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Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 569 Day of Reckoning 2
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At the stime, the people outside the capital of the Fantian Kingdom moved forward with a terrifying speed of the elite cultivators at highest Mortal realms.

However, before they could even approach the city, they were met by several beauties appearing from within the barrier of the Mansion.

Wu Mengqi, Hua Ziyan, Feng Yi, Shen Min and Gong Cui flew out as their flapping clothes accentuated their beauty, making them look like goddesses that descended onto mortal lands.

"Hehe, there's plenty for each of us"

Wu Mengqi spoke, unsheathing her sword with a glint of excitement in her eyes as Hua Ziyan and Shen Min readied their Spiritual Qi Fists and chakrams respectively.

Feng Yi nocked an arrow onto her bow, drawing it as she closed one eye, taking a deep breath as it was not only her first fight with the bow, but also the first tshe faced an enemy in such a high realm, even if her cultivation was higher than most of her opponents and equal to the rest.

Gong Cui's Zither floated in front of her as she grinned, also excited to test out her new strength.


"Qiu Yilao! To think you chere to deliver your head to us yourself!

There was a door to heaven but you went through the one leading to hell! Hahaha!

This tthere is no Brilliant Sun Temple for you to hide behind! And no truce will hinder us!"

Wen Mei stood on the gates of the Frozen Garden Palace, triumphantly looking down on the army of beauties standing below.

"Today is the day of reckoning, Wen Mei.

The Frozen Garden Palace has not been under my leadership for long, but I admit that I have been mistaken.

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My failures and incompetence have resulted in this outcof our once glorious legacy being stained in betrayal, and our Sect ceasing to exist as it was.

I admit it, I admit it all.

But make no mistake, I will never allow you to continue staining the nof the Sect that my Adoptive Mother, the late Palace Master has cherished.

I would rather end that legacy with my own hands. And in light of admitting my past mistakes of being too frozen in the past ideals, we have taken your words under advise, and moved on, moved on to embrace a new future"

Qiu Yilao spoke up, her words starting in a somber tone and low voice that could only be picked up by everyone present because they were cultivators, and gradually growing, her tone becoming defiant and resolute, a glint of fighting spirit in her eyes.

"Hah! Laughable!

Well, at least you admit your own stupidity and mistakes.

But the other part of your speech is truly laughable! Not letsoil the name?

History is written by the victor!

In distant future it would bewho had preserved the Frozen Garden Palace nby removing the vermin that plagued us! And you would be the traitors forever marred by infamy!"

Wen Mei's proud voice resounded through the icy valley as she triumphantly raised her chin.

"History is written by the victor, that much is true.

But for that to be true for you, you have to beca victor first"

Qiu Yilao smiled, shaking her head.

"Hah! I already am!

What could you possibly do against us?!

Receiving the support of the Alchemy Tower, I have finally reached Mortal Transcendence Realm!

While most of the young , immature and idealistic girls that are still wet behind their ears followed you, I have most of Elders and three Grand Elders on my side!

And as our numbers are almost even, it is apparent to even a blind cow who holds the advantage!

Not only that, Lord Gu has sent a Mortal Transcendence master, 10 Core Reformation experts, and 2000 soldiers here to help us crush you!

Rather, how could we not win?

But I am not heartless. I will now give you a chance. Hand over the legacy that you have stolen, and I will let the Disciples and Sect Protectors a chance to re-join the Frozen Garden Palace.

Think of the young and innocent, Qiu Yilao!"

Wen Mei scoffed at the words from her former Palace Master.

"Palace Master Qiu, allowto say a word"

Suddenly, a voice resounded behind Qiu Yilao, and Wen Mei's eyes widened at the sight of Sui Luxiao who stood beside Xue Bing among the army of beauties.

"Heh! Letting the former member you have been so cold to before join your ranks, makes you look desperate, Qiu Yilao!"

She snorted as Qiu Yilao nodded, and Sui Luxiao cforth.

"For a limited tor not, I too have been a member of the Frozen Garden Palace, so I asked Palace Master Qiu to participate in the final battle of this Sect.

Since after today, no matter which side won there would be no more Frozen Garden Palace"

Sui Luxiao lightly spoke as Wen Mei raised her eyebrow at this statement.

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"You have givena lot of care in the past, during the tI was still in the Sect, former Grand Elder Wen. So allowto give this last bow of gratitude before we turn enemies"

The beauty made a light but very formal bow, that brought an even more surprised look to Wen Mei's face.

"Thank you for your care and guidance, Grand Elders, Elders!"

The Disciples of the Frozen Garden Palace behind Sui Luxiao spoke in unison, making a bow toward the Sect's gates that sounded at the stlike gratitude and farewell.

"Now that there is no ties between us, let's discuss your previous words"

Sui Luxiao continued in a calm and collected manner that was very much in her character of putting everything in proper order before proceeding to handle each one in that order.

"You have mentioned what can our side do with 'young, immature and idealistic' girls... but, I must argue that they now deserve to be called women more than you do, and are more mature than you can ever be"

Her lips curled up in a smile, as the beauties behind her started to blush and muffled giggles ran through their midst.

Wen Mei first did not understand her words, but then her eyes widened as she saw those expressions. The slight feeling of something being different about them that was nagging at her from the moment she saw this army of beauties finally getting an answer.

"I-Impossible! How is...?! I don't believe it!"

She shouted as it dawned on her that the profound change she felt in them was far more shocking than she could even imagine.

"Whether you believe it or not matters little to reality.

Next,you have mentioned you reaching the Mortal Transcendence Realm and the Alchemy Tower sending a Mortal Transcendence Realm master... but..."

Sui Luxiao chuckled, as she slowly rose into the air under the astonished eyes of Wen Mei and those with her.

The Monarch standing beside Wen Mei shuddered as he saw dozens of other figures rising into the air including Qiu Yilao, while those standing below started releasing the pressure of Core Formation and Core Reformation Realm cultivation bases.

"... as you can see, there are many changes that the true Frozen Garden Palace went through as well"

Sui Luxiao finished addressing all of the points she wanted to say, crossing the Ts and dotting the Is with a satisfied smile.

"It is the day of reckoning, Wen Mei, and we have cto deliver yours"

Qiu Yilao spoke, repeating the phrase with which she started this conversation, that now had a different meaning, as she looked with cold eyes at the bewildered Wen Mei.