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Dragon Who Controls Time

Chapter 484 The Saint’s Descent
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In the multiverse, some gods moved alone without any restraints or connections.

However, in addition to that, there were also some gods with a family nature. There was an inheritance connection between the gods, and one God might be the Father or brother of another god. They formed a powerful divine family together. There were occasional conflicts within such divine families, but most of the time, they were united against external forces.

The family of a God was the most difficult target to provoke.

A family of gods was a small god system, with at least ten gods.

Moreover, there was at least one sovereign leader with great divine power.

But for the imaska Empire, there was an extremely unfortunate news that they were still unaware of.

Among their slaves, the ones with the strongest beliefs were praying to the families of the gods.

In addition, there was even more unfortunate news than provoking one God's family-the imaska Empire had provoked two God's families at the same time, and many of the imaska slaves were believers of these two God's families.

The mullholand (Egypt) divine system led by the great divine power [ RA ].

The Muir Horan divine system had one great divine power, five mid-level divine powers, six low-level divine powers, eight demigods, and countless hero gods (quasi-gods).

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The Enther divine system led by the great divine power [ enrir ].

Compared to the Muir holand God system, the Enther God system was more powerful. The number of gods in this God system was less than that of the Muir holand God system. There were only a total of ten God members, but they had a total of four great divine powers. It was an extremely terrifying God force.

The anger that the imaska Empire had attracted came from these two God families.

There were a total of five great divine powers, and there was no need to elaborate on the rest of the mid-level and low-level divine powers.

A mortal Empire in the main material world could attract the anger and hostility of so many gods at the same time. It could be said that it was extremely bold, arrogant, and ignorant. At the same time, this was enough to prove the power of the imaska Empire. If an ordinary country provoked a God, the other party might not even bother to look at it. They could deal with it by sending some messengers and believers at will.

In the Grand and lofty Palace.

Due to the incident caused by the imaska Empire, the gods of the Enther family had gathered together for a long time.

The gods of the Enther God system were in the hall of the temple.

The light emitted by the gods filled it.

If a mortal appeared here, they would be killed by the radiation of extraordinary divine power in an instant. Of course, there was also a very small probability of being affected by the divine power and becoming a Holy Spirit with a certain divinity, following around the God.

Enther master God, enrir, who was covered in brilliant light, looked indifferent. However, one could vaguely see the flickering light of anger in his eyes. There was anger in the God's heart, and clusters of Thunder and storms naturally bred in the space, forming a terrible scene of destruction.

This kind father of the Enther divine branch rarely got angry.

And every time he was angry, he would be appeased by destruction.

The other gods could see the anger of master God Enther, and the atmosphere in the temple was quite heavy.

At this moment.

A beautiful and plump goddess in colorful clothes spoke.

enril, our people are suffering and tormenting.

as the gods they believe in, we have to save them from their miserable lives and ... God's punishment shall be given to that audacious mortal Empire!"

As she spoke, colorful flowers bloomed one after another under the feet of the goddess.

This goddess's name was Inanna, a powerful divine power of the Enther divine system, and she was known as the goddess of love and war.

In addition to being a great divine power, Inanna had another identity in the Enther system. She was the spouse of the main God, enril, and she was qualified to be the first to make suggestions to him. Most of the gods in the temple Hall were the children of enril and Inanna.

"My lover, our hearts are connected."

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Enrir held back his anger and smiled at his mate.

When the prayers of the followers of the imaska Empire, who were treated as slaves, reached enril's ears, the master God of the Enther God system was furious. Now he had calmed down, but his anger had not disappeared. It was just suppressed in his heart, waiting for the moment to vent.


Enrir slowly stood up.

His eyes, which were surrounded by divine power, were shining brightly, and he scanned the other gods who were standing silently inch by inch.

A few seconds later, enrir nodded slightly and said in a calm voice, " "I can see anger in your eyes."

"He's as angry as I am,"

Pausing for a moment, the sovereign's face revealed a dangerous and cold expression. the Enther gods have been at peace for too long. Now, a mere mortal Empire dares to step into our world, capture our people, and stop the believers from praying, fooling the gods.

The crackling silver-white Lightning danced wildly.

"The dignity of a God can not be violated!" The Enther master God said in a deep voice.

"It's time to show these arrogant mortals the power of the gods!"

"If you don't respect a God, you can only welcome the destructive Thunder and storm!"

Soon, the Enther gods reached a unified will.

They vowed to make the imaska Empire pay the most painful price.

However, there was a problem in front of the gods now-the prayers and calls of the believers crossed a long distance. When they reached their ears, the imaska Empire had already rebuilt the strange machine pyramid and paid close attention to this matter. The plane barrier had been activated to the limit.