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Epic of Caterpillar-Novel

Chapter 114: Yet Another Human Feas
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114 Yet Another Human Feas

[Day 105]

What I did to the Nomad girl wasn't much, I just brainwashed her to become my loyal servant, and then made her told me everything about the different nomad tribes. Afterward, she went back to her tribe to lure everyone for me.

Capturing humans from villages or towns would be rather troublesome as they are affiliated with a Kingdom, however, nomads are not affiliated with anything. I can eat and enslave as many as I want without fearing for consequences.

The Nomad girl was named Yisu Chakha and was one of the three leaders from the Wind Hunters Nomad Tribe. Her influence is good enough to probably convince the other two leaders.

It seems that there are fewer tribes than I thought, the Chakha tribe seems to be the third strongest one. While there are three more tribes.

I will name the tribes from strongest to weakest.

There is the Qayag Tribe, known as the Red Skin Warriors. They're led by a tyrannical leader named Ukilen Qayag, which strength is comparable to a Human Champion. They're distinct from other tribes as their skin is pale red, with brown and black hair. This tribe specializes in different types of martial arts and can even use fire magic.

There is the Khatum Tribe, known as the Divine Oracle Tribe. They're led by an intelligent and calm leader named Altani Khatum, a beautiful woman who was blessed by a god and is worshiped by the rest of her tribe. Her intelligence led them to become the second strongest tribe.

Then, there is the Chakha Tribe, known as the Wind Hunters. They have three different leaders who usually discuss the next actions of the tribe. Due to having three leaders, there are some disputes from time to time, however, the overall atmosphere is of companionship. One of the leaders is the cute Nomad Girl that I just recently made my brainwashed slave.

Lastly, there is the Temulun Tribe, known as the Savage Skin Changers. They're led by a powerful warrior named Chuluun Temulun. Although it's the fourth-strongest, they are also known as the most savage tribe. Their ancestors were demi-humans which gave them animal traits, the strongest members can even transform into animals.

All of these tribes possess interesting skills that could come useful for me.

So, before going towards Lilith Village, which is still quite far from here, we will hunt and enslave all these nomads for the next days.

Before Yisu left towards her tribe, I gave her several flesh and slime minions to easily contact with me.

She has recently told me that the tribe actually believed her words about a monster that needed to be killed to avenge the fallen warriors. And they are coming for my head bringing their strongest warriors.

Our \"meeting\" will be done on a special area of Vast Plains which is rather barren and surrounded by several rocks that have small underground caves inside. They believe that I live there.

I suppose I will eat the two leaders and leave Yisu alive. For the other tribes, I will visit them one by one, as I already knew their locations.

Before leaving to our meeting, I first explained to everyone our next course of action. Although the humans didn't like the idea of me hunting and enslaving more humans. They couldn't say much. They haven't forgotten their position as my slaves, so their opinions usually don't matter for me.

I would only stop if my wives told me so, and only if there are more than four agreeing with it. But it seems that none had any problems with the hunting and enslaving of these nomad tribes, so everything will proceed as planned.

After spending some sweet time with my four children, it was already 5 PM so it was time for the feast. Humans are very nutritious and bring tons of skills, so this will be a nice way for my children to gain several useful skills and techniques.

To camouflage the obvious giant floating carriage alongside the flying slime carrying it. I covered the entire thing with a giant cloak of solidified Illusion Magic alongside [Stealth] and [Camouflage] traps, which were able to use such skills, generating, even more, cloaks of Illusions, until the carriage wasn't even visible.

On our way towards the Barren Rocky Zone on the Vast Plains, we hunted down some monsters on the way.

First on the menu were a group of giant unicorns, these were named Blazing Storm Unicorns. They had powerful and muscular bodies, covered on several reptile-like red scales. Their horns seemed to be made of ruby and they could fly at incredible speed while galloping through the air. In a group of twenty, each one was of at least Mid Kaiser level, being able to easily summon potent blazing windstorms that could blast away anything.

It was a nice warming exercise, quite literally. I defeated several ones at the same time using my Arms of Demise alongside my Intimidating Aura Punches, which had an amazing range. I also practiced the division of my aura into what I call Aura Clones.

[You gained 1247000 EXP] [The rest of your family/servants gained tons of EXP]

[LEVEL 010/250

EXP 5480165/8000000]

Their meat was quite tough but delicious nonetheless. It had a grilled flavor to it and their blood was rich and salty. Their souls were not that bad either, being of a bright red color.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Blazing Windstorm]

[Wind Blaze Travel]

As we approached the meeting place, we also found a species of humanoid beings that resembled giant black colored pigs. They were called Wild Shadow Orcs, and had strong and fatty bodies, having sizes of more than 4 meters. They held basic pelts as clothes and wielded basic equipment like lances and axes made of silver or copper.

It seemed to be a big scouting group of 23. The whole group had some interesting tactics and strategies, having defenders, mages and long-ranged attackers. They put a good fight but were ultimately demolished into minced meat one by one.

