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Edgar and His Destined Wife

Chapter 537
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Chapter 537

The doctor looked at Jean's various health checkup results. "The baby is developing well. After this, you need to take

care and eat more nutritiously."

"I will. Thank you."

"You will have to send this sample to the laboratory on the fourth floor. After that, you can head home. We will

message you once the result is ready."

Jean got up and left the consultation room.

There was a long queue before the elevator. A few pregnant women were still waiting for their turn to get in.

Jean glanced to the side and thought of using the staircase downstairs. The lights lit up when she pushed open the

heavy door.

She did not dare to walk too fast as she was carrying a sample.

However, she had only managed to walk a few steps when someone burst through the door behind her.

A figure dressed in black suddenly dashed toward Jean.

Meanwhile, Edgar had a stern expression as he listened to John and two managers discussing trivial matters in

Royden Group.

Yet, the three of them appeared anxious. "Mr. Royden, we are not being paranoid. If we don't deal with this matter

properly, it will affect the company's future!"

"Yes, so many things happened recently. Thankfully, the company is buffered by strong capital.

Otherwise, we would have been in serious trouble." John patted his chest as if frightened by memories of past

crises. "Mr. Royden, please take this seriously. We have got to keep up with the times and carry out internal reforms

as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will be losing more businesses to other companies."

"I heard Hugo Mason's company recently..."

"Mr. Blanc, is there any other matter?" Edgar interrupted him abruptly. His tone grew stem as he said, "If there's

nothing else, you can leave."

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John widened his eyes in shock.

"Mr. Royden, are you disregarding what I said?"

John was a senior member of the company. Edgar had always shown respect to him previously, but things were

different this time.

Edgar's phone rang as John was grumbling.

Edgar ignored him and accepted the call.

He stood up immediately after listening to the caller.

John glared at him disapprovingly, but Edgar did not heed him. Thus, he shouted, "Mr. Royden, can you be serious

with company matters? Your attitude will eventually lead us into serious trouble."

Edgar had rushed out of the meeting room, but he returned and looked at John fiercely. "Mr. Blanc, you came to the

company asking to see me, claiming a dire emergency. You even called me many times to make me return to the

company. Did Uncle Edbert put you upto this?"

John's expression froze.

"Mr. Royden, what made you say that?"

Edgar's eyes burned with fury. "If anything happens to her, none of you shall escape."

Then, Edgar rushed downstairs.

At the same time, Miles had already brought Jean back from the hospital.

"The hospital's security intervened on time, and the culprit did not hurt Ms. Eyer. However, she refuses to speak. I'm

not sure if..." Miles hesitated on what he should say.

Edgar immediately rushed past him and opened the car door.

Jean looked up at him calmly, but her tone was cold. "Initially, I planned to wait until after the baby was born. But

now, it seems we can't wait that long anymore."

She had already planned everything while traveling from the hospital and did not plan to consult Edgar about it.

That night, every director in Royden Group received an anonymous email.

Furthermore, a few of them even went to Edbert's home and caused a ruckus.

The lights in Edbert's villa were switched on the whole night. If Edbert were not in a wheelchair, the directors would

have bashed him up.

"Mr. Royden, we trusted you. How can you do this to us?"

"There's no need to waste our breaths. I'll withdraw my shares now."

"Previously, I pitied you for losing your ability to walk after a failed surgery. Now, I can see that it is a punishment

from God. You deserve it!"

The living room was a mess when George rushed over after receiving the news.

Although Edbert was still seated in his wheelchair, his shirt collar was wrinkled from being pulled by the angry

directors. He was also gasping for breath.

"They... They really did it."

George remained silent.

He looked down and picked up a sharp dagger from the floor. "Xena has been transferred to a detention center. Do

you wish to proceed as planned?"

Edbert shouted with fury, "Quick, send her out of the city."

There were only two ways to shut a person up. One was to give her a temptation that she could not resist. The

other way was to make sure she never spoke again.

"I'll deal with it on my own." George turned around to leave.

However, Edbert called after him. "No, I'll go too."

George paused. His eyes flashed with surprise.

Under normal circumstances, Edbert would never do anything himself. Is he suspecting me?

Edbert pressed a button on his electric wheelchair and slowly neared the door.

"Don't overthink. It's not that I don't trust you. I only wish to send her off due to past affection."

George looked down and did not dare to ask any questions.

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Half an hour later, Xena got into Edbert's car without knowing anything. Her face was wet with tears. "Please, I beg

of you. Never send me there again. That place is not suitable for humans!"

Edbert saw the injuries on her wrist and the bruises on her face. He looked at her kindly.

"I came here to send you somewhere nice. It's time to let go of all that had happened in the past."

Xena cried even harder when she heard his warm tone.

"I didn't reveal anything. I kept quiet no matter how the police questioned me!"

"Good, you did well." Edbert patted her back. "We will be there soon. You can take a nap first."

Xena sniffled and closed her eyes obediently.

Shortly after they left, Miles came to the detention center and discovered that Xena had been released on bail.

"This is against the investigation procedures!" Even Joseph was unaware of what happened.

He was furious and scolded the police officer involved. However, the police officer was helpless in this matter.

"Officer Bunnings, they had orders from above. I had no power to continue detaining her."

Miles frowned. "Officer Bunnings, can you send someone to check the surveillance records in the nearby streets."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm worried Xena could be in danger."

Edbert's plan has been exposed. He would never give anyone a chance to grab hold of his weakness.

"You remember what happened to Sam, and you should know how cruel Edbert can be. There is nothing that he

won't do."

Thus, Joseph immediately sent out a team to track down Edbert's car.

At the same time, Edgar brought Jean to the hospital.

"Mr. Royden, I apologize. There are some problems with our hospital's surveillance system. Hackers infiltrated our

archives and deleted everything."

The hospital director sighed. "We have handed over the matter to the police."

Did they delete the evidence?

Jean looked at him. "He came in through the emergency door on the fifth floor. Someone must have seen him go

in. He had black clothes, a dark blue cap, and Dr. Martens shoes. Moreover, he seemed multiracial."