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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chatper 218
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Chapter 218

— “What?”

— “The show staff are slacking, aren’t they?”

— “Look at this handsome face with your little peepers, do I look like a singer to you?”

— “Alright, I’ll put on my own background music, you start talking.”

Eileen strolled up to the ghost gang, picking out Tessie, Ghost Ruby, and three other lady ghosts. She

then lined them up.

She said, “Long story short, Darcey came to the school five years ago but couldn’t find anything fishy

about the principal in two years. Three years ago, Room 444 was about to be reopened. With the

surveillance equipment in it no longer usable, Darcey had no choice but to start the so-called ‘fishing


Eileen pointed at Tessie and continued, “With the reopening of Room 444, Darcey was bummed. This

frustration made her pay extra attention to the girls in this room. Then Darcey noticed Tessie, a girl with

a heart of gold and a face that could launch a thousand ships. She thought Tessie could be the perfect

bait and sent her to the principal. Unfortunately, the principal didn’t bite.”

“Hold up.” Jarvis interrupted Eileen, “The principal didn’t fall for it?”

Eileen replied, “Right, surprise. Tessie and the principal didn’t get it on.”

Jarvis frowned, “Why not?”

Eileen explained, “Well, if the principal had hooked up with Tessie three years ago, the tragedies that

followed wouldn’t have happened. If the fish bit the first bait, there would be no need for the rest.”

Jarvis thought for a moment, then nodded, “Makes sense. Keep going.”

Eileen continued her story, pointing at Yulia, “After Tessie, it was Yulia’s turn. When Yulia also failed,

there were no more good-looking girls left in Room 444. So Darcey turned her attention to girls in other

dorms. She found Mamie and Hattie. But they all failed as well, until Ghost Ruby appeared.” Eileen

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moved to stand in front of Ghost Ruby, “Ghost Ruby was successful because she, like Sally, looked like

the principal’s first love.” Simon looked at Ghost Ruby, then at the principal’s first love in the crowd,

puzzled, “Do they really look alike?”

Eileen sighed, “Well, the actresses don’t, but the show used similar props to prove their resemblance.

All three of them, the first love, Sally, Ghost Ruby, have a mole on their neck.”

Simon was taken aback. He looked at Ghost Ruby’s neck, and Ghost Ruby kindly tilted her head up,

pointing at her drawn-on mole. The first love also pointed at her own mole.

Simon was amazed, “Wow, they really do! Ms. Lopez, your observation skills are top-notch!”

Eileen beamed, “Right, you bet they are! Let me tell you, I didn’t search their bodies just for food. Wait,

I didn’t want to find food at all! I’ve always been a very upright person!”

Simon pretended to believe her and asked, “What happened next?”

Eileen continued, “Ghost Ruby’s success made Darcey very happy. But when Darcey asked Ghost

Ruby to report the principal to the police, Ghost Ruby refused. She defended the principal’s actions,

just like Sally did back in the day. This drove Darcey up the wall, and she ended up killing Ghost Ruby.”

Jarvis frowned, “Is there evidence that she was the one who killed her?”

Eileen nodded, “I have it.”

Jarvis was stunned, “Including the previous four girls, were they all killed by Darcey?”

Eileen replied, “Yes.”

Jarvis extended his hand to Eileen, “Show me the evidence.”

Eileen rolled her eyes. She was planning to present the evidence anyway. Eileen said to Latham, “Give

me your phone.”

Latham was taken aback, but obediently handed his phone to Eileen.

Eileen took the phone, opened the case, then bent down under the table and gathered some wires and

small parts scattered around the room.

In the control room, the assistant director and the scriptwriter were both puzzled. The scriptwriter

asked, “What is she doing? She just needs to guess the plot. The evidence won’t be revealed until


The assistant director agreed, “Yeah, it takes two days and one night to film a story. It’s been one day

and one night now. According to the show’s process, the final evidence should be presented tomorrow

during the day. How could she get the evidence now?”

Under the flashlight, Eileen took apart the phone and rearranged some small parts. Moments later, she

brought over a stool from the next room. Then, she stood on the stool, reached up to the speaker in the

corridor, and took it down.

Everyone was baffled by her actions. So were the comments.

“What is she doing?”

— “Is the evidence hidden in the speaker? Why is she taking it apart?”

Eileen took apart half of it before she remembered this was “Ms. Lopez’s Little Classroom”. So she

explained, “The whole building has lost power, but the speakers still work, playing scary music and

footsteps to freak me out. I’ve been suspecting them. This means the speakers have a backup power


While she was talking, she had already connected a wire to the speaker with her assembled circuit. It

was directly wired from behind the speaker, with a long backup power line plugged into the computer in

the room.

After she finished all this, she stood up and pressed the power button on the computer. Suddenly, the

computer’s indicator light turned on, and the main engine started to run. Everyone was stunned.

– “Wow!”

— “I think I’m going to lose my mind.”

–“You can actually do electric welding! Where on earth did you learn such a skill!”

The moment the computer tower-lit up, the backstage control room fell into silence. It took the assistant

director a while to come back to his senses. Pointing at the monitor, he incredulously asked the

scriptwriter, “She’s cheating, isn’t she?”

The evidence was right there in the Resident Advisor’s computer.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Since the Resident Advisor’s surveillance of the teaching building was 24/7 automatic recording, after

all, she couldn’t possibly be glued to the monitor all the time.,there had to be a recording.

And since the girls had all died from jumping off the teaching building, the automatic recording must

have captured the entire process of the Resident Advisor’s murder. Even though she had already

deleted it, the computer files could be recovered.

The production team intentionally cut off the guests’ power to prevent them from finding evidence

today. But who could have imagined that in the middle of the night, Eileen would be able to connect an

electric wire!

The moment the computer booted up, the assistant director’s heart nearly stopped. But then he

reassured himself, “It’s okay, she won’t recover the files. According to the script, the evidence is

supposed to be handed over to the police for them to recover. She won’t possibly recover the files! I

can still hold on until tomorrow, no biggie!”

Ten minutes later, Eileen opened the recovered file. The assistant director fell completely silent. The

scriptwriter couldn’t bear to watch anymore. He saw the assistant director falling to the floor, looking

like he was about to drop dead.

He could only pick up the walkie-talkie and say to the other side, “Make the announcement that the

guest team has won. The show will end early. Turn on the lights for them.”

The next moment, the entire dormitory building was suddenly brightly lit.

In Verdantia, inside a field tent.

Egbert was lying in bed, looking at the live streaming room on his phone that had been abruptly shut

down. He lowered his head, showing a faint smile in his dark eyes.

At this moment, Major Warner rushed in from outside. He looked grim, “We’ve been duped. The

frontline ambushed the Bloodbane Shadowsociety, and after interrogation, we found out that their

leader, NightKing, had secretly returned to Crestonia yesterday!”

Egbert paused, then quickly got up. He grabbed his coat at the foot of the bed, and said as he walked

towards the tent’s exit, “Arrange a helicopter, I need to return home immediately!”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!