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Descent of the Demon Master

Chapter 387: Training (2)
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Chapter 387: Training (2)

Of course, Han Eun-Sol's assumption was slightly off the mark.

What Kang Jin-Ho actually did was ask his 'All-Purpose Universal Key' capable of resolving any problem that he needed a suitable location to train the orphanage's kids. And this so-called Universal Key responded with the following words: “In that case, let's pick somewhere nearby. And let's make it indoors so the inclement weather won't affect you.”

Kang Jin-Ho thought the Universal Key had a point and nodded in agreement. And that set the Universal Key off on his way to deal with all the necessary contract signings and payments.

Of course, even Kang Jin-Ho had no idea a pro sports team's training center would be waiting for him like this. He only came here because the Universal Key had told him to, after all!

Unfortunately for Han Eun-Sol, though, Kang Jin-Ho wasn't thoughtful or friendly enough to explain himself and undo other people's misunderstandings.

Choi Yeon-Ha pointed to a corner in the parking lot. “I think you can park over there, Eun-Sol.”

“Sorry? Why?”

“I can see Mister Jin-Ho's car over there.”

Han Eun-Sol furrowed his brow.

'I didn't know noona was interested in cars?'

They were too far to see the number plate of the parked vehicle, so for Choi Yeon-Ha to recognize Kang Jin-Ho's car from...

“...Hang on, are you talking about that red car over there?”

Choi Yeon-Ha nodded. “Yeah. It's that one.”

“Ohhh. So, you're talking about that red car with a low-slung body that might scrape its bottom after meeting a moderately tall speed bump? A car with no reason to exist that boasts zero practicality, but the kind of car that I'd gladly sell my wife in a heartbeat if that means I can buy one? That car?”

“What are you talking about?”

“It's... nothing.” Han Eun-Sol sneakily wiped the liquid clean from the corners of his eyes.

'Yup, I can see why she knows which one it is.'

South Korea was now a rich-enough country to see Lamborghinis like that pootling around. Even if that was the case, what were the odds of that particular Lambo in that striking color parked at their destination? As it turned out, Choi Yeon-Ha wasn't the idiot. Han Eun-Sol was!

'What the hell! Why is Kang Jin-Ho dressed like a bum when he can afford a car like that?!'

Han Eun-Sol thought he could almost understand it. Or maybe not.

If he said he couldn't understand why a man rich enough to drive around in a Lamborghini was dressed like a pauper, what would the rich man say in his reply?

'Right, it's the opposite of what I thought.'

Kang Jin-Ho could afford to put on whatever he felt like because he was rich enough to drive around in a red Lamborghini. That had to be it.

Many moons ago, Han Eun-Sol saw a neighborhood 'bum' buying a pack of smokes from a corner store. That dude had bedraggled hair and wore a stretched wife-beater and ugly shorts.

Han Eun-Sol swore he'd never become someone like that. But then, that bum exited the corner store, climbed into an expensive foreign luxury car and coolly drove away. In the proverbial blink of an eye, that bum transformed into a mega-cool Chad in Han Eun-Sol's eyes.

After remembering that incident, Han Eun-Sol suddenly thought Kang Jin-Ho's worn-out tracksuit looked like the unmistakable symbol of cool-chic.

'N-no, wait! I'm being brainwashed here!'

Han Eun-Sol hurriedly shook his head. It seemed he was experiencing what smart people referred to as 'cognitive dissonance.'

Han Eun-Sol knew that Choi Yeon-Ha's taste in men was extremely picky. She could be so fussy about it that it was on the level of renouncing her desire to marry... No, to romance itself!

Since someone like that had chosen Kang Jin-Ho, there must be something special, something incredible, about him that put all his peers to shame. That was why Han Eun-Sol was trying to find a deeper 'meaning' from seemingly insignificant little things.

The truth was, though... Kang Jin-Ho's attire was a result of just putting on whatever was lying around in his room.

“We've arrived,” said Han Eun-Sol after parking the car.

Kang Jin-Ho and Choi Yeon-Ha climbed out of the backseat and stared at the training center.

“What are you going to do in there, Mister Jin-Ho?” Choi Yeon-Ha asked in a slightly panicky voice after taking in the sheer size of the building.

“It's physical training,” said Kang Jin-Ho.

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“...Were you thinking of training national-level athletes? We're training a handful of boys, so... Wouldn't a local school's yard or a gym have sufficed?”

“That's what I said, but…” Kang Jin-Ho wryly grinned. If he tried to micro-manage every facet of Jo Gyu-Min's work, Kang Jin-Ho would ultimately end up with more work in the future. Since he had entrusted it to Jo Gyu-Min, he shouldn't whine about it. “...In any case, shall we go inside?”

“Okay,” Choi Yeon-Ha slowly nodded.

'Looks like noona's nervousness has died down a bit...'