[You gained 1328900 EXP] [The rest of your family/servants gained tons of EXP]

[LEVEL 010/250?? EXP 6809065/8000000]

Their meat was very exquisite, having a strong pork flavor, their arms and legs were the tastiest ones, which I grilled using my Fire Manipulation.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

[You learned the following Skills]

[Strong Libido]

[Enhanced Blunt Attacks Resistance]


When we finally reached the place, I quickly covered everyone on my Illusion Cloak, the humans didn't want to participate in this. Although they couldn't change my mind, I didn't force them to cooperate on this.

Over the barren zone, there was a giant group of nomads, made of more than one hundred and fifty humans. Everyone being led by Yisu and two old men.

The first old man had long and white hair, his face was full of wariness and seemed experienced, he was wearing various pelts of different animals over its muscular figure while holding a longbow and some arrows, he also had three small daggers on his pockets.

The second old men were younger, having a small black beard and emerald eyes. His body was extremely muscular and surpassed by far every other human on the tribe. He was over a young Blazing Wind Unicorn. His weapon of choice seemed to be an extremely large lance, which was decorated with some Wind Magic Stones.

The rest of the nomad warriors seemed well trained and everyone was on excellent form. There were some mages and various monster tamers. However, on the back of the group, some young rookies came mostly to see and gain experience.

Most people had brown skin, black hair, and emerald eyes. However, some had white hair instead, probably from the same family as Yisu.

We approached the group while being covered on countless Illusion cloaks. The entire tribe wasn't aware of us to the point that we could even touch their noses without them realizing.

Having everyone ready, I quickly summoned a giant magic dome to enclose everyone inside.


Several of nomads immediately began to freak out, some even fainted over the sudden apparition of such giant magic construction.

\"W-What is this?!\"

\"Is this the monster?\"

\"How can this be the monster, fool!\"

\"I have a bad feeling about this!\"

\"The wind! It has stopped!\"

\"Where are the leaders?! What is going on?!\"

The two old man leaders quickly began to wonder what was going on, as they tried to break the dome with their strongest moves, however, it was useless.

\"Yisu! Why are you standing there?!\"

\"Help us break this magic zone! It's probably a trap from the monster! Quick, before it's too late!\"

I was a little bit surprised over the quick adaptation that the nomads had over such a situation. Normal humans would usually begin to freak out and attack each other for survival. However, although most nomads had fear and confusion, they remained calm and tried to find a way out.

Sadly, there isn't a way out.

Yisu began to laugh maniacally, creating a weird face, contrasting her natural beauty with such a corrupted expression.

The two old leaders were surprised by Yisu's acts, as she was never seen laughing in such a manner.


\"Hey, this is no laughing matter! Quit clowning around!\"

However, Yisu continued laughing.

\"Hahaha! Aaah! Rejoice, my people!\"



Yisu quickly approached the rest of the nomads and began talking.

\"Rejoice! All of you weak and inferior beings have been chosen as Master Kireina's slaves and food! There is nothing more honorable than to serve such a supreme and beautiful being! All of you are so lucky! So lucky! Such a joyous moment! Such glory! I can't help but cry of happiness!\"

The nomads and the two old leaders were almost taken aback by Yisu's crazy words.

\"Yisu, what do you mean?\"

\"Don't you see, old man? She has been brainwashed! Completely brainwashed! She is not the Yisu we know! Something is terribly wrong with her!\"

While everyone was too busy looking at Yusi crazy performance, I commanded my wives, children, and servants to begin the massacre on their own. Killing by themselves will net more EXP than obtaining a shared amount from me. It will also help them polish their skills.

However, everyone remained with their Illusions Cloaks, to facilize the work.




Everyone began their rampage as countless nomads met their ends, countless pools of blood and minced meat were scattered around, as the nomads finally broke from their calmness and began to cry in agony and fear.

The cries for help, filled with confusion on not knowing what was massacring them, alongside their tears over the death of their beloved ones filled the entire magic dome, which thankfully had soundproof capabilities.


\"Help! Help!\"

\"Mother! Nooooo!!!\"

\"What is going on?! How is everyone just dying out of nowhere?!\"

\"There must be an invisible enemy!\"

\"It's the spirits! The ancient spirits are punishing us for our heresy! We should have never separated our tribe!\"

\"Shut up old woman!\"

\"Run!!! Run!!! The invisible demons are coming!\"

\"But there is nowhere to run! These walls will never shatter, no matter what we do!!!\"


\"There is no hope! No hope! We will all die tonight!!!\"

\"There must be a way to escape! Fight! Fi- Gyaaaah! My arm!\"

Some of the nomads tried to find us using different types of tracking abilities, however, all of them were useless against the several layers of Illusion magic.

They only ran towards their deaths as my wives used their legendary weapons to chop every them into minced meat.

However, in reality, all of them were holding back, selectively killing the weak-looking ones, while leaving the strongest ones aside, as they would become the slaves.

