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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chapter 141
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Chapter 141

Stepping out of the restaurant, Eileen looked back to confirm no one was chasing after them. Breathing

a sigh of relief, she patted Egbert on the shoulder.

“You’re so smart!”

Egbert just silently looked at her, not uttering a word.

At this time, there were still quite a few people around.

Egbert led her into a parked black sedan.


The driver started the engine.

Eileen turned to chat with Egbert, only to find him looking gloomy and cold, seemingly pissed off.

Taken aback, Eileen kept silent. She wasn’t sure what was going on, so she decided to keep her mouth


After a while, Eileen started to search in her pockets.

Egbert’s icy gaze moved to her.

Seeing Egbert looking at her, Eileen quickly explained, “I have blood on my hands, I want to clean them


After looking at Eileen for a while, Egbert finally let out a sigh of relief.

He took two tissues from the box behind his seat, grabbed Eileen’s hand, and helped her clean up.

The blood on her hands had already dried, it needed water to wash off, so wiping it could only do so


Eileen noticed Egbert was still in a bad mood, so she remained quiet and let him wipe her hands.

After a while, Egbert broke the silence, “were you scared?”

Eileen instantly nodded.

“What scared you?” Egbert asked.

“I’m scared you’ll rub my skin raw. Could you get a fresh tissue? This one’s torn already.”

Egbert gave her a cold stare, let go of her hand and asked, “Do you have any idea how dangerous

today was? Why couldn’t I reach you on your phone?”

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If something had really happened to Eileen, not being able to reach her would be understandable. But

since she was fine, why couldn’t he get hold of her? Eileen was taken aback. It just dawned on her that

Egbert was mad at her.

She took out her phone and saw over a dozen missed calls.

Eileen gasped in surprise and hastily explained, “I… I didn’t know… The director asked us to mute our

phones during filming. After I got out, I was tricked into going to Royal Mirage Bistro and forgot to

unmute my phone…”

Egbert frowned at Eileen, seemingly trying to gauge if she was lying.

In a rush, Eileen added, “Really, I totally forgot… And I didn’t expect to worry you by just stepping out

for a bit. Usually, no one would care if something happened to me…”

“What are you talking about?” Egbert’s voice suddenly turned stern.

Stunned, Eileen thought for a moment and said, “Egbert, don’t be mad, I’ll remember to unmute my

phone next time.”

Egbert just quietly looked at Eileen.

After a while, he grabbed her hand again and continued to wipe.

In a small voice, Eileen said, “Could you get a new tissue…”

Egbert gave her a cold glance.

Eileen quickly changed her tone, “Just do whatever you want, as long as you’re happy.”

Egbert got a new tissue, then said, “Don’t let something like this happen again. Have you ever thought

about what would have happened if the restaurant staff had walked in instead of us?”

Eileen blinked.,

Egbert looked into her eyes and said, “They would have called the police. Your actions could be

deemed as intentional harm, and you could be sentenced to years in prison, do you understand?”

Eileen pursed her lips, not daring to argue back loudly. She mumbled, “It’s not considered intentional

harm, I was just defending myself.”

Egbert lifted his gaze and said, “Self-defense can be both reasonable and excessive. Excessive

defense could be deemed as intentional harm. How would you explain the blood on Hubery?”

“Do you really want me to explain?” Eileen looked at Egbert.

Egbert paused, then said, “Yes.”

Eileen said, “Alright, but it might take a while.”

“Okay Egbert nodded.

Eileen began to explain, “Firstly, this was a targeted and planned malicious attack or attempted

kidnapping. I was deceived and brought to the crime scene, which was the Velvet Jazz Suite of the

Royal Mirage Bistro, without my knowledge.

“When I was talking to the person who pretended to be a staff member, which was Aurora’s stylist, it

happened in the backstage corridor of the show. It was crowded with people, and our conversation

could have been overheard.

“Even if no one overheard, there were surveillance cameras throughout the corridor. Even though the

cameras can’t record audio, as long as the angle is right, the police can have speech experts do lip


“When I was talking to the stylist, I deliberately chose a position where my lip movements could be

recorded. So just from this, it can prove that I was indeed deceived. The other party lied about the

dinner party and deliberately deceived me into coming here. On this point, I am clearly the victim.

“Secondly, all the tools I used to subdue them were prepared by them, such as the small knife, rope,

whip, sulfuric acid and other dangerous or controlled items, all with their fingerprints. My means of self-

defence were improvised on the spot. This, under any circumstance, is a normal victim’s normal

resistance behavior.

“Whether I over-defended myself after subduing them depends on the actual situation. First, no one

can determine whether I attacked before, after or during the time I subdued them.

“Secondly, Hubery himself was not in life-threatening danger. Even after he was injured, the multiple

cuts on him were not fatal. His injuries cannot constitute serious injuries. Strictly speaking, he merely

suffered superficial wounds.

“So, look at the whole process again. The truth is: I was deceived by a criminal gang to the crime

scene. There were four burly men, scumbag Hubery, and dumb Aurora, five men and one woman.

They outnumbered me and launched a sudden terror attack on me.

“They came prepared with all sorts of tools for mischief. During the clash, I took hold of a few things

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around me and managed to subdue them. They got a bit scratched up in the process.

“So, everything I did was strictly self-defence.”

Egbert stared at Eileen in silence. After a while, he said in a cool tone, “You seem to know your stuff.”

Eileen sighed, lowering her head. “Egbert, I went to military school. I know a thing or two about the law.

Besides, I’m a grown woman. I always think about the consequences before I act.”

“If you’re not scared, then why were you screaming earlier?” Egbert’s voice was icy.

Eileen looked up at him immediately, “I had to scream! If I could avoid the police station, I definitely

would! If Ophelia finds out, she’d be pissed! She might even dock my pay. How am I supposed to live


Egbert took a deep breath and chose not to engage with Eileen anymore.

Seeing that Egbert was ignoring her, Eileen didn’t dare to speak. She took out a tissue, pouted

unhappily, and started wiping her hands.

Egbert and Eileen left.

Chad was left behind to deal with everything.

After sending Hubery and the others to the hospital, Chad saw Karin still standing by. He told her, “You

should go home.”

Karin nodded. As she was leaving, she decided to send a message to her mother, Flossie.

At that moment, Flossie was at her home in the USA..

When she saw Karin’s message, her face instantly turned serious.

There were other people with Flossie.

Rosalind Lopez was sipping her coffee. Seeing Flossie’s expression, she couldn’t help but worry, “What


Flossie finally got to the second half of the message.

Thank goodness, it was a false alarm. Eileen was fine.

Flossie sighed in relief and shook her head, “I’m alright.”

Seeing that Flossie seemed to be okay, Rosalind turned her attention elsewhere and put her coffee cup

down, “Actually, Egbert told me a while

ago that

he wanted to call off the engagement. He called me a few weeks back, apologizing personally. He said

he met a girl he liked and hoped i would agree to call off the engagement. I have agreed now.”