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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE!

Chapter 34
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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! Chapter 34

Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! Chapter 34 Did you hear that?


I already knew what Jayden was doing. His action made me smile as I stretched my right hand to him. Intentionally,

I didn’t give a left hand.

With a soft kiss on my knuckle, he put it on my right-hand ring finger. To my surprise, it fits perfectly, and I swear, it

looks so beautiful. Even for a moment, I could wear such a precious thing, and I love every moment.

Only wished it was from the man I love. Maybe, I would protect this piece of art with my life.

“Victoria, don’t go too far!” Camilla stood up furiously. She is set for another drama, isn’t she?

“You are too ridiculous! You want to snatch the proposal ring my boyfriend wants to give me?”

Is she insane, or has the sudden shock disturbed her brain cells?

I raised my brows at her. “Oh, am I, Miss White? And here I, and probably everyone, thought it’s because your

boyfriend didn’t offer a higher price for it?”

“Yeah.” One female voice agreed from the audience as others started nodding their head.

Camilla suddenly turned nervous. “No! What are you talking about!? It’s obviously because you ……”

“Mr. Devonte, I think you need to say something to comfort your girlfriend,” Jayden spoke, interrupting Camilla in

the middle of her words.

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“Or is the famous Alessandro Devonte also a brutally unreasonable person?” I could sense Jayden’s cold smirk and

Alessandro’s cold glare met.

It felt like an unknown cold War is happening between them. Or am I wrong to think that?

Alessandro’s fists clenched tight. I know it is humiliating for him. However, I can’t help it, nor it began with me. His

‘girlfriend’ created the situation for him.

“Today is E Shine’s auction show, don’t act ridiculously.” He finally spoke, stopping Camilla.

“I will ask my assistant to find better jewelry for you.” He added the last words before he stood up and left the


He was so… polite to her, which reminds me of the day I went to an auction with him.

It was an accident that I bumped into a waiter that spilled a little champagne on my shoes. He was humiliated

before the whole audience even though Camilla caused that situation.

Also, not to mention that accident on his grandmother’s seventieth birthday. I broke my arm, but he only cared

about my appearance because it was related to his image.

I always knew Alessandro never liked to be embarrassed in public, especially when cameras were clicking on him.

He cared about his image a lot.

Today, he demonstrated that he could keep his image aside when dealing with his loved ones. Although he didn’t

explicitly state it, his actions conveyed his affection for Camilla and willingness to endure any challenges she may


“Did you hear that?” My thoughts broke with Camilla’s arrogant tone. “Aless said he will buy me something better

later!” With a smirk on her face, she raised her chin and rolled her eyes at me before following Aless.

I don’t want to smile anymore. Despite my reluctance, my heart is pained by the truth that lies within, and I cannot

deny it.

Suddenly, I felt a soft touch on my shoulder. When I looked up, Jayden smiled at me.

“I will feel sick if I stay for one more second here! Let me take you home quickly so you won’t have to accompany

me to the hospital!”

His dark humor made me smile, and I walked out with him after instructing Daniel to wrap everything up.

I didn’t want to leave, but Daniel was the one who pushed me out with his brother, saying he would take care well.

We arrived at the parking lot.

Jayden opened the car door for me, and I went inside, thanking him. After he settled beside me, he asked, “still

thinking about Aless?”

Frankly, yes. I am thinking about him when I clearly shouldn’t. I no longer wanted to be weak for that man, so I

shook my head.

“I am divorced from him now. why would I even care about him?” I smiled, watching the pink diamond shining on

my ring finger.

“Besides, you got me such a precious gem! About that, what made you think of buying this diamond?” I asked,

flipping the question toward him.

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I raised my brows at him. “Is this really for me?” Because if this is the case, I really don’t know what to think next!

Jayden seemed tensed for a second and then turned his gaze straight.

“Don’t think too much, Miss Edwards. I have checked this ‘Beloved.’ This is the most famous and precious in the

jewelry market now.”

He tapped on his chin before adding, “the current valuation of it has exceeded a hundred million dollars. I am lucky

to buy it at this price.”

And a huge stone just left my heart, that was over me I didn’t know.

It was a relief to know that he only helped me avenging against Camilla and Alessandro.

I pulled the ring from my finger and tucked it inside the velvet box again, returning it to its owner.

“I am glad you got it. Please find a good bidder to sell it at a hundred million, and you can get the extra ninety

million dollars for it.”

Jayden blinked once before looking down at the box I was holding. It felt like he would deny taking it back for a

second, but then he gave a firm nod and slowly took it back.

“I am not…” He murmured something under his breath that I didn’t understand properly.

“Did you say something, Jade?” I asked in confusion as he slowly looked up at me again, and a second later, he

smiled, returning to his playful self.

“I said I will introduce other young men to you if you need a new boyfriend.”

“Oh, of course!” I narrowed my eyes at him, and we both started laughing.

For the first time, it felt something was weirdly wrong between us. Or maybe, it’s just in my head…