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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67

Three ferocious and tawny maned wolves stood tall, and their teeth bared as they faced off their

enemies with alertness. They were lean and muscular. From a distance, they looked like a cross

between wolves and foxes, but they were nothing like the wolves most people know. Their terrifying

howls echoed through the silent night, a clear warning to their foes.

“What should I do? What should I do now?” Hedy panicked, clutching onto the man in front of her. Her

sharp and long nails nearly scratched his arm.

The man, dressed in camouflage and standing tall, furrowed his brows. As a soldier, he knew he

shouldn’t be rude to a woman, but the woman behind him was simply too annoying. He was on the

verge of pushing her away.

“Cool it and stay behind me,” he said coldly.

Then, he turned to another man, “Mr. Reed, you too. You’ve lost your team. Let me handle this.”

Egbert, with his icy gaze and calm demeanor, was staring at the trio of towering wolves. He didn’t even

lift his head as he said, “I’m good.”

“Stop being so stubborn, get over here. Watch out!”

Before he could finish his sentence, the tallest wolf from the group suddenly lunged at Egbert.

The soldier was taken aback and was about to rush forward to help, but he found himself immobilized

Hedy was clinging onto his waist, yelling, “You can’t leave. You have to protect me! You can’t abandon


“Let go, he’s in danger!” The soldier struggled to free himself from Hedy’s grip, only to find her suddenly

kneeling down and clinging to his leg instead.

“Do you know who I am? If I get hurt, my father won’t let you off!”

The soldier was truly angered now.

He grabbed Hedy’s clothes, ready to push her away.

Just then, the other two wolves lunged at him. His legs were restricted, and he couldn’t dodge. His right

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arm and left leg were instantly seized by the wolves!

“Ah!” He cried out in pain.

Seeing this, Hedy turned pale with fear and immediately let him go.

Finally free, but it was too late. The wolves had already torn the flesh on his arm and leg. They were

even trying to reach for his neck, aiming to bite through his throat.

Just when the soldier thought he was going to die right there, two thuds were heard. The wolves

attacking him suddenly went limp and backed away

Covered in blood, he looked up to see two folding knives embedded in the hind legs of the wolves. The

knives had gone deep, the wolves were seriously injured and bleeding

Looking towards a nearby tree, he saw Egbert balancing on a tree trunk, his gaze sharp, his body

leaning forward in a military offensive posture. Clearly, one of the knives was thrown by him.

But the other one?

Just then, he heard a noise from behind.

Turning around, he saw a petite figure in a camouflage suit swiftly blocking him.

The girl’s face was a little dirty, but it didn’t hide her stunning beauty.

Her expression was cold, and in her hand was a hemp rope. She was staring intently at the three

injured wolves.

“Are you okay?” Her voice carried with it the moistness of the rainforest night.

The soldier stared at the not-so-tall but extremely brave figure in front of him. His cheeks flushed, and

he stuttered, “I’m fine.”

“I’m good,” came a response from the man on the tree.

“That’s good. Stay there, and don’t come down. Don’t distract me.”

The soldier was instantly embarrassed. It turned out she was talking to Mr. Reed, but what did she

mean by that?

Before he could figure it out, the girl in front of him suddenly moved.

She threw the hemp rope, which danced in the air like a whip. When it landed, it powerfully split the

three wolves apart!

Her movements were swift and her actions decisive. With a cold expression, she launched a fierce

attack on the three wolves!

The scene that followed left the soldier flabbergasted!

Egbert was propping himself against the tree trunk, one hand on a branch beneath him. His gaze was

deep and complex, following the girl’s every move. He was waiting for any sign of her struggling, ready

to jump down and assist her. If he helped her too early, she would be unhappy.

The fight between human and beast ended quickly, within three minutes.

The wolves let out mournful cries and ran into the forest. The air was still thick with the smell of blood.

Egbert made a leap, landing effortlessly from the four meter high tree. He quickly approached the girl

and grabbed her arm.

There was a tear on the girl’s sleeve caused by a wolf’s claw. Fortunately, her skin was unscathed.

Egbert sighed in relief.

Eileen was a bit taken aback by Egbert’s action. She looked at the tear on her sleeve and laughed.

“They couldn’t get close to me,” she said nonchalantly, pulling her hand back.

She wiped the wolf’s blood off her face with the back of her hand, then raised her other hand, in which

she was holding two bloody folding knives.

Egbert looked at the knives and fell silent. He suddenly thought of a possibility and asked uncertainly,

‘Did you know you could have used a long-range attack to avoid close combat and distract them?”

“Of course.” Eileen cleaned the blood off the knives with her sleeve, “I could have climbed a tree.”

Egbert frowned. “Then why didn’t you?”

Eileen looked up at Egbert, “But if they ran away, how would I get my knives back? These are my


Egbert fell silent.

Just as he thought, Eileen then turned around to put the knives away.

She handed one of the knives to the soldier, who was still sitting on the ground and praised him, “Good

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job, young man. You responded well. Even though your arm and leg were bitten, you managed to stab

a wolf in the midst of chaos. You picked a good spot, the hamstring, effectively reducing their mobility”

The soldier was taken aback. He looked at Egbert and explained, “Actually, it wasn’t me.”

“Are you guys okay?” A frail female voice came from behind a big tree.

The three paused and looked up to see Hedy, her face pale with fear, appearing from behind the tree.

She looked terrified, standing there timidly, clutching the corners of her clothes.

Was she feeling wronged?

Eileen chuckled softly and walked towards Hedy

Hedy was startled as Eileen approached. She bit her lip anxiously and asked, “What are you going to


A loud smack suddenly echoed in the silent rainforest at midnight.

Hedy, covering her face in shock, couldn’t believe what she saw She yelled at Eileen, “You dare to slap

me!* Eileen slapped her again, proving that, yes, she did dare.

“Ah!” Hedy screamed, covering the other side of her face, and quickly retreated.

Her face turned pale, and suddenly, a bloody tooth was spat out.

“Eileen, I won’t let you go!” Hedy roared, shaking.

Eileen smiled and said: “Funny, I won’t let you go either.” With that, she lifted her foot and kicked Hedy


Hedy fell heavily on the muddy gravel road.

The pain made Hedy unable to move.

Eileen put tier hands in her pockets, looking down at the girl on the ground, and slowly said: “The first

slap was for that lad. He’s a soldier and can’t lay his hands on you, so I vented for him.”

“The second slap was for Egbert. He isn’t a soldier and is such a delicate flower. He needs hot water to

wash his face and has to eat three meals a day. He can’t defend himself at all. If he couldn’t climb

trees, he could be dead by now. You blocked the rescue, so you deserve to be punished!”

Egbert, who was present, was puzzled.

The last kick was for me, Eileen said with a grin: “Because you ruined my clothes.”