Han Eun-Sol noticed that Choi Yeon-Ha had regained most of her usual demeanor. While feeling a mixture of anticipation and anxiety, Han Eun-Sol addressed the duo. “In that case, I'll be on my way. I still have things to take care of on my end, you see! And, noona…”

Han Eun-Sol glanced at Kang Jin-Ho's car, then nodded meaningfully at Choi Yeon-Ha.

“I think my business could take a while. If I don't come around to pick you up later…” Han Eun-Sol smiled apologetically at Kang Jin-Ho. “I'm really sorry about this, but can you give noona a ride home? Thank you in advance.”

“That won't be a problem,” Kang Jin-Ho coolly nodded.

“I'll leave it to you, then. Noona is too famous to be seen grabbing a taxi, you see. Please help her out later, Mister Jin-Ho.”


Han Eun-Sol bowed to say goodbye, then glanced at Choi Yeon-Ha one last time. She briefly nodded back at him.

'Nice work!'

'Do your best!'

After the two of them exchanged secretive gazes, Han Eun-Sol returned to his car while humming quietly. Before he opened the driver's door, he looked back and saw Kang Jin-Ho and Choi Yeon-Ha entering the building side-by-side.


For some reason, Han Eun-Sol began sighing deeply.

'Since it's come to this... I should pray for things to work out in her favor.'

Han Eun-Sol knew he needed to throw away the mother-in-law mentality. Just like how a mother would never be satisfied by her child's partner, a manager would never feel great about his talent going out with someone. But he needed to stop thinking that way.

“I'm sure it's all gonna end in tears, but... I hope noona can learn to be more laidback from this.”

Han Eun-Sol sighed deeply again, then entered his car.


“...What is going on here?” Han Jin-Seong muttered half in a daze. He just couldn't wrap his head around his situation right now.

Sure, he also couldn't wrap his head around what Kang Jin-Ho was trying to achieve in the first place, but that wasn't as confusing as... whatever this was.

'Okay, so... What are we gonna?do in here, again?'

Han Jin-Seong scanned his vicinity. Although all the empty seats felt a little cold and eerie, there was no changing the fact that he was inside the...

“...Isn't this the Dolphins' training center?”

“I think you're right, Jin-Seong.”

Even though this wasn't a stadium where the actual games were played, Han Jin-Seong and the other orphanage kids still felt excited and mystified by the fact that they could step foot inside a pro sports team's private training facility. And they weren't here as students to tour the place, either!

“Just what does Jin-Ho hyung do, exactly?” Han Jin-Seong asked no one in particular, his voice trembling a little.

Other kids had no idea what this situation signified and were simply amazed to be here, but not Han Jin-Seong. He was old enough to understand certain things. Such as... The cost of renting a facility like this must've been well beyond his capacity to imagine!

'But, Jin-Ho hyung can spend that kinda cash?'

Of course, people with money would spend it if they thought it was necessary. Spending money, as a concept, wasn't all that shocking or amazing, after all!

However, Han Jin-Seong wasn't sure what to make of the scale of wealth that could 'easily' rent out a pro sports team's training facility just to train a handful of orphanage kids.

“Jin-Seong hyung, are we gonna train here?”

“I guess so...?” Han Jin-Seong nodded, then grimaced a little after remembering something. He should've realized something major was afoot when Kang Jin-Ho showed up yesterday at the orphanage with pairs of sneakers in various sizes. Kang Jin-Ho even said the kids might need these today too, didn't he!

Yup, Han Jin-Seong should've guessed that something was about to happen!

“Took longer than we thought, huh?” Park Yu-Min muttered while entering the gymnasium. “Sorry about that, everyone. I should've thought about hiring a bus or something ahead of time. I promise I'll get one tomorrow, okay? My bad.”

“N-no, it's okay, Yu-Min hyung. Don't apologize. If you told us to run over here, we would have, you know. But, uh... Why are we here? Couldn't we just, I dunno, train in the orphanage's front yard?” Han Jin-Seong asked curiously.

“Ah, that. Well, Jin-Ho was adamant that…”


“Whether it rains or snows, one's training cannot be interrupted. That's what Jin-Ho said. So, he wanted somewhere with a roof, and that's why we are here.”


Even though this training center couldn't have been the only place with a roof?

'...I don't know what to think anymore.'

Han Jin-Seong decided to give up thinking at this point. Thinking about this would only make his head explode, anyway!

“Mm? Jin-Seong hyung, there's Jin-Ho hyung!”


The gymnasium's door opened, and Kang Jin-Ho strode inside.

“Eh? He's with someone?”

“Woah, she's so slender and…”

The orphanage boys were about to use the standard-fare words of praise, only for their eyes to nearly pop out of their sockets.

“H-hang on a sec.”

Didn't that woman look uncannily familiar? As if they had seen her plenty of times before?

“...! C-Choi Yeon-Ha?!”

“Eh? So that story was true?”

Not too long ago, a huge commotion swept across the orphanage after Choi Yeon-Ha had apparently stopped by. But she was there in the morning. Kids old enough to know who she was and understand the significance of her presence were all at school during that time.

