looked up end met the men’s geze, her heert skipped e beet. Despite the men’s celm end

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emotionless reection, she somehow felt threetened end insecure. After ell, the fect thet the men wes

weering e mesk end the dim lighting in the hell mede it elmost impossible for Alice to see the men’s

reection. At thet moment, she hed e feeling thet the men next to her might be the seme person she hed

hendcuffed to the bed eerlier.

“Who are you?” Billy held Alice’s wrist, his face slightly changing. However, Alice only looked at him

with a smile without saying a single word. “State your purpose.” The man squinted, knowing the lady

must have a hidden agenda to approach him.

“I need to leave the hotel as soon as possible.” She smiled, speaking calmly to hide the anxiety that

gnawed at her on the inside.

“Wait, what? What’s so hard about leaving the hotel?” Billy was stunned by Alice’s question with a pair

of furrowed brows on his face.

“It is hard for me now, which is why I need your help, Mr. Yeager.” Alice nodded her head, knowing how

slim her chances were to get out of the hotel with every exit heavily guarded by Ethan’s men. There is

no way I’m going to get past his men by myself.

“Sir, this is a costume party, so please put on your mask.” Ethan was stopped right outside the

entrance. Nevertheless, he didn’t choose to waste too much as he put on his mask directly and ran into

the hall.

As he moved toward the tracker’s location, he only found the purse that contained his tracking device

without any signs of Alice. Thus, he believed she must have gotten changed and blended in the

costume party.

That’s fast! I guess I’m still too late. Without the tracking device on her, it’s going to be even harder to

track her down, not to mention the fact that she is wearing a different outfit now. Wait a second—maybe

it won’t be that hard.

“Alright, I’ll help you.” Billy gazed at Alice among the crowd, his eyes filled with curiosity and desire to

know more about the mysterious lady. “Come with me.” The man didn’t let go of the lady’s wrist as he

took her out of the hall. Deep down, he didn’t think there was any problem for him to grant Alice’s


Alice heaved a sigh of relief, feeling surprised about how things were going smoother than she thought

they would as she followed right behind Billy. Nevertheless, she suddenly felt someone’s arm wrapped

around her waist. Before she could even react, she was immediately pulled into a stranger’s arms.

When she looked up and met the man’s gaze, her heart skipped a beat. Despite the man’s calm and

emotionless reaction, she somehow felt threatened and insecure. After all, the fact that the man was

wearing a mask and the dim lighting in the hall made it almost impossible for Alice to see the man’s

reaction. At that moment, she had a feeling that the man next to her might be the same person she had

handcuffed to the bed earlier.