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Don’t Fall for the Billionaire Lover by Rosa Winters

Chapter 404
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Connor's fingers clenched until his knuckles turned pale. Veins popped out on his arm. "I won't choose." Claire's voice turned icy. "If you don't choose, they both die." She pulled out a small remote control and pressed a button. Instantly, a holographic projection appeared, showing a private yacht. The camera zoomed in slowly, revealing two figures lying on the deck. It was Chloe and Diana.

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Connor's heart pounded. He took a few steps forward, finally seeing them clearly. They were still in their daytclothes, lying motionless with their eyes closed, like lifeless dolls.

Connor's eyes reddened. He looked like a lion about to pounce. "What have you done to them?" Despite all the precautions, it was useless. Even he told Pax to keep an eye on Chloe, never leaving her side, Claire had still found a way.

Now Diana and Chloe were in Claire's grip, like fish on a chopping block, ready for her blade.

"Relax, they're not dead," Claire said, her gaze fixed on the yacht. The yacht swayed on the ocean, bobbing up and down, surrounded by dark, deep waters. At any moment, the sea could swallow it whole.

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"You need to decide quickly," Claire continued. "A storm is coming tonight. If you hesitate, it might be too late to save them, even if you do make up your mind." Connor stared at the yacht, which was clearly bracing for a storm. His face was hidden in the shadows, but anger flushed his cheeks, giving him an almost sinister allure.

He struggled to keep his emotions in check. "Why are you doing this to me? For twenty-eight years, you've tormentedevery second, wishing for my death. What did I do to make you hateso much?" Claire's smile faded, her pupils darkening. Suddenly, she remembered that stormy night. The oppressive atmosphere was just the same. They had forced her to strip and perform an opera. That humiliation, the repeated violations, tearing her dignity and soul to ve shreds. She was only nineteen that year.

Claire closed her eyes. When she opened them again, her gaze was wild. "Why do I hate you? Because you carry the filthiest blood in the world. You are the child of Satan, and your birth is a colossal sin. You are the devil incarnate, a seed of evil. How could I let someone like you I enjoy the sunshine? The beauty of this world has nothing to do with you because you don't deserve it. As long as I live, I want you to suffer. II am your purgatory. One day, you'll show your true colors."

Connor roared, "Do you think I wanted to cinto this world? Did I bento have a choice?"

His eyes were bloodshot, and his voice was thick with emotion. "From the moment I was born, you m condemned me. But did I choose to be born? Did I choose my family?" Did choose my mother? If you hatedso much, then you should have never..." X