When he got home later in the day, all the appliances, including washing machines, had been replaced, so Han Jin-Seong was wondering if that story about Choi Yeon-Ha's visit was real or not, but now...!

“Why is Choi Yeon-Ha here?”

“H-hyung! Yu-Min hyung! Is Jin-Ho hyung friends with Choi Yeon-Ha?”

Park Yu-Min tilted his head. “Mm? I guess they are?”

“Heol?! That's awesome!”

Han Jin-Seong reflexively shielded his eyes.

The light! The blinding light was seemingly gushing out of Choi Yeon-Ha. An aura appreciably different from the so-called regular people's seemed to surround Choi Yeon-Ha like a halo! She was stunningly beautiful even inside the TV screen, and now that Han Jin-Seong saw her in person, he realized that cameras could act as nerfs, too!

'Her ratio feels a bit weird, doesn't it?'

Was a human supposed to be that slick and supple? Choi Yeon-Ha's physique was one thing, but what about her face? It was as if...

“She can't be a human being like us, right?”

Han Jin-Seong clamped his slack jaw shut, then scanned his surroundings.

'Urgh, these idiots!'

Unlike Han Jin-Seong, other kids seemed to think there was nothing unusual about Choi Yeon-Ha showing up here. Their reactions were limited to... As if they had seen someone very pretty? That was about it.


Then again, that was why Han Jin-Seong preferred the company of these kids, anyway.


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“...? Eh? Jong-In?”

Jong-In, now a middle schooler, discovered Choi Yeon-Ha and Kang Jin-Ho and hurriedly ran up to them.

“Uh-uh!” Jong-In happily called out.

However, Han Jin-Seong could only look on anxiously. He didn't want to admit it, but... Kids with slightly impaired intelligence had particular telltale signs in their expressions. Even folks with generous personalities might be less than thrilled by the prospect of such children approaching them.

Since that was the case, what would it be like with Choi Yeon-Ha, who must've lived a charming life until now?

'She might get a bad impression of us...'

However, it seemed Han Jin-Seong was worried for nothing. When the drooling Jong-In approached Choi Yeon-Ha, she smiled brightly and lowered herself a little to match Jong-In's height, then spread her arms wide open.


Han Jin-Seong was impressed by what he saw. There were no cameras here. No crowd of onlookers, either.

No one would've criticized Choi Yeon-Ha even if she had chosen to avoid Jong-In while smiling apologetically. However, she was actually welcoming the boy with open arms as if she was glad to see him!

Just before Han Jin-Seong could become too emotional, though, Jong-In cleanly ignored the open-armed Choi Yeon-Ha, blew past her, and jumped into Kang Jin-Ho's arms about two steps behind her.

“You mustn't act like a baby, Jong-In,” Kang Jin-Ho said in a gruff voice.

“Heh-eh, heh~.”

Despite his unfriendly tone, Kang Jin-Ho still picked Jong-In up and lightly patted the boy on the back.


That left Choi Yeon-Ha in a seriously awkward position. She couldn't even retract her wide-open arms immediately and awkwardly folded them in as her expression screamed, 'I'm dying of embarrassment here! Can anyone help me out?!'

This situation was so embarrassing that even Han Jin-Seong felt sorry for Choi Yeon-Ha.

'I'm sorry, Miss Choi Yeon-Ha...'

Kang Jin-Ho put Jong-In down and frowned slightly. “Why are there so few of you here, Jin-Seong?”

“Only those who could physically train came today, hyung.”

“Mm? Why?”

“I figured those who can't move well wouldn't be much of a help.”

Kang Jin-Ho frowned a little.

'...It can't be helped, then.'

The Seongsim Orphanage was home to many kids with various impairments. Some didn't have a problem carrying on with their daily lives, but others weren't as lucky. They had trouble with even the basic daily activities.

Those kids wouldn't be able to receive Kang Jin-Ho's training. They probably couldn't understand the concept of torturing their bodies now for the sake of their future.

Kang Jin-Ho nodded while rubbing his chin. “I see. Got it. I'll think about a different method for them, so... Let's start with everyone here first.”

“But, uh... What are we supposed to do here, Jin-Ho hyung? Like, what kind of training are we gonna do that we had to come this far?”

“You'll see soon enough.”

That was when nervousness quickly dyed Han Jin-Seong's face.

'Doesn't Jin-Ho hyung's expression look a bit... evil?'

Kang Jin-Ho scanned the boys. “For now, we'll start with light jogging. One needs to loosen up first to enhance the effect of their training, after all. How about starting off with something light? Mm... Let's start with twenty laps around this place.”

“T-twenty laps?”

“Mm? What's wrong?”

“...N-no, it's nothing. We'll do it, hyung.”

Han Jin-Seong figured whining so early when they hadn't even started yet was not a good idea. So, he decided to follow Kang Jin-Ho's orders for now.

However, he didn't need long to realize that that was a mistake. He should've started whining from the get-go!