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Dimensional Descent-Novel

Chapter 777 Stop
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Leonel took heavy, deep breaths.

When he first created Dreamscape Battle Sense, he never thought that there'd come a day where he would become so proficient at it that his body would give out before his mind did.

It almost felt like the greatest irony. Even now, facing a newly advanced Fifth Dimensional entity, he was able to read, predict and react to his actions without much issue. And, even though it had already been several exchanges, and even though he was using Dream Sense and splitting his mind and senses almost 200 ways, he had barely used 10% of his Dream Force stamina.

But, every time Alexandre moved with his Spatial Domain, every time he threw a punch and forced Leonel to slow him down, it was like another chunk of Leonel's life was taken.

If his Divine Armor was removed now, it might look as though only a skeleton remained. Even his so-called 'heavy' breathing was only heavy to him. By now, he hardly had the strength to take anything more than shallow, quick breaths.

To make matters worse, the injuries he had suppressed after getting hit by Alexandre the first time seemed to want to flare up again.

Leonel's senses had long since locked onto the three Oryx approaching from the distance. In fact, he had sensed them long before they even came into view. But, he really didn't know what to do about it. He couldn't even find a path to deal with Alexandre, if these three decided to attack his army, he wouldn't be able to help even if he wanted to.

A strange helplessness overtook Leonel as he was forced to dodge again.

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He coughed violently. Though no blood came out, it felt like searing hot coals were being plunged down his throat. His lungs felt as though they had been lit on fire.

Despite his worry, Rollan, too, noticed the charging Oryx. Realizing that the problem could become bad, he immediately took charge.

Sending numerous signals, the left wing of the army did an about face, grasping their weapons as they faced the oncoming assault.


The booming voice rolled over the thunder that quaked the skies. It was deep and held an undeniable majesty to it that resonated with one's heart and soul.

Completely ignoring the army before him, the King of the Oryx leapt from his steed, bolting through the air with his two Generals in tow.

'… World Force…' Leonel smiled bitterly.

He had already guess that the King of the Oryx would have the other half of this world's World Spirit. But, if he really had to deal with two World Force users, he would really be finished. Could it be that he would never be able to step foot outside of this world? Was all the blood, sweat and tears he had poured into this meaningless?

Leonel could almost feel the hearts of his army constrict. Then, as though madmen completely forgetting military law, the entirety of the rebel army surged toward the Capital without thought for their safety.


It didn't matter who it was. Whether it was Rollan all the way down to even the cowardly Goggles. They all seemed to have lost their rationality in that moment.

When Leonel saw such a scene, he wasn't sure how to react.

With happiness? With rage? The bitter sweetness made him feel as though the weight on his back was still growing heavier. By now, it was heavy enough to make him feel suffocated to an extreme, his heart pumping with a continuous pang.

However, Leonel could have never guessed what would happen next.

Just as he was preparing for a battle that would likely be his last, the Oryx King and his two Generals appeared before the indifferent Alexandre.

As though he had already expected such a result, Alexandre punched outward.

Eyes steeled with determination, Everard stepped in its path, his mouth sputtering with blood as Alexandre's fist shot through his chest.

A wild grin painted the Oryx General's face. His claws stretched out, latching onto Alexandre's arm as though his life depended on it, the only thing holding him up in the air being the Oryx King's World Force.

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Alexandre frowned and was about to pull his arm back, but the Oryx King appeared before cutting down with all the force his halberd could muster.

Reacting quickly, Alexandre shot a palm forward to block, only for Richeut to step in its path.

Though his face didn't carry the same wild, bloody grin Everard's had, his eyes had the glint of a madman. This glint, even after his chest was completely pierced through, even while Alexandre glare back at him… Even while his King's halberd split his head in two on the way to Alexandre's…

Never faded.

Leonel's heart trembled as he watched the Oryx King's halberd pass through his own General as though he wasn't there.

Everything felt as though it was moving in slow motion. Leonel could see the trembling of the Kign's hand, he could see the sadness reflected in his eyes, he could see the pain trembling through his soul.

The halberd killed an excellent General, only to be stopped by a shield of Force manifested through thin air.

"… Do you really think this is enough to kill me?" Alexandre said plainly, gazing upon the Oryx King's halted blade.

"No." The Oryx King replied, his hands having grown frighteningly steady.

At that moment, Leonel felt the King's gaze lock onto him. He didn't know why this King would choose to look toward him at that moment… But, he saw none of the disgust, rage or blame he thought he would find.

Instead… All he received was a calm smile. It was the kind of smile that told him to relax… That told him that someone with larger, stronger shoulders than his own would take on this burden for him.

And then, the Oryx King erupted into flames. Everything around him from his halberd to his Generals, to even himself imploded in a massive cascade of World Force.

Leonel's heart came to a grinding stop.