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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 120 - 118: Night Attack On The Gato’s Village 1
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After meeting with Eleonora, the two went back and sat near the campfire where the other had been waiting for their arrival.

''Welcome back Big brother.''

''Welcome back leader and Eleonora.'' 

Gracier and the others greeted them back. 

''How was the situation?" 

Meera was the one who raised this question.

''We will be facing more than 60 monsters, most of them are orcs. There is a leader, probably an Orc King, there are three generals. I saw two watchtowers.'' 

More than 60? The cheeks of the other participants in the rank-up test cramped the moment those words were said.

Even if they were expecting more than 30 monsters, it was only expectations, the fact that there were 60 or 65 monsters lead by Orc King and three generals made them feel cold sweat, no wonder they reacted the way they did. They were afraid.

''Calm down, our party is not a weakling we can finish this mission, I believe in myself and I believe you so do not disappoint me.'' 

At Alex's words, others regained a bit of their confidence, as Alex said their party is strong with a lot of monsters inside it, they just have to believe in themselves and believe in their leader, do their utmost, most importantly follow orders and everything will be okay. 

Having seen that others regained some confidence, Alex turned in Eleonora's direction, the latter immediately understood why so without being told she started reporting what she saw.

''As leader said, there are two watchtowers, one Orc King and three generals. However, there were also some Mage orcs, two and three goblins shamans. As for weapons used by the enemy, they ranged from sword to club, bow, some of them held a bow, especially the ones in the watchtowers.'' 

''Ah. There's one last thing, there is a shack to the north of the village, and I have confirmed there are humans there.'' 

At this mention, Gracier's body shook, she bit her lip. 

[Don't worry we will rescue them, be strong.]

Alex sends a telepathic message to calm his sister, the latter nodded her head before closing her eyes and when she opened them again there was no hesitation inside her eyes anymore, only strong determination, a determination to slaughter as well to help those still captured.

''Ah. I think the Orcs go there to breed. Though when I last saw they still looked alive, by the way, there are three human girls inside.'' Eleonora added.

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''I see. Did you notice anything else?'' Alex asked.

''No. That is all.''

''Okay, go rest for two hours. We will depart at midnight.'' Alex said dismissing everyone as they returned to their tent. 

Conrad observed the meeting from the start to the finish, the way Alex handled things was not bad, he will observe everything from the sidelines. He was not the only one, though.


It was midnight, the clouds in the sky turned the already darkened nightshade darker. Ideal for a night attack. Each member of the Orc subjugation force moved to their respective positions under the cover of darkness.

Eleonora went north in the direction of the shack where were detained human girls, her goal was simple, using the commotion that would be created soon to rescue the hostages before joining the others on the main battlefield. 

Gracier and Meera were respectfully on the left and right side of the village, they were responsible for destroying the two watchtowers simultaneously with a flashy and powerful spell.

Lucien was on the east wing where most of the archers are concentrated, his goal was to rain Wind arrows followed by Water bullets on the archers trying to disrupt them from attacking, Golfak was there to assure his protection. 

Meanwhile, Alex and Sebastian were ready to charge in.

Before giving the signal to start the night attack, Alex stared in a certain direction as if to tell Conrad to go in north ready to take the rescued hostages to safety, it's his goal and the only favor Alex asked him. 

Sighing in the shadow, Conrad nodded his head before disappearing, no matter how many times he thinks about it, it doesn't make any sense, no matter how well he thinks he hides Alex was able to spot his exact location as if nothing could hide from his sight.

Sighing once more Conrad thought that Alex must have a special skill enabling him to see him or he possesses a sharp six senses. 

As if aware of Conrad moving according to the plan, Alex summoned Silveria and fired a bullet in the sky.


This sound was heard by everybody, even the enemy heard it, however before they could start searching for where the sound came from they were attacked. 

Gracier insta-cast two fireballs the size of a basketball and shot them in the direction of the left watchtower.

Boom! Kaboom! 

Boom! Boom! 

At the same time, the watchtower on the right was also attacked by two powerful Wind arrows. 

The two watchtowers were destroyed alongside the monsters occupying it. 


The startled cry of monsters could be heard, they started frantically moving towards the destroyed watchtowers in the hope of confronting the enemies responsible for this tragedy. 

