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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE!

Chapter 51
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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! Chapter 51
Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! Chapter 51 a beloved friend
“So? What next?” Jayden asked, sipping on his afternoon coffee as we sat on the porch of my new house in Paris.
This is one of Edwards’s properties under my name, one of the most beautiful locations, a little distant from the main city, yet not
so far. As I don’t go out frequently, I have chosen to remain in this place and continue my daily routine.
I sipped on my green tea before turning my gaze to him.
“What next?” I am a bit confused by his words.
He sipped his coffee again and kept the coffee mug on the tea table before us, turning his whole focus in my direction.
“I am talking about your life; how are you planning to move further?” He questioned with a serious tone.
Well, as a friend of mine, I understood his concern.
I shrugged, “well, for now, I am continuing my study and enjoying the charm of life without any pressure. Later with my baby’s
birth, I will move forward with him or her. I just don’t want to complicate things anymore.” I said truthfully. Frankly, I didn’t think
much and decided to go with a simple plan and live peacefully.
Jayden remained silent for a while, and I sensed that something about the mood had shifted. I’m unsure if it’s because my
pregnancy hormones are making me more sensitive or if a genuine change is occurring. As of late, I’ve noticed that my sixth
sense has been considerably more acute, which may be a bit of an annoyance in my daily life.
“Well, what about Alessandro? Are you planning to tell him about this?” He gestured to my unborn infant.
I put down the cut before caressing my belly and shook my head. “I am not planning to go back to him. Maybe today or
tomorrow, he will get to know, but that’s just the way of life. This baby is mine, and I can take care of it.”
Even though it hurts my heart to think that this child will have to grow up without a father, I am very determined with my thoughts.

As if he read my thoughts, he asked, “What about a father? Maybe not Alessandro and someone else?”

I looked up at him, and he leaned forward a little.
“I am well aware of how strong you are, Victoria, and I understand your thoughts too. Still, I believe that a child’s growth depends
on the contributions of both parents. At a certain point, your baby will need a father.”
I smiled at his words. “I know, Jade; I never denied this. I am well aware of this, but that doesn’t mean I will find someone
randomly as my baby’s father. I am sure time will tell what it has to hold for us in the future, but for now, I am happy with the
things I have.”
The mood suddenly turned so serious as I predicted, and to lighten it, I smiled again, “and I thought you were searching for a
boyfriend for me?” I wiggled my brow at him.
However, he did not reply to my playfulness but thoughtfully stared at me. “Victoria, I understand your every word; still, I am not
convinced. How about I take the part I have told you before?”
“What part?” I turned, confused again.
He sat straight, looking directly into my eyes, “how about me? My question for you, Victoria Edwards, is how do you feel about
me being your partner and your child’s father?
I suddenly was dumbstruck. I didn’t really think he would come up with this sudden proposal.
I stared at him, holding his gaze for some time. I couldn’t even find a way to run these words as a joke because his eyes were
not giving them away; he seemed so serious.
Still, I tried to make a little laugh, “don’t make jokes about such a thing, Jay...”
“I am serious, Victoria,” he paused me in the middle, and all my smiles once again flew away.
I blinked under his gaze and sighed inwardly. I just don’t know what to think about his sudden proposal that I had never imagined
before in my life.
“Jayden, I understand your concern as a friend, but I don’t want to lose my only best friend in other matters. I don’t want to mess
up the relationship that we had and have. I hope you understand my words.”
The peaceful atmosphere suddenly turned serious a few minutes ago, and now it advanced into a gloomy one.

He sighed and lowered his head. Even though I can’t read his expression, I know nothing is pleasant right now.

“Was I too repellent right now?” He asked, with his tone lowered. “I shouldn’t have pressurized you with such a matter.”
“Oh, no! Don’t think like that, Jayden. You were never pressurizing me; you are my friend and only concern. I just hope we can
be friends always like before, and this moment doesn’t change anything between us.”
I don’t really wanna lose my friend just because of this. Nor do I want to think about this moment again. I could have provoked
him to speak and put his mind further, but I don’t want to break the peace around that has grown up in three months.
He looked up at me and smiled. “I will always be there for you, Vici. You will never lose your friend that you have trusted.”
I smiled and nodded at him, but fortunately, my phone rang that moment, so I apologized and excused myself to pick it up. This
matter should end here no matter what.
I watched her back disappear into the house. Still, I kept saying with the hope that is only my delusion.
Victoria is not only my friend but my first love. I had to move from America ten years ago, and the day I returned, she had just
gotten married to Alessandro.
That news broke my heart apart. I only returned for her that day, standing on my own feet, but she left. Without saying anything
to anyone, I left America and decided never to return.
However, when Antonio informed me that Victoria left Alessandro three years later, I was so freaking happy, and I thought I finally
got a chance to get the love of my life. Yet, I failed again.
Even if she left Alessandro, she couldn’t forget him, especially with his child growing up inside her. Saying beside her, I noticed
how her face lit up just at the mention of his name; still, I decided to present my proposal before her.
I have failed once more. It’s possible that she’s meant for someone else rather than me. Although the idea is painful, I must
come to terms with the fact that she has made her decision. Regardless of what happens, it seems unlikely that she will pick me.
I took the pink diamond ring from my pocket, named ‘Beloved.’ I had purchased it for her with sincere intentions, as she was truly
the love of my life. I had planned to give it to her if she agreed to be with me, but unfortunately, she declined..

I only proposed to her to be her baby’s father. If she had accepted, maybe I would have confessed my love directly to her, but
now, I won’t. I don’t want to put pressure on her with my feelings.
Maybe someday, I will find a moment to give her this. If not a beloved lover but a beloved friend...