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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE!

Chapter 31
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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! Chapter 31

Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! Chapter 31 Long time no see


Today is a very busy day at work. It’s just noon, yet I feel like I’ve already put in a full day’s work! Though while

talking to mama during the lunch break, she said it’s common in pregnancy.

I looked at my wristwatch; it was past noon. Yawning, I started wrapping things up when Daniel walked inside with

his usual boyish smile after a knock on my door.

“Good Afternoon, boss,” he greeted me, but his smile slightly dropped watching my movements.

“Are you going home already?” He asked with a dramatic expression that made me chuckle.

“Yes, any problem? You have some other plans?”

He smiled shyly, inserting another drama. “I wish, Miss Blake, but tonight is someone else’s night.”

“Huh?” I sometimes really don’t understand this guy at all.

“You do forget, don’t you?” He rolled his eyes, making me frown. “What did I forget?”

“You have dinner with one of our business partners tonight, ma’am. I am certain you forget that, so your great

assistant is here.” He bowed dramatically, and I laughed, but deep down, I felt half amazed, half embarrassed.

He is right. I actually forgot about the meeting. But my boss-ego is slightly reluctant to accept the fact.

I pouted slightly, “who said I forgot? I was just testing you!”

“Yeah, do I pass?” His mood was sullen, and I laughed again. “Fine, you win. Let’s go, end this!”

We got out of the office, and Daniel respectfully opened the car door for me. After I was inside, he closed the door

and, getting into the driver’s seat, he drove the car to the destination.

The meeting was set in one of the famous dines in New York City.

The guest has already arrived and waiting for us. The manager led us into a private room always set for private


As soon as the manager opened the door for us and we went inside, I saw a neat and slender figure sitting on the

table, wrapped in a dark suit.

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His posture gave away his gentlemanly aura even after he was back facing me.

His assistant noticed us first as he stood up and then the main partner. He turned around, and our gazes met,

making me surprised all over.

The man is delicately handsome with his straight nose and square but firm jaw. Dark brown hair complimented the

soft brown eyes, and lastly, it was neatly trimmed stubbles. His brown eyes lit up, and his lips curved into a smile.

“Long time no see, Vici.”

My hands went over to my mouth. “Jayden!” I couldn’t help myself anymore and rushed to him, pulling him into a


“Oh, I never really thought I would see you again!”

He chuckled before hugging me back. “I never thought that, though.”

Breaking the hug, I looked at him closely. He has changed—turning into a more handsome and grown-up. My best

friend. A few years older than me, yet we have been friends since childhood. Thanks to our parents that I get to

know this guy.

But he wasn’t here for ten years. Their whole family shifted to London years ago. I am seeing him for the first time

after a long ten years, and I am really surprised and happy. I wouldn’t lie; I have missed my best friend so freaking


“When did you return here?” I asked, taking a seat beside him. There is so much to share and so much to catch up

on. “Why didn’t you call me? How are your parents? I also remember you have a brother; how is he?” I asked so

many questions at a time.

He chuckled. “Calm down, little pie. I promise to respond to every question. Mom and dad are fine. They didn’t

come with us. And about my brother? Well, you can ask him by yourself.” He gestured behind me.

When I turned around, only Daniel and Jayden’s assistant stood. Without a hint, suddenly, Daniel took a step

forward and grinned. “I am as good as you can see me, boss.”

I blinked, out of my sense, for a moment, and slowly it started coming to me. Daniel Craig is his name.

“Oh!” I gasped as the realization hit me soon. “He is your… Brother?” I turned my gaze to Jayden, and he gave a

soft nod.

“And you never bothered to tell me?” I turned to Daniel this time, suddenly disappointed at the news.

Daniel immediately held his ears like a child in punishment. “I am so sorry, all because of my brother. He wanted to

surprise you. What can I do?”

I looked at my friend, and he only shrugged, making all of us smile at each other.

Now I know why I used to find Daniel so familiar to someone I know. It turned out that he was the brother of that

someone I had always imagined him to be.

Soon, the business dinner turned into a get-together with old friends. We talked and caught up on our lives. Jayden

revealed that they were going to live here from now on. He would start taking care of the business in the USA.

I was surprised to hear Jayden was still single anyways.

“Since you are here, let me find a suitable girl for you; how about that?” I danced my brows at him.

He took a sip of his wine and put the glass down before looking at me again, “I have one in mind already. I’m

waiting for her to notice me.”

“Oh? She lives here?” I asked, slightly gasping on the way.

“Yes.” He kept the reply simple but deep.

“Do I know her?” I asked, arching my brow, excited to hear who the lucky lady was.

He stared at me blankly, skillfully not giving away his thoughts, and then shrugged.

“Maybe yes or maybe no?”

And I couldn’t help but narrow my eyes at him. “You didn’t change your arrogant ways, Mr. Craig?”

He smirked only but didn’t reply to anything. “Enough of me. What about you, Vici?” He asked, completely ignoring

my dissatisfaction about not knowing the answer.

“Heard that you got divorced from your husband?” He asked.

I chewed my inner cheeks before nodding. I knew this question would come at some point but didn’t realize he

would already know about it.

“Yeah, I did. But how did you know?” I asked.

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He simply shrugged and quickly understood the situation while I shifted my attention to my dear assistant, who

gave me a shy smile.

Sighing, I shook my head, “you are such a gossip king, aren’t you?”

I felt a warm touch on the back of my hand.“You okay, Vici?” Jayden asked.

I smiled, slightly hiding the disappointment in myself. I don’t like to see this worry in the eyes of my loved ones for

me. I am not pathetic. But, from their perspective, I do understand. Maybe, one day, they will know I am fine even

after everything that happened to me.

“I couldn’t be better, Jayden. I once made a bad decision, and when I realized I let go. I cannot mourn on the past

that never belonged to me.”

Daniel nodded vigorously in my support. “I swear, she is so cool when facing that man. I have seen it!”

“I am so happy you got out of whatever mess you were in, Vici,” Jayden said, forcing me to look into his eyes.

They were soft and watching me. Am I delusional to think that I felt a strange vibe in those words? It felt like he

meant something else to them.

“I promise I will help you get revenge on Camilla and Alessandro,” Jayden spoke, breaking my thoughts.

I chuckled. It was funny, though, and it would be much fun to take revenge, but that would be childish. So I shook

my head.

“Why bother about such things, Jade? You just came back after ten bloody years! Let’s not waste our precious time

on them and do something fun. Moreover, I have moved on too. There is no point in dwelling on the past. Now, I

want to start a new life ahead.”

Jayden nodded, thoughtfully staring at me. “Our Vici has grown mature, hasn’t she?”

I stared at him, making him smile.

“Okay, I will listen to you.” He leaned forward a little. “I heard that you are going to hold a jewelry auction exhibition

soon. Can I also attend the event?”

“Of course, you can. You are more than welcome,” I agreed happily.

“Okay, then I will bring you a gift when I get there.” He said, sending a mischievous wink at me.