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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105

When Eileen got the call from the production crew of Eyes on the Rendezvous, it was a week later. At

the time, she was pestering Ophelia to treat her to some fresh juice. The call from the crew went

straight to the office. After Ophelia hung up, her look towards Eileen, which was originally annoyed,

immediately changed as if she had seen gold. After hanging up the phone, Ophelia slammed her hand

on the table and yelled out. “Go buy twenty cups of fresh grape juice for everyone in the office!”

Seeing Ophelia’s sudden lottery-winning-like behaviour, Eileen quickly raised two fingers, anxiously

shouting, “I want two cups!”

Ophelia, in an unusually good mood, kindly replied, “I’ll get you two cups!”

Eileen quickly raised another finger, “Three cups!”

When Ophelia glared at her, Eileen awkwardly withdrew the last finger, whispering, “Okay then, just


Half a month later, Eileen joined the crew. After signing the contract, the crew sent all the scripts over.

Eileen spent half a month at home memorising her lines, and only rushed to the filming location on the

eve of the shoot. Eyes on the Rendezvous was being shot in a small town. When Eileen arrived, most

of the other actors were already there. The accommodation arranged by the crew was a small inn in

the town; although a bit simple, it was still clean.

As Janice was packing for Eileen, she suddenly said, “Eileen, I just saw Teresa.” Teresa, the lead

actress of the drama – Hertha, was the so-called “Best Actress” Teresa. She was older than Egbert.

She was thirty this year, and Egbert was twenty-five. Eileen was the youngest at only nineteen.

“What happened?” Eileen asked casually.

Janice whispered, “She was yelling at her assistant. She said the room is not good and wanted to

change rooms.”

Eileen was puzzled, “Hasn’t she been here for a few days?”

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“Yeah, she has been here for a few days and hasn’t complained before, but now she suddenly says

there’s a problem with the room and insists on moving to the room next to Egbert’s.”

Eileen raised her eyebrows, “Who’s in the room next to Egbert?”

Janice said, “It’s ours.”

Eileen was taken aback. Janice added, “She didn’t want to change before, but as soon as we moved

in, she said she wanted to change rooms. Eileen, I think something is fishy.” Eileen furrowed her brows.

At this moment, a few people suddenly came in from outside. Janice immediately stood behind Eileen

and quietly complained, “That’s Teresa’s assistant.” Eileen looked at the few people in front of her.

Teresa’s assistant, who was leading the group, seemed a bit cocky. He first scanned the room, then

reluctantly nodded in approval, telling the staff, “This room will do. You see, Teresa only sleeps in

rooms with south-facing windows. She only stayed in the previous room for two days and immediately

felt uncomfortable. I guess this room is barely suitable.” The staff felt awkward and bent down to

negotiate with Eileen, “Eileen, is it okay for you to switch rooms with Teresa? Teresa is allergic to rooms

facing north.”

Allergic? Eileen sat on the single sofa, crossed her legs, and spread her hands, “Show me her medical

records.” Teresa’s assistant didn’t expect her to say that.

After a brief pause, he said, “I know you don’t want to move, especially since your neighbour is Egbert,

but we’re all part of the same crew, and we should be considerate of each other. Teresa really has a

special condition. Allergies are unavoidable. As for the medical records, sorry, I don’t have it with me

right now. Regardless, we have to ask Ms. Lopez to move out immediately. Teresa needs to move in as

soon as possible.”

Eileen gently bit her lip, looking at his arrogant attitude, and laughed, “I’m sorry, I don’t want to move,

because I have allergies too.”

Teresa’s assistant’s expression changed, “What are you allergic to?”

Eileen said, “I’m allergic to stupid people.”

“You…” Teresa’s assistant was so angry. Then he said to the staff, “If anything happens to Teresa’s

health that affects the shooting, it will be the crew’s loss.”

Eileen couldn’t help but laugh out loud, clapping for him on the spot, “Wow, so impressive. The

shooting hasn’t even started yet, and you’re already threatening the crew? Living

in a room arranged by the crew will cause health problems, is this a complaint about the room, or do

you have an issue with Galen? Oh my God, does Galen know that our lead actress dislikes him so

much in private?”

“When did I say I disliked Galen?” Teresa’s assistant shouted, “Stop talking nonsense here!”

Eileen crossed her arms, coldly watching him, “Who’s the one talking nonsense here? Isn’t it you who

likes to play the moral high ground?”

Teresa’s assistant was so angry he couldn’t contain himself, “You’re really rude and impolite. You’ll pay

for offending Teresa.” After saying that, he stormed out in fury.

“Wait a minute.” Eileen suddenly called him back.

Eileen’s expression had turned cold. She gently raised her eyebrows and slowly said, “Actually, the

room facing north is quite nice, cool and refreshing. Take two packs of cold medicine and sleep in

there. There’ll be absolutely no problem. I suggest you and Teresa both give it a try.”

Teresa’s assistant had already reached the door, and hearing her words, he almost couldn’t believe it,

stumbling almost to the point of falling.

Eileen then said to Janice, “Janice, he’s already gone, why haven’t you closed the door yet? Do you

think I haven’t had enough of him?”

Janice was very pleased. She hurried over and slammed the door shut with a “bang”.

Teresa’s assistant went back to Teresa and complained. After hearing his complaints, Teresa blatantly

cursed, “Useless, get out!”

Once the assistant left, Teresa took out her phone and dialed a number.

After connecting the call, she said to the other end. “Aurora, you’re right. This woman is a tough nut to

crack. But don’t you worry, I said I’d help you get back at her, and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.

Just wait till we start filming, you’ll see how I deal with her.”

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After listening to the staff’s report, Galen took a puff of his cigarette, turned to Egbert and said, “Teresa

is a bit of a diva, but your lady neighbor there, she’s got a bit of a temper.”

Egbert was reading a script. He circled a couple of lines with a pen, and turned to the next page, saying

without looking up. “Yeah, she’s got a fiery temper.”

Galen said, “I just found out you guys are pretty close, even did a couple of variety shows together. I’ll

find some time and watch those two variety shows of yours as well.”

Egbert didn’t say anything.

Galen started to worry again, “In this film, all your intimate scenes are with Eileen. I specifically

arranged for you guys to have adjoining rooms for easy communication. But with her temper, can you

handle it? Don’t leave me in a bind.”

Egbert suddenly stopped his pen, looked up at Galen and said, “When it comes to intimate scenes,

everyone feels a bit awkward. It’s par for the course. You need to be prepared

for that.”

Galen was surprised, “What do you mean? Weren’t you always one-take wonders in the past?”

Egbert calmly replied, “Previous scenes didn’t have this much exposure, and they were usually staged.

This time, didn’t you say you wanted real kisses?”

Galen was speechless. Indeed, he was the one who told Egbert not to stage the scenes this time.

During the shooting of The Alley, if they hadn’t staged the kissing scene, Aurora might have won an

award. That had always been his regret.

But Galen originally thought that Egbert wouldn’t agree to his proposal. To his surprise, he actually


Galen hesitated and said, “Try to rehearse with her as much as possible off-stage, and get used to

scenes like sex scenes and kissing scenes in advance.”

Upon hearing this; Egbert closed the script and suddenly stood up.

Puffing on his cigarette, Galen asked, “Where are you off to?”

Egbert replied, “To rehearse with her.”