It was at that time Lucien attacked.

[Wind became unseen arrows that rain down on my enemies.] 

'Wind Arrows' 

Many Wind arrows were created before being fired in the direction of the startled archers. 

Boom! Boom! 

Some of the archers died under the numerous invisible arrows, while some escaped death with few injuries, however before they could celebrate and retaliate, Water bullets descended upon them like rain, killing few and injured a lot. 



Pained cries resonated in the night, those who were moving towards the now destroyed watchtowers stopped and looked in the direction of the cries, it lasted a moment before orcs and goblins started to move in the direction of the archers. 

As though waiting for this moment, Eleonora kicked the ground and disappeared and when she reappeared, she was not too far from the hut, there were only three monsters outside guarding the hut, it seemed that not all of them went away after hearing the commotion. 

Grinning Eleonora moved at fast speed and passed through the three monsters with her black daggers giving an ominous vibe. 

The three orcs suddenly clutched their throats as life slowly left their bodies, no blood comes out from the wound, if you look closely you will see that the spot the daggers went through darkened, the orcs died eyes filled with unwillingness, they did not even know how they died nor they even saw who was their attacker.

Passing through the three dead bodies, Eleonora kicked the door of the hut open and went inside. 


Immediately she heard the startled cry of an orc who was enjoying himself even with the commotion outside. Eleonora's eyes turned cold as she threw one of her daggers at the surprised orc, the black dagger went through the orc's head instantly killing it. 

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Eleonora observed the room, she couldn't help but frown at the strong smell reeking from the room. Doing her best to ignore the smell, she moved toward the naked girls who seemed to have lost their will to live, their eyes were lifeless, they were blankly staring into space. The three young girls' ages are between 15 to 18. 

They didn't even react to all commotion around them, even the girl with the dead body of the orc on top of her didn't even react, she was blankly staring into space as if she lost her soul, Eleonora recognized the girl, it was the one that escaped before being caught again when Alex and she were on scouting duty. 

Shaking her head at how unfortunate those girls have been, no woman must experience something like this, Eleonora pushed away the dead orc, freeing the girl. 

Not wasting her time on a meaningless endeavor such as trying to talk with the girls, Eleonora gave the three a hard chop on their necks making them unconscious. 

Bringing out simple white sheets she used to wrap around the naked girl's bodies, Eleonora lifted two of them before disappearing from the hut, shortly later she came back and took the remaining girl with her, bringing her to join the other two girls in the forest. 

After lowering the girl on the ground beside the others, Eleonora said. 

''Conrad come out. Here are the rescued ladies, I will leave them in your care.'' 

Without waiting for Conrad's reply, Eleonora disappeared going towards the main battlefield, she couldn't wait to join others where she was sure to have fun and watch Alex fight and who knows she may be able to see him using his Gift.

''What a hasty girl,'' Conrad said as he comes out and looked in the direction Eleonora left to. He couldn't help but shake his head, the girl perfectly completed her mission and now it was his turn to take care of his. 

Sighing, Conrad lowered himself and check the girl's conditions, after noticing that they are not injured and simply sleeping.

Conrad sighed in relief before his expression turned complicated, the life of the girls will not be smooth sailing even after their rescue, the guild will need to look after them to make sure they recuperate a little bit of sanity, a little bit of a will to live on, after all, they went through, it won't be easy but they will try and not choose the easy solution to end their life, as survivors it was their duty to live on even though they went through hell. 

Heaving another sigh, Conrad took his communication device and contact someone. 

''Where are you at the moment?" 

''On the way back, we secured the prisoner and the merchant and his nephew are with us.'' the voice at the other end answered, it was a man voice. 

''Good, I hope you are not far from my current position?" Conrad asked. 

''No, we are not too far. What do you want?" Asked the other person at the end of the communication device. 

''Send two of your men to meet me in one hour. I want your fastest men. I have something for you to bring back.'' 

''Okay, they will be on their way.'' the man answered without asking what his men were going to bring back.


Conrad cut off the communication before lowering himself and picked all the three girls, giving a last glance in the direction of the clash, he muttered, ''I'll be back soon, I don't want to miss the show after all.'' 

Conrad disappeared after saying those words.

The sounds of fighting could be heard in the distance.