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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE!

Chapter 81
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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! Chapter 81
Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! Chapter 81 It would be something different...
Sometimes, I have a sense that God is extremely displeased with me. Just when I thought that everything in my life was falling
into place and that I would have a happy ending with Aless, he showed up.
Here before me was the man I used to love. He’s my first love and the first heir of the Devonte family. He was the reason I
became involved with Alessandro.
My whole body felt numb, and I don’t know what to do at this moment. Should I be happy? Or should I cry that he appeared
Watching him from afar, I felt a fluttering sensation on my cheeks. He looked just the same as he always had, with his striking
good looks, piercing blue eyes, and perfectly chiseled features. He and Alessandro could have been mistaken for identical twins.
With a broad grin, Dominic took Mike from the host.
“Good evening, ladies and Gentlemen. Firstly, I apologize for my late arrival. Thank you for attending this banquet and waiting for
my arrival. Please enjoy your night here with DW Wine Corp.”
The entire room erupted in applause, showering him with appreciation. Some even whispered about how they had expected him
to be an elderly man but were pleasantly surprised by his youthful and handsome appearance.
At this moment, everything felt surreal. It’s uncommon for someone to return after passing away, but Dominic’s unexpected
return has completely disrupted my world.
As we stood, stunned, he came down, and after meeting a few people, he turned to... Us.
Oh! H...He is coming here!
Out of the blue, an unexplainable sense of discomfort took hold of me. I don’t know for what reason, but...
“Long time no see, my brother.” Dominic greeted Aless..

I am still staring at him, probably with eyes wide open—no idea how to react to the scene.
“Yo... ou’re still alive?!” Aless asked incredulously.
Like me, he was also in a daze. Or, maybe, more than me? After all, Dominic is his elder brother.

Dominic chuckled, and I noticed a hint of emptiness in his smile. He seemed like the same person but different in some ways.
“Someone saved me,” he said with a shrug.
Suddenly, I heard Antonio whisper from behind. “What’s wrong, Vici? Wait... Wh...why are you crying? Do you know him?”
Cry?! I touched my cheeks, and they felt wet. Ant was right. I am crying.
My lips parted, but no answer came out of me. I am too stunned to speak.
“Why didn’t you come back after all these years?” Aless asked, sounding confused.
“I was badly injured and have been receiving treatment abroad these years. A major treatment, you can say.” He replied, and
then his gaze fell on me.
Those familiar blue eyes watched me, and somehow, I felt nauseous. I don’t know what this feeling is that terrifies me from the
A smile crept across his face but failed to reach his eyes. This was unusual because his eyes would light up in unison whenever
Dominic smiled. However, his smile seemed contrived this time and lacked the usual authenticity.
“Hey, Tori...” His deep tone whispered. “You have grown up. More beautifully.” He complimented me, and that rushed down to
my bones.
I heard gasps beside me. Surely, from Aless and Ant, as no one knew about my previous relationship with Dominic.
Dominic laughed suddenly, shaking his head.
“I can’t believe, Victoria, that you married Andro and became my sister-in-law now.” He laughed again, and the whole thing
seemed funny to him.
“Y...You know each other?” I heard Alessandro’s shocked tone beside us.

I once turned to Alessandro. I decided to confess everything to him tonight but not like this, certainly. I planned it differently.
However, things turned seemingly complicated now.
Before I could reply, I heard Dominic saying, “We went to the same college. Victoria was a freshman, and I was a senior, about to
complete my studies. We were in Paris at that time.” He answered, his gaze still focused on me.
For some reason, it’s becoming increasingly uncomfortable for me to maintain eye contact with him as time passes.
“Oh, I see,” Alessandro replied as his gaze locked on me too.
There is a ton of question in his blue gaze. They are demanding and accusing me somehow as if I lied to him. Well, I never lied,
but I hide things.
“So?” Dominic’s tone dragged our gaze to him again as he stretched his hand to his brother. Congratulations, Andro. You are

gonna be a father.”
He turned to me, and his eyes dropped to my baby bump. “It would have been different if not for what happened five years
I gasped as I felt Alessandro’s stiffened expression. This is way too awkward! Oh, Lord!
I don’t know if Ant got any hint from our expressions, but he came forward, clearing his throat.
“Hello, Mr. Dominic. I am Antonio Edwards.”
Releasing his grip on his brother’s hand, Dominic reached for my brother’s hand and shook it with a smile. “Of course, I know
that. Well, who doesn’t?” He arched his brow.
“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Edwards. And I am grateful you agreed to let us hold the banquet.”
“My pleasure,” Antonio replied, shaking his hand. “I didn’t know the DW’s Director is so young and somehow related.”
Dominic chuckled. “Well, the world is too small.” He cast a fleeting glance in my direction, leaving the next course of action
Ant nodded. “Yeah, you are right. You have business in your blood, and it’s showing.” He looked around.

Dominic shook his head with a smile. “Oh, don’t be like that. It’s still nothing compared to Devonte’s Empire. I am just trying.” He
“So? Enjoy then?” Dominic turned to Aless again.
After a prolonged silence, Alessandro finally spoke up, “Why don’t you come home and visit Grandma? She would be delighted
to see you.”
“I am afraid I will scare our grandmother away. Maybe next time.?”
Aless nodded. “Okay.”
He suddenly turned so cold, and I didn’t know how to convince him next. Dominic’s appearance has complicated a lot of things.
“I... I am a little tired. Can you drive me home?” I spoke without looking at anyone.
I just said that. Uncertain of Alessandro’s current stance on the matter, I had hoped for some help from Ant. To my surprise, it
was Alessandro who took the initiative.
“Are you alright? Not feeling well?” He asked.
His words rushed some warmth in me. Even in this awkward situation, he did not stop caring for me.
“I am fine. Just feeling a little tired.” I said, avoiding eye contact with him.
“Let me take you home.” Alessandro offered.
I don’t know how the situation would turn between us, but I still agreed and nodded my head silently.
“I suppose I’ll have to catch up with you all later,” Dominic remarked. “Take care,” he added as he glanced at me one final time
before departing to mingle with the other guests.
Well, it’s time for some good explanation.