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Denied by Destiny: Trapped in the Shadows of the Mate Bond

Chapter 564
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Jace I'm toying with him, I could have killed him by now. But that would be too easy, he deserves a slow... painful death.

A death that has cfrom him losing...from being defeated. I want him to bleed each drop of blood before I take his life. He dared to think he could have what was mine, to take my Cleo as his.

My dark aura is vibrating off me, part of it channeling from Jaxon through the sibling bond, he was struggling to keep his anger at bay. Struggling to lethandle this prick..for what he has done to Mum...to Cleo. He wanted in on this fight too, but this was all me...I would skin the man alive in front of his own pack.

I can feel Jaxon trying to push on the mind-link, trying to givepointers...but I don't need them. I know what I am doing.

The bastard was slow, but I wasn't letting him think that, I was letting him think he still stood a chance. I want him to die at the moment he thinks he has a chance of winning this.

"Con Than!" His bitch of a mother roars out as I pin him to the ground, my hands gripping around his throat...cutting off his air supply.

One more squeeze...

I drag him across the ground, letting each sharp-edged piece of gravel cut into his skin. He moans out, blood oozing down his back.

I let go of his windpipe just as he takes his last few breaths. Annoying, he taps out...surrendering.

"Do you surrender?" I roar out.

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"No he doesn't surrender, get back in there. Kill him..." The deranged mother screams out, her high pitched voice assaulting my ears. Who exactly was the alpha here...him...or her.

"Or I will." She raises the gun, pointing it directly at me. I smirk out at her, one shot and she's broken the rules of the challenge...I can kill him, her...and any one here who stands on my way.

She raises the gun, but I didn't think she was fucking stupid enough to fire it...


My eyes dart back to Cleo who screams out, rushing towardsbut the gun has already been fired.

I twist my fraway from the path of the bullet, missing it by millimetres, but the silver bullet continues...


I can see who it is going to hit before it reaches them...and there is nothing I can do.

It's too late.

My entire world falls apart as I watch Auntie Alora's eyes knowing the bullet was going to hit her. She wasn't fast enough to move out of its way.

"No!" Mum screams out as the bullet hits Auntie Alora in the head, her body sinking to the ground.

My family rush around her, Dad dropping to Mum's side as he tries to pull Alora away from her to check her wound...but it's too late.

We can all feel the void now in the family connection...how quickly her life was snuffed out. How cold it already feels as she has already passed over.

My family hover around her but I can't afford to lose my concentration I had two predators in front of me, both who will go to unimaginable tactics to win.

Anger rages through me, I can feel him, feel him pushing forward...wanting blood. Wanting justice.

The roar bellows out of me, my wolf wanting out, just as Than drops to the ground at the sight of Ezra grieving over Alora's still body.

"Than!" The Luna scolds out, as she raises the gun once more.

I'm going to bite her arm off first...plunge the bullet down her throat....make her taste the silver before it kills her.

I'm going to end her and her precious son.

But what I'm not expecting is for Cleo to charge at her.

"Cleo, no." roar out as my wolf shifts, a growl emitting from him as he leaps over Than, Cleo having knocked the gun out of Medea's hand just as it fired. The bullet firing into the sky.

en I don't waste a second, my teeth sinking into her hand, tearing through skin....mauling at her hand.

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"Arhh." She cries out in pain. I'm biting down through bone, et to rip it off when she plunges a dagger into my side, forcing my wolf to retract his teeth.

The bitch...

She kicks my wolf back, gaining enough space to move to one of the move cars... locking the car door as she turns on the engine. "Get her!" Mum commands out, her hands moving to the car as she tries to steal her energy but it is too late...

I give chase just as she floors the gas pedal, tearing out of the pack grounds.

Leaving Than on his knees. Abandoning him to his fate.

The coward.

My wolf prowls back towards him, circling him...snarling with pure hatred.

I won't rest until she is dead, and I'll

start by killing him. Let her feel his life being ripped from him as she drives away. She may have escaped, but she'll feel that. "I didn't imagine a world without her in it!" He whispers out, his eyes watching Ezra as he rocks Alora back and forth in his arms.

"Just end it already..." I shift back into human form, I want my hands to feel this...for my eyes to watch his life leave him.

"As you wish!" I bend down, growling out by his ear as my hands grip onto his neck...twisting it until I hear it snap.

As soon as his neck breaks I toss his body to the ground, his eyes wide open...as I watch his life leave his body.

I feel the warm of the Amber desert pack bond spread through my chest, voices pushing through my mind pledging their allegiance to me. Their new alpha.