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Epic of Bee

Chapter 179 The Queens Rebirth
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[Evolution System] Activated!

[Basic Gene Points]: 3

[Royal Gene Points]: 5

This is different from the other evolutions that I had done for the others, but that made sense. I was the Queen, after all, and the User of the Queen System, so I should get some kind of benefit above the others.

Now I needed to pick from the Massive Gene Pool that I had collected until now, but when I opened it up, I could see that Beezli must have been busy. I was still confused about how I was able to do my Evolution already; I had assumed that I would be in here for a lot longer, but I wasn't complaining.

​ I looked through the bank and started to pick the ones that I had wanted initially. It took me a bit since I still hadn't been entirely sure of what I wanted coming into this.

[Evolution] Activated!

[Queen: Ashia] Will receive the following genes:

[Fire Magic] |[Light Magic] |[Lightning Magic] |[Dragon] |[Holistic] |[Genome] |[Metal Grafting] |[Boost]

[New Class Legendary] Acquired!

[Queen DragonBee: Dragonfire Magus]

Suddenly I had a body again, and I burst with light, and a wave crashed into me and covered me with pure power. There was no other word to describe the feeling other than raw power, and it was changing me in ways I couldn't even explain.

I felt something leave me, and I knew what it was, but for some reason losing that part of me didn't matter anymore. I was still me, just different, in a way that couldn't be described; only time would tell the extent of the change of losing the part that kept trying to… I couldn't even think of it now.

I still remembered my mother, but now I felt like my image of her had changed slightly. I still considered the life we lived decently, but now a part of me wished that we could have spent more time together.

This new part of me wished that we could have had a much closer relationship. I would have been acceptable to be poor and struggle if it meant that I would have got to spend more time, but that was neither here nor part of the future that lay ahead of me.

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I looked down, and my body had changed color, and my skin was now a dark shade of blue, but my skin still glowed. That made the blue seem a bit lighter, and now I was in a red and black outfit.

Not much had changed about my clothes other than some ridges that must be from the Dragon Gene.

Then I tried my wings and smiled as they buzzed on my back, but I was in the middle of nowhere, so flapping didn't move me. It was just nice to know that I would be able to fly again, but then I wrecked back and touched my…

No tail? As much as I found it annoying, Hmmm, that tail contained all my unfertilized eggs, and I had plans for my children.

I would have to assume that they would be stored somewhere, but I hope they didn't place them inside of me. It was not like I was going to start popping out children, even if the idea didn't bother me anymore; I had far too many things to do now that I had seen the world and what was coming.

Suddenly, a new window popped up, and it was filled with all my stats and started to look them over. After about three seconds, I was having trouble keeping my eyes in my head as I looked everything over.

Name: Ashia

Title: DragonBee Queen of Dragonfire

Race: DragonBee Folk

Hair color: Summer Grass Green

Eye Color: Emerald Green

Level: 21|0%

Evolution: 1|0%

Activatable Skills:

<Excite Crowd>: Targets emotions are significantly increased for up to 5 mins.

<Queen Request>: Once a day, you may make a request for another choice, and someone is required to provide you with another option.

<Summon Guard>: Teleport the nearest 4 guards to your side.

<Tame Beast>: Tame target beast that you are [Friendly] with and have it become your pet and take up one of your [Companion Slots]. Currently, you have 1 open [Companion Slots].

<DragonBee Shyft> Transform into a DragonBee for up to 1 minute.

<Queens Mark> Target up to 2 Royal Subjects. For as long as the marks are active, the targets will receive the Queen Blessing.


<Animate Plant>(Growth Magic): Animate up to 2 plants at one time.

<Dragonfire Breath>(Light, Lightning, and Fire Magic): Breathe a cone of Dragonfire up to 30 meters with a maximum radius of 2 meters

<Call Lightning>(Lightning Magic) Create a small storm cell, and call down up to 3 lightning strikes.

<Fireball>(Fire Magic) Create a ball of fire up to 1 meter in diameter and hurl it up to 20 meters.

<Sunbeam>(Light Magic) Summon a beam of sunlight for 1 minute, up to 3 meters wide.

<Holy Fire>(Light and Fire Magic) Target undead within 10 meters and engulf them in a purging fire. This spell has no effect on targets that are not undead.

<Plasma Bolt>(Lightning and Fire Magic) *Requires 30 seconds to charge. Fire up to 25 bolts of lightning charged 10 centimeter wide fireballs up to 20 meters in any direction.

<Hellfire Bramble>(Fire and Growth Magic) *Requires 20 seconds to charge. Create a patch of burning vines with up to a 5-meter radius. Anything that is not a Royal Subject will be slowed and receive constant Fire Damage.

<Growth Ray>(Growth and Light Magic) Target area with a radius of 2 meters. All organic living things in the radius will grow 2400x faster than average for 1 minute. During this time, the growth will equal 40 days of growth in 60 seconds.

Passive Skills:

Beast Speech- Speak all forms of Beastspeak.

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Beeplomacy- Your Bee-guage gives you an advantage when using Diplomacy.

Boost Pet Attack/Defense- Increase the attack and defense of your pets.

Champions Instinct- Your emotions strongly affect the people around you.

Dragon Armor- automatically activates during battle, giving you extra defense and mobility. *QBee compatible.

Dragon Speech- Speak all forms of Dragonspeak.

Elder Dragon Blessing- All Dragons are required to show you respect.

Hive Efficiency- Increase work speed of all Subjects.

Hive Immunity- All subjects have increased resistance to bacteria and viruses.

Hive Resistance- All subjects have increased Physical Resistance.

Magical Resistance- Increased Resistance to Magical Damage.

Monster Speech- Speak all forms of Monsterspeak.

Plant Speech- Speak all forms of Plantspeak.

Psychical Resistance- Increased Resistance to Physical Damage.

Queens Blessing- Increase Speed, Strength, and Magical power dramatically.

Race Sorter- Gives all Rank B or lower Subjects Hive points automatically.

Swarm Evolution System- Grants evolutions to Royal Subjects automatically. This will not work if there are not the appropriate Genes for that Royal Subject.

Suddenly, I felt like I was being groped and licked, and then the status window left, and then I was awake. I opened my eyes to find my five Wives cleaning my nearly naked body with their tongues.

"Umm, hello? Did you all decide that you would give me a bath until I woke up? Why was I woken up early?" I asked the beautiful smiling faces that were looking up at me with broad smiles.