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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chatper 208
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Chapter 208

Jarvis stared at the women’s clothing and wig in utter shock, dumbfounded.

Simon’s face turned pale as well. He took a step back, waving his hands frantically and replying “No,

no, I’m not wearing that…” Eileen, holding up the clothing, pushed it towards them, trying to coax them

into it. “It’s okay, it won’t get you addicted,” she reassured.

Jarvis and Simon were speechless.

Did she think that was what they worried about?

Jarvis felt a headache coming on. He pressed his temples, speaking helplessly, “Ms. Lopez, I really

can’t do this…”

Eileen frowned, “But it’s the only way you guys can get into the girls’ dorm.”

Still, Jarvis and Simon refused.

They were men, after all.

At that moment, Phyllis stepped over to Eileen, whispering in her ear, “They’re public figures with lots of

fans. They can’t ruin their image by dressing in drag!”

Eileen pursed her lips, glancing from Jarvis to Simon, a look of deep disappointment in her eyes. She

mumbled, “But I really thought it was a good idea…” Simon looked at Eileen, who was pitiful like an

abandoned puppy.

His heart softened. Screw being a man and all that male pride!

He gritted his teeth and firmly declared, “Fine, I’ll do it!”

At his words, all eyes turned to him.

Jarvis was at a loss for words. “Bartley, don’t be rash.”

But Simon, wanting to support his Auntie Eileen, didn’t care anymore.

He grabbed the outfit and took Jarvis by the arm, saying, “Let’s go, Mr. Dave!”

Jarvis stepped back, rejecting him, “I…I can’t do this…”

Simon moved forward, trying to grab and carry Jarvis into the bathroom.

He had seen Auntie Eileen do it so easily before.

But he couldn’t lift Jarvis at all!

As soon as Simon wrapped his arms around Jarvis’s waist, Jarvis grabbed his wrist and pushed him

back, pinning him down instead.

Jarvis sighed helplessly, “Bartley, really, stop messing around.”

Simon’s hands were caught, and feeling a bit embarrassed, he turned for help, “Ms. Lopez, help!”

“Oh, okay.” Eileen immediately stepped forward.

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But seeing the two tangled up, she was a bit unsure, hesitating, “What should I do? I don’t want to hurt

you guys.”

Simon and Jarvis were speechless.

In the end, Jarvis had no choice but to let Simon go, hanging his head in thought.

Eileen and Simon, seeing him wavering, stared at him intently.

After a while, Jarvis lifted his head, looking at the pair of pitiful eyes on the other side.

He ran a hand through his hair, finally sighing and bracing himself, “Fine, I’ll do it for you guys. It will be

my first time…”

His words sounded a bit strange.

But he agreed!

“Wow!” Phyllis and Jaqueline exclaimed simultaneously.

The comments section was also exploding with surprise!

Hedy, however, kept her head down, standing in the corner, appearing to be holding a small red object.

The two boys went into the bathroom to change.

The four girls waited outside.

About twenty minutes passed, but they still hadn’t come out. Eileen was getting anxious and called out,

“Are you guys done?”

Why was it taking so long for just two outfits?

There was no answer from inside, but she could vaguely hear the two men’s conversation.

“Bartley, you’re crooked here.”

“I know, but I don’t know how to wear a bra. How do you loosen this thing? I can’t pull it down.”

“You’re too tense, relax a bit.”

“Phew… Is this okay?”

“I meant you buttoned it too tightly, loosen it by one. Never mind, I’ll help you redo it. Take off your


As Eileen listened, she began to scratch her head.

After a while, she walked back, telling Phyllis and Jaqueline, “It might be a while longer.”

They waited another ten minutes before the two boys finally emerged.

Eileen, who had seen them fumble around for so long and even put on bras, expected some hilarious


But… what was this?



Chapter 208


Phyllis and Jaqueline were practically rolling on the floor laughing!

Eileen didn’t laugh. Instead, she looked at the two boys, sizing them up.

Finally, she asked, “Bartley, why is one of your breasts bigger than the other?”

And to Jarvis, “Mr. Dave, why is your skirt tucked into your pants?”

Jarvis covered his eyes, turned around, and refused to answer, his ears burning red.

Simon, however, patted his mismatched fake breasts and said, “I don’t know why they’re different sizes

either. And this bra is really uncomfortable.”

Eileen touched his chest and said, “Your padding is all bunched up. You need to spread it out evenly.

Do you want me to help you fix it?”

“No, no, I’m good!” Simon quickly declined, then grabbed Jarvis’s hand and dragged him back into the


Inside the bathroom, the voices of the two boys gradually grew louder.

“You said it was supposed to be like this, and I wondered why it was so uncomfortable.”

Jarvis’s voice was soft. “How would I know, I’m not a girl…”


Simon complained, “But you acted like you knew everything. I thought you learned it from your


Jarvis sighed, “I don’t have a girlfriend. What about you? Didn’t you learn anything from yours?”

Simon replied, “I don’t have one either. All I have is work!”

Jarvis chuckled, praising him, “That’s good, you’re very dedicated.”

Then, he asked, “Does it feel better now?”

Simon replied, “Yeah, it’s better now.”

Eileen, Phyllis, and Jaqueline were all speechless.

The entire comment section was also speechless..

Five minutes later, the two boys came out again.

Eileen gave them a once over, taking in every detail.

Jaqueline was already trying hard to stifle her laughter, her face turning red. She tactfully asked, “Mr.

Dave, Mr. Bartley, do you guys always chat about such hot subjects?”

The two guys were taken aback. “Hot subjects?”

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Phyllis quickly covered Jaqueline’s mouth and waved her hands dismissively, “It’s nothing, nothing at


Simon looked confused, “What’s going on?”

Jarvis gave Simon a friendly slap on the shoulder, “They’re just looking for a reason to laugh at us. So,

let them laugh. We’re dressed in skirts already, so why not have a good laugh about it.”

-[Lmao, well, then let the laughter begin!]

-[Some people are just starting to laugh, while others are already gasping for air from laughing so


-[Mr. Dave’s image is ruined, as a fan, I’m not crying, I just want to laugh out loud! Hahaha!]

-[Some guys, I tell ya, can’t get a girlfriend for a reason. When you’re talking to girls, you have no skills.

But when you’re chatting with your guy friends, you don’t shut up! How can you get a girlfriend like


Phyllis and Jaqueline were bent over laughing.

Eileen walked over with a frown, flicked Phyllis’ forehead, then turned to Jarvis and Simon, “Alright, this

should be enough, let’s get going.”

Jarvis asked, “But, can we really fool them by cross-dressing? The Resident Advisor isn’t blind.”

Eileen snorted, “We’ll definitely fool them. The girl with freckles who scared me this afternoon was

actually a guy in disguise. If she doesn’t let you in, then all the male staff dressed as women can’t get

in either. Let’s see who suffers more, the program team or us!”

The director in the control room remained silent.

He pointed at the monitor, trembling, then he stood up from his wheelchair, and started cursing.

“Eileen!!! I’m gonna kill you!!!”

Ten minutes later, at the girls’ dormitory building.

The RA was sitting by the window, grimacing as she watched the “six girls” pass by without stopping


Once they disappeared into the stairwell, the RA picked up the walkie-talkie, asking the director,

“Director, what are we supposed to do now?”

There was no response from the other end for a long time.


After a while, the assistant director’s voice finally came through. “The director is not here, he’s had a

big mood swing, and his wound on his butt tore open. He’s been rushed to the hospital. If you need

anything, you’ll have to wait. We’re in a mess here!”