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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chapter 131
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Chapter 131

Backstage, Hedy let out a sigh of relief.

She felt like she’d just survived a war, her eyes listlessly fixed on the TV screen.

Hedy’s teammates might not be her biggest fans, but at this moment, they couldn’t help but exhale in

relief too. “Lucky us, they didn’t pick us to challenge.”

Hedy was still shook, “It’s a good thing Aurora messed with Eileen, or Karin would have challenged us!

They even checked the votes in public. It’s obvious they had this planned out, they’re out to get me!”

Hedy’s teammates didn’t respond.

Someone curiously asked, “But I know Wendy and Carol’s dance skills aren’t top notch. How did they

suddenly dance so well? In one week, five people not only nailed all the moves but also added

individual showpiece sections. Their performance was totally lit.”

“Yeah, there was never a dull moment. They seemed to be going all out, one wave after another. The

most incredible thing was, they didn’t sing out of tune or change their voices during the live

performance with their microphones on. How on earth did they pull that off?”

Backstage, more than one team was relieved that Karin’s team had chosen to challenge Tania’s team.

On stage, after Karin’s team finished their performance, Eileen leaned back in her chair, regretfully

saying to Egbert Reed next to her, “Looks like Hedy gets to stick around for another round.”

After watching Karin’s team’s performance, the rest of the performances were nothing to write home


The audience voting numbers started to drop.

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Previously, audiences who thought performances were “average” now became more picky, thinking

“average” wasn’t worth voting for.

As a result, the teams that performed before Karin’s team had at least 350 audience votes. But the

teams after Karin’s, the highest score was only 300.

Once all the stage performances were over, the rankings of the 95 contestants were clear on the big


Eileen’s team, sitting at the top of the leaderboard, came in first!

After the second stage performance, only Eileen’s team succeeded in the challenge, the other two

celebrity coach’s teams both failed.

The 10 contestants who failed the challenge were completely out of the show this time.

At the same time, the bottom five teams in the total stage performance scores would also be


In the end, out of the 95 contestants, only 70 advanced, 15 were temporarily eliminated into the

recommended team, and 10 were permanently out.

After the permanently eliminated contestants shared their thoughts, they entered the team division


Because Eileen’s team had produced the champions of the second stage performance, all the

eliminated contestants except for Tania looked at her with anticipation during the team division.

Eileen casually picked five people who she had a good impression of and thought were reliable.

Eileen’s selection was very personal. She didn’t necessarily pick the best, but she definitely picked the

most down-to-earth. Those who didn’t take things seriously and were always trying to game the

system, even if they had a foundation in dance, she wouldn’t give them a second glance.

By 10 p.m., the recording was all wrapped up.

After the show, Eileen asked Egbert, “Are you ready to leave?”

Egbert took out his phone and glanced at it.

There were over 50 missed calls, over 40 from Galen, eight from his agent Gilbert, and two from his


Egbert emotionlessly put his phone back into his pocket, “I have a flight tomorrow morning.”

Eileen’s eyes lit up, “So you’re not leaving today?”

Egbert replied, “No.”

Eileen happily said, “Then let’s have a late-night snack together tonight, my treat!”

Egbert cracked a smile, “Sure.”

Eileen continued, “I’ll go check on the contestants in the practice room first, you wait for me outside, I’ll

come find you later.”

Egbert stood up, “We can go together.”

Eileen was surprised, then nodded, “Okay.”

So, Eileen and Egbert headed to the practice room together.

In the practice room, the dance and singing teachers were assigning tasks and dance steps to the five

eliminated contestants.

When Eileen and Egbert walked in, everyone stood up.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Eileen waved them off, “Sit down, no need to be so formal…”

Before she could finish, one of the eliminated contestants blushed and stuttered, “Mr. Reed…I’m a big

fan…Can I get your autograph?”

For the next ten minutes, Eileen sat there watching Egbert sign autographs for his fans.

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During this time, contestants from other teams also came over.

Wendy, Lily, Carol, Carina, taking advantage of their acquaintance with Egbert, they all brought a bunch

of notebooks, clearly to get autographs for others!

Eileen watched jealously, tapping her foot and muttering. “What’s the big deal?”

Egbert heard her mumbling and looked up at her.

Just then, Karin cautiously approached.

Karin handed over her notebook, timidly asking Eileen, “Ms. Lopez…Can I get your autograph?”

Eileen was taken aback, almost thinking she heard wrong.

She stared at Karin, dumbfounded.

The next second, she jumped up and hugged Karin.

Karin froze.

Eileen was teary-eyed.

Eileen said emotionally, “Even though I know you’re asking for my autograph out of pity, I’ll still give it to


Eileen not only signed the notebook but also wrote a long blessing, like an essay, at least 500 words,

before finally signing her name at the end!

Holding the notebook, Karin smiled contentedly. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes sparkling.

Egbert walked over at this moment.

Seeing Egbert approach, Karin immediately moved aside.

Egbert didn’t even glance at Karin. Instead, he stood in front of Eileen, a smile on his face, and handed

over a notebook. In a low voice, he said, “Ms. Lopez, could you gimme an autograph?”

Eileen knew Egbert was just messing with her.

She pouted a bit, taking the notebook and signing her name, then boldly proclaimed, “You better keep

this autograph safe. It’s gonna be worth a fortune someday!”

Egbert couldn’t help but chuckle.