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Emperor's Domination

Chapter 5901: Go To Heavenrealm
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Chapter 5901: Go To Heavenrealm

The cloud stared at him to express its disagreement.

Li Qiye smiled and said: “It’s not only you, it will be the case fortoo, I just haven’t lived long enough to feel the price truly.”

“The start was full of joy and sadness, so many colors and notable moments. Memories of happiness and fear…” He let out a sigh and elaborated, giving himself a moment to recall them.

After a while, he returned from reminiscing and continued: “As these memories and people becdistant, they grew more and more insignificant, eventually disappearing in the river of tof an immortal being. Many emotions, whether it be sadness or joy, are ephemeral and won’t be remembered forever.”

The cloud tilted its head and pondered for a while before nodding in agreement. It had lived for a long tand Li Qiye was right. Tbeccheap; a million years or a billion years weren’t worth a single coin.

Within this time, what was worth remembering? Everything gradually shrank until total disappearance.

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“Hearts are made of flesh yet overlords becindifferent after falling into the darkness, capable of refining all living beings without thinking twice. It’s because they have lived too long. Their victims viewed it as the most terrifying thing possible, but that day was just another meal for them. After eating enough meals, would any particular one be memorable?” Li Qiye sighed.

The cloud stared at Li Qiye, perplexed, and waved its hands.

Li Qiye shook his head and said: “I’m not pursuing everlasting life, just the proper answer. I still find life marvelous, the life of a mortal.”

The cloud didn’t quite believe this because mortals were insignificant like specks of dust in a world of cultivators.

“I know what you’re thinking, but living too long should make one appreciate the limit and value of a mortal life.” Li Qiye rubbed the cloud again: “Plus, both sides will die. It’s better to have a life with meaning rather than a long one of no value, the latter is more tragic.”

The cloud seemingly closed its eyes and enjoyed his touch while listening. It agreed with his conclusion and changed its perspective.

Resting his head on one arm and caressing the cloud with the other, enjoying the breezes and gazing at the sky, he gauged tby looking at the sun alone.

After a while, he asked the cloud with a smile: “What do you want to do now?”

The cloud shook its head since it didn’t have an answer.

“Want to cwith?” He asked.

The cloud pondered for a second before shaking its head. It didn’t like his smile since nothing good could cfrom it. For example, he turned it into a rope last tand threw it into the celestial river. Following him meant always getting into trouble.

“There will be sinteresting places.” He smiled mischievously.

The cloud shook its head again, making its lack of interest clear.

“Then go alone.” Li Qiye smiled and didn’t force the issue.

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The cloud thought about this path carefully - something it hadn’t thought of before.

“You have no attachment to this world any longer.” Li Qiye said: “And it doesn’t have what you’re searching for either.”

The cloud nodded in response.

“Go to Heavenrealm. I’m not quite sure but from what I can see, it should be hiding there in several locations.” Li Qiye said: “The most dangerous area is often the safest one. Being so close to the high heaven might be one way to hide from it.”

The cloud agreed again.

“I’m not the only one who thinks this.” Li Qiye said: “Of course, the high heaven also knows, hence the incoming sweep. There are too many things hiding right beneath him.”

The cloud appeared worried after hearing this.

“The targets are those jumping around, wanting to take its place. As for the others, I’m afraid it doesn’t have the tor the mood to worry about this type for the tbeing.” Li Qiye continued.

The cloud found logic in this. Its type wasn’t aggressive or ambitious, so hiding there might be a good choice to not be discovered.