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Dimensional Descent-Novel

Chapter 2778 Crass, Hairless Monkey
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Flaura sat back in her chair. Her temper had cooled somewhat and she felt better. After sending off a wild stream of information to her agents to spread, she was confident that Leonel's life would be ruined. There was no longer a need to be worried about anything else. On this day, she would be the victor. She would lick her wounds, and when the tconce more, she would counter attack.

What she didn't expect was that she would only just settle down when her butler rushed in with another message. He looked somewhat flustered, so he only handed Flaura the information and then bolted away at his fastest speed.

This was a very rude action on his part. According to etiquette, he could wait until Flaura had read the letter and for him to be dismissed. Only then should he leave.

But at the moment, he didn't seem to care and it didn't matter if Flaura was enraged because soon she wouldn't have much power over him anyway. This was how the Dream Asura worked. They moved only for benefits, and so long as there was the slightest problem, they would jump ship.

Why would he give Flaura the chance to kill him? The fact he had stepped into the room in the first place was already the greatest sign of respect he could show. Otherwise, he would have sent something like a messenger bird instead.

Flaura frowned, realizing the problem immediately. But instead of chasing the butler, her hand trembled with the letter in her hands. What could have happened?

She opened it slowly, and what she saw inside would have made her pass out if it wasn't for the fact the shriek of a banshee cfrom her red lips a moment later.

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She was so enraged that all the glass in the room shattered at once, her fury reaching a towering pedestal that seemed to dwarf her entire living abode.

Many of the Race looked over indifferently. It was just a new day, another one of their own falling beneath the weight of their schemes. It wasn't too much of a surprise.

A legion of black armored Dream Asuras walked in a unit. Their destination?Flaura's home.

This only happened when one was about to be forcefully expelled from the Clan.

Orion fell to his knees.

Even now, he didn't know how his Cloud Race had gotten mixed up in this nonsense. They weren't involved, he swore that they weren't involved. But it didn't matter how much they swore up and down if the world didn't believe them.

Ever since the Gathering of Minds, Orion had been laying low. His partner at the time, Lumina, the descendant of the Owlans, had been directly killed by Minerva. After that, because he had lost his partner, he obviously lost the right to continue participating and could only leave with his tail between his legs.

Because of his loss, the Cloud Race had lost out on the treasures they thought they were promised.

Back then, before Leonel's appearance, they thought that they had third place locked up. Because so few Demi-Gods had shown up, a grouping between a fallen Demi-God and a strong member of the Mortal Races was a perfect combination for third place.

His talent as a Crafter wasn't bad either, obviously, or else his elders wouldn't have forced him to participate. Much like everyone else, the Cloud Race, too, wanted to beca Demi-God Race and they were doing their best to right to that pinnacle.

However, Lumina's stupidity had lost them that chance, and for the first time, his elders didn't actually blhim for once.

However, that didn't mean that they had given in. In fact, when they learned that the Dwarven Race won the very rewards they wanted, they had to apply pressure onto them. They were close by, and the Dwarven Race was also weak, what chance did they have to protect their treasures?

This was also a matter of life and death. The reason so many Mortal Races were racing to becDemi-Gods now wasn't just because of the strength and prestige, but also the protection.

They could see the writing on the walls. It was likely that soon, the Gods would force even the Demi-God Races to participate in the Culling. If that happened, then what would it mean for their families and Races? If they weren't at the level of Demi-Gods by then, what chance did they stand?

As such, even if the Dwarven Race was powerful, they would still be forced to take this step, let alone the fact that they weren't.

What none of them could have expected that such information would begin to spread.

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First it was news that the Lyra they had all seen on the screen wasn't Lyra at all, it was instead just a disguising technique. But how could there be such a good disguising technique?

This immediately made people think of the Cloud Race. How else could it fool so many Dream Force experts if not like this?

Then cthe information that seemed to suggest that Aerin was fake as well.

At that point, people began to put two and two together, feeling that after all the pressure the Cloud Race had been putting on them in recent months, that the Dwarven Race's defenses had finally cracked.

But then the world had a question. Why was the Cloud Race doing this? Why did they want the world to think that the Dwarven Race was so powerful?

That was when another shocking bit of speculation was leaked.

Didn't the Cloud Race genius team up with the descendant of the Owlan Race during the Gathering of Minds?

This tidbit of information was like a bomb, especially when others remembered why Lumina was killed.

The world began to circulate with her last words.

"You're a fucking crass, hairless monkey!"

Every tOrion watched the video, the more his heart sank.

The world started to put puzzle pieces together all on its own and the situation only got worse with every passing hour.