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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 19
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At that moment, Ethan was inexplicably drawn to that pair of vibrant and lovely eyes while feeling his

heart stirred. He thought back on that night and wondered if she was as alluring as she was now with

the glint in her teary eyes back then. Or was she even more alluring back then? He then fished out a

box of cigarettes from his pocket and held one stick between his fingers.

Caleb was stunned by such a scene as Ethan rarely smoked and had never done so in public.

However, he became dumbfounded when the latter started fiddling with the unlit cigarette instead.

When did he pick up such a bad habit? Why is he fiddling with cigarettes of all things? Is it because his

hands are restless? Perhaps he plans to beat someone up? After all, even Caleb wanted to do so after

what he just heard. “Mr. Knight, the Yeager Family is merciless and cruel. Not only do they want to take

over the Woland Group, they also intend to take Miss Woland’s life. How despicable of them. What a

pitiful life Miss Woland has.”

Pitiful? Her? That Little Fox who is getting ready to draw up a bloodbath? Although he was a distance

away, he was certain that there was an impish glint in her eyes. He was looking forward to seeing just

what sort of carnage she would cause.

“Miss Woland, although it’s your wedding day, now that we have evidence that connects you to Nathan

Lewis’ case, we’ll have to do things by the books and request your cooperation.” Freddie was adept in

drawing the lines, as he was neither too cruel nor partial.

Alice turned her head toward Freddie who was wearing a stern expression. “But, I’m not that person in

the video.” She wore an innocent expression with her eyes as clear as the mountain springs. Those

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transparent eyes of hers carried neither an ounce of falsehood nor wisdom as she refuted the

accusation as though what she said was a given.

Looking at her now, Ethan was momentarily startled before he erupted into laughter. That Little Fox

sure has many faces.

“Alice, there are times when just denying things verbally isn’t enough, especially when there’s evidence

that says otherwise.” Naomi was close to laughing out loud. How stupid can this girl be to be denying

that it’s not her as though it was a matter of fact? Seems like there’s no end to how stupid this girl can

be. She had meticulously set Alice up to the extent that the latter could not refute the evidence. At first,

she thought Alice would make a fuss, so she found it hilarious when Alice only denied the accusation

verbally without any shred of evidence on her part.

The onlookers couldn’t help shaking their heads upon seeing how Alice was acting in denying the

claims, as they thought of her as too naïve and silly. They knew it was meaningless to deny the

accusation in such a way.

“Miss Woland, we’ll have to investigate thoroughly since we have evidence that states otherwise. I

hope you would not make the situation much more difficult than it is. Five days ago, I recalled that

you’d just come back to Rodcaster as the media had taken a photo of you at the Woland Group on the

day Nathan Lewis was murdered.” Freddie didn’t take Alice’s denial seriously.

Everything was premeditated. Even Nathan’s case was arranged to happen on the day Alice would

return to Rodcaster. As everything was perfectly in place, it would be meaningless no matter how Alice

tried to deny it. Now that various pieces of evidence had pinned Alice to be guilty of murdering Nathan,

all Freddie had to do now was take her back to the station.

“But, that person really isn’t me. The scar on that person’s face is different from mine. Not only is her

scar longer than mine, it’s also completely in a different place. Mine’s a downward scar starting from

the top of my eye, whereas hers starts from the bottom of her eye.”

While Alice was explaining about her scar, she parted the left side of her hair to reveal the full extent of

her scar. When she had hidden parts of her scar, it was a complete match with the one in the video.

Now, the screen was paused on the image when the woman in the video was coincidentally fixing the

sides of her hair, which showed the full extent of her scar as well. It was then everyone realized that the

scars were different from one another. Not only was the length different, but the starting point of the

scar was different as well. With how vastly different they were, only a blind man would mistake them for

one and the same. At that moment, everyone was completely taken by surprise by the sudden twist in

the matter.

Naomi was no exception, as her eyes widened in shock while her expression rapidly grew twisted. She

was dumbfounded by the sudden revelation as she was sure she had planned everything down to the

dot. How did it turn out like this? How did things go wrong?

Freddie was the same as he could no longer maintain the stern expression he donned.

“Chief Cooper, why would the DNA results be a match when I’m obviously not the person in the video,

much less the murderer?” Alice asked in a clear tone, her voice so pure that it seemed to have

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completely vanquished all the filths in the world.

With a clouded expression, Freddie could only stay silent as he was backed into a corner without

anything to say for himself. In truth, as a police chief, his first course of action should’ve been to verify

whether Alice’s scar matched the one belonging to the woman in the video. However, as the saying

went, those guilty would always have a guilty conscience, so he didn’t dare to do so as he was crippled

with guilt. After all, he knew very well that it was just a sham.

On the other hand, Ethan’s smile slowly grew wider. Just what I’d expect from the Little Fox. Perhaps

she’s indeed the one I’m looking for?

Not one person from the crowd expected such a bizarre twist in the situation. Although everyone had

thought Alice was just a naïve person, she had just posed a question that struck right at the core of the

matter. Since the Yeagers had invited quite a number of reporters to the wedding today, wanting to

sweep things under the rug after Freddie had caused such a scene would be a difficult task. They

shared the same thought that Alice was truly a fortunate person as she had ignorantly managed to

break through Naomi’s scheme. Nevertheless, they didn’t know what would happen next, nor what

response Alice would give, and if she intended to continue the wedding.

Sneaking a glance at Naomi, Alice acknowledged how formidable she was. She thought that the

woman in the video should’ve been quite similar to her in appearance from the start, plus Naomi

must’ve had her undergo plastic surgery to look just like her. And with the help of makeup and some

video editing, the woman in the video looked extremely similar to her and close to a carbon copy. Not

only that, they had even falsified the birthmark on her back. Truly, it should have been flawless.

But, what a shame.