My children were more savage and didn't understand this rule, but it was fine, as they were having their fun.

Because both Ami and Ryo are vampires, their hidden instincts kicked as they went on a bloody rampage, their eyes glammed on a bright red as they started massacring and sucking the blood out of the struggling nomads.

For the first time ever, they have let their hidden urges go all out. Amiphossia danced around the battlefield like a merciless white maiden while slashing the heads of the humans, she absorbed their blood from the distance, resembling countless floating crimson rivers going towards her mouth.

Ryo was more ruthless, smashing the humans into recognizable piles of flesh and broken bones, absorbing the blood that was spilled from the moment their bodies change from normal to piles of minced meat.

\"Human blood, it's so sweet! Mother! It's so good! So good! I want more! Please die, okay?!\"

Amiphossia approached a big group of nomads as she politely asked them to die, and with a sincere and happy smile, she sliced their heads off while drinking the crimson rivers coming from their necks.

\"This is so fun! So fun, mother! The blood of the humans is so delightful! I can't stop killing! Every time I drink their blood, I feel power surging through my body! Power that I've never had before! I will destroy! I will annihilate! HAHAHA!!!\"

Ryo was suddenly engulfed on a bright scarlet aura, which increased his power and reinforced his muscles beyond his limits. Such a destructive surge made the nomads seem like ants before such an intimidating being. Ryo almost seemed like a god of war incarnated.

Of course, the rest of my wives did not have such demeanors, and this change in personality was mostly due to the children still being young, giving them a small taste of human blood really made them break free. I will leave them for now, as they seem to be having lots of fun, and their happiness also makes me happy.

I dedicated myself to torture the two old man leaders, although they were \"strong\" and \"experienced\", they were complete jokes and cowards. Being the first ones trying to run while leaving their people to die.

I sliced their limbs one by one for maximum suffering. Yisu at my side was only laughing while looking at me with heart-shaped pupils on her eyes. She was completely fascinated by my actions and even began to lick my wood sandals.

Well, she is cute so I will let her do as she pleases for now.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After six hours, the massacre was finally finished. There were plenty of survivors even after my children rampage. Having forty survivors alongside Yisu.

[Calculating EXP gained]


[You gained 2642000 EXP] [The rest of your family/servants gained tons of EXP]

[You gained one level!] [LEVEL 011/250?? EXP 1451065/9000000]

[The rest of your family/servants gained tons of EXP]

There were plenty of beautiful women that could become good breeders. I've been told by Redgaria that Humans are very compatible with Goblins and Trolls, and can easily get impregnated with multiple children while giving birth pretty earlier.

Children that are born from humans also inherit their unique Class system and there is a rare chance for Mixblood children to be born, which are hybrids between humans and the race of the father. They can evolve while gaining unique classes and skills from humans, and are considered to have limitless potential.

I left the surviving humans sleeping using my hypnosis magic, while Yisu kept going around helping us pile up the human corpses.

As I began to pile every piece of flesh and bones alongside drinking all the scattered blood. Rimuru, Mady, and Adelle began to cook the human meat and made several plates with them.

I couldn't wait as I was already quite hungry, and this included my children, most of my wives and the wolves, so we had a small feast of raw human meat before eating the more delicious prepared food.

I ate the two old man leaders first; their meat was rather delicious. And quite tender for their age, this probably meant that their muscles were already old and weren't as strong as they liked to show themselves to be.

I also ate a big amount of destroyed human limbs, bones, and flesh. I don't know how many were in total because they were demolished beyond recognition.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Blessing of the Demi-God of Hunting Xygnos]

[Ultimate Long Lance Technique: Twelve Storming Stabs]

[Long Lance Technique: Wind Slicing]

[Ultimate Long Bow Technique: Barrage of Storming Arrows]

[Long Bow Technique: Wind Cutting Arrow]

[Wind Nomad's Enhanced Five Senses]

[Children of the Wind]

[Free Heart]

[Monster Taming Arts: Tamed Beast Teleportation]

[Pure Horsepower]

Oh, it seems that I also ate tons of horses, resulting in obtaining a skill from a normal animal at the end…

When we finished eating, it seems that the dinner was ready, so I had a nice time with my family. My children had already calmed down and seemed quite cheerful and relaxed as if they lost a big weight from their shoulders. In the end, very little human meat remained, as we ate most of it on the big feast, there was also tons of horse meat mixed in, which was delicious.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Wind Coating]

[Sacred Wind Spirit Shield]

[Blessing of the Wind Spirits]

[Vast Plains Horse's Resiliency]

[Cooling Winds of Recovery]

[Wind Spirit Summoning Magic: Harpy Empress Ocypete]

[Spiritual Wind Arrow Creation]

[Wind Trap Creation]

Hmm, these are indeed very good skills. I still feel like I can obtain more if I eat more nomad meat, but for now, everyone was rather tired, so they went to sleep.


