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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE!

Chapter 53
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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! Chapter 53
Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! Chapter 53 Dear ex-wife
I kept zoning out between works after getting the phone call from Victoria. I can’t just let go of her angered and cold tone. She is
someone that meant everything to me, and I got to realize it after she left me.
The whole day, I kept urging Calvin if he got her location, and he kept repeating that he was trying. I don’t blame him; she was
prepared when she called me so I couldn’t find her location.
She thought I had released Camilla, but that’s not the truth! I would never do that! I believe I felt the most satisfied when Camilla
was apprehended for her unlawful actions, and I am confident that none of my family members were involved. I would have been
aware of the situation if they had attempted to take any actions without my knowledge.
Soon enough, Calvin rushed into my office. I looked at him with expectations, but his next words ruined my mood solely as it was
nothing related to Victoria.
“Sir, DW Wine Corp is going to hold a banquet next week and send you an invitation.”
My brows furrowed in severe confusion, “DW Wine Corp?” I muttered the name and looked up at my assistant, who seemed
He nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“What’s the reason behind their sudden invitation to me? I thought the director is from Europe and only invites people from his
ground?” I tapped on the desk.
“Maybe, we recently invested in a wine company, and that’s why he has invited us?” With a short pause, Calvin added, “but one
thing is must, whoever director he is, he must have great business acumen. This is evidenced by their ability to expand their
business throughout the United States within a few years.”
I nodded, agreeing with Calvin. He is right; at least the merging says that, but one thing is for sure, the director likes to keep
himself a mystery. No media has got a clear picture of him.

There is uncertainty regarding his age and background, with some claiming he is young while others claim he is old. This
ambiguity has led to some suspicion about him.
“So, do you want to accept the invitation, sir?” He asked.

“Yeah, accept it. Let’s see who this mysterious person is,” I replied, concentrating on the PC screen again.
Mysterious?... Wait! Suddenly a possibility crossed my mind, and I looked up at my assistant.
“Yes, sir?” He paused, turning to face me.
“Do you think there is a possibility for DW to be related to the White family?” I asked for his opinion.
He thought for some time and frowned. “Lots of things could happen, sir. Hearing you, it also seems like a major chance.”
“Then start a new investigation. This time connect these two. I need immediate results, Calvin.”
“Yes sir,” and he walked out of the office, making my mood gloomy again. I was preoccupied for several minutes with the idea of
lacking sufficient information about Victoria.
The next few hours, I was drowned in work, and Calvin finally forced me to wrap up for the day.
Frankly, I don’t want to leave the office because I am not inspired to return home, but I have to at the end of the day. I don’t want
to go miserable when I finally see her, and I want to look presentable.
So, I did leave.
Sitting in the car, I kept leaning against the seat, feeling tired, as if all the energy had been drowned out of me.
No matter what I do, think, or wherever I look, only one person developed her place in my every direction.
I deeply regret and feel remorseful for my past mistakes, yet I am unable to find a path to forgiveness. Despite this, I still desire
her presence in my life.
I tried to give up on her when she left my side, but I couldn’t. The more I tried, the more I got involved in her thoughts.

I didn’t appreciate her when she was with me, even though she took care of me. However, now that she’s gone and we’re
separated, I’ve come to realize how valuable and important she was to me; I feel like I need her as much as I need oxygen.
Is it called love? I don’t know. I have never been in love before. Before marrying Victoria, Camilla was my girlfriend, and the
reason for our relationship was that I was trying to repay a debt that she still holds against me for a particular incident.
Otherwise, I have never been fond of her. Yeah, before marriage, I slept with other women occasionally, but it was never Camilla.
I never felt any interest in that woman.
After getting married, Victoria became the sole focus of my attention. Looking back, I realize I wasn’t in love with her then, but I
still felt a strong connection. I used to believe that my feelings were simply because she was living with me, but now I know that
wasn’t true.

Especially that night at the banquet, I felt something else. It was like I had been hungry for centuries; no matter how much I had
her, the hunger inside me would never be satiated. I felt like I am having sex for the first time in my life.
Perhaps this is what they call love—being exclusively interested in one person and no one else. It may appear that I am not a
generous person but rather a selfish one, and in this situation, I would embrace being selfish.
I don’t mind how you perceive me, but my top priority is Victoria and finding a way to bring her back into my life. I made a vow to
do so, and I am determined to fulfill that promise.
I...”Sir, we are home.”
I was startled and jerked out of my thoughts, hearing my driver’s tone. Calvin didn’t have to drive today because I allowed him to
take time off. He’s going through a lot of stressful situations, so I wanted to relieve some of the pressure on him.
I may not have my wife beside me, but I don’t want his wife to feel lonely and do what mine did.
I looked outside, and there it was, my billion-dollar Palace, standing with pride and attitude. Returning home brought me joy in
the past, but now I no longer feel that way. It seems pointless to enter a building made of concrete and stone when it lacks any
true significance or worth.
These days, I have realized one thing, this place is only called home when it has its charm that lies in the people who live in the
house, or else, it’s just only some stone, cement, and water with lots of money.
For me, that charm has always been Victoria, and leaving this place, she taught me this hard cold truth.

With an inward sigh, I entered the house, greeted by the guards and servants who fell on the way. Everything is the same;
nothing felt the same.
I was about to enter my room when my phone started ringing. I looked at the screen, and it was Calvin.
I frowned, thinking about what could happen at this hour. I received the call only to be greeted by his excited voice.
“Sir, I got it!” He said from the opposite side, his tone seeming impatient.
“What happened?” Unlike him, no situation seemed to excite me unless it was related to Victoria.
“I got her location! Miss Edwards!” He said, and immediately all my tiredness was gone, and I felt a rush of current in my entire
“Where? Where is she?!”
“Miss Edwards’s current location says she is in France now, and her last call was in Paris.”
“Paris?” I frowned again and immediately knew what to do next as I said, “cancel all the meetings for a few days. I am going to
leave for Paris tonight.” I declared.
“What about Mr. Barren? Should I cancel his leave?” Calvin asked, and I shook my head immediately.
“No, I may not have time for that project much; let Mr. Barren go, and I will occasionally visit after getting time. Please call Russo
and tell him I will leave tonight.”
“I am on it,” he said, and I hung up the call.
Suddenly energized and ready to conquer the world. Soon, you will be mine, dear ex-wife, I silently muttered.