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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE!

Chapter 143
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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! Chapter 142 Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! Chapter 142 I am here to oblige his order Two days
later, VICTORIA’S POV... I walked out of the police station, holding Leo in my arms. Was going back from the hospital after our
regular checkups and stopped the car in front of NYC’s huge police station. The place was child friendly, so I went inside with my
baby if there is any news of Lisa. It’s been two days but there is no news about her. Police are trying their best and Dominic is
also kept under sharp gazes to follow him. However, no clue could be found. Police are also confused. They are trying their best.
I just hope, wherever Lisa is, she is fine. Giana is broken almost after losing her daughter. She is also under check. Her
punishment is unforgivable but I decided to proceed with my complain against her after Lisa is back. When I came out, the driver
opened the door for me and I settled in my seat. Today, I brought Mama’s driver. Sage is keeping his eyes always on Dominic, so
I did not disturb him. As I settled, the driver started the car. After we cale out of the station’s compound, my phone started ringing
with an unknown number. My brows furrowed together in a thought if I know this number, but couldn’t recall. And then I picked up
the call. “Hello, Who is it?” I asked. “Ma’am, it’s me, Calvin. You remember me, right? Mr Alessandro’s ex-assistant.” He
introduced himself. “Oh, Yes. I do remember you, Calvin. So? How is it going? What made you call me?” It felt a little strange

getting his call. Still, I wanted to know. He remained silent for a few seconds before speaking, “Umm... Ma’am, I don’t know how
to tell you, but this is about Mr Dominic.” He spoke. My braincells turned alert hearing his words. I sat straight and once eyed the
driver. I lowered my tone, “What about him?” I asked cautiously. Again he took a second of pause, before speaking, “I wanted to
tell this to Mr Alessandro. But, I don’t know how to let him know this about his family, so I turned to you, Ma’am. I have learnt
something about Mr Dominic. And as an ex-assistant of Mr Alessandro, I knew lots of things about Mr Dominic. So, I realised, it’s
important to let you know.” My brows furrowed deeply. “What is it, Calvin? I am listening.” My heart is beating faster now. “This is
something, I can’t tell you on the phone, ma’am. Is it possible to meet me now? I have managed to seek out of the office with an
excuse and called you.” He said. Calvin was the most trusted guy of Aless. I know him for a long time. He served for a long time.
I guess, I can trust to meet him. I once turned to my son, who is now sleeping in his special seat that was engraved by his father.
And I can trust him with the driver. He is serving Mama since I was born. After thinking about everything, I nodded. “Okay, send
me your location.” I hung up the call and a few moments later, my phone beeped with a text. It was from Calvin. He sends me his
location. I showed the location to the driver and ordered him to drive there. He silently obliged. It did not take more than ten
minutes to reach there. As soon as I reached at the location, I frowned. The place was nothing but an abandoned factory. I did
not went out of the car immediately. Waited and watched the place. I picked up my phone and called Calvin. He received it
immediately. “What is this place, Calvin? An abandoned factory? Seriously?” “I know it’s strange ma’am, but trust me, this is the
safe option to talk secretly. I don’t want to get caught by the boss. it’s about my job too.” He said. “I am coming out.” I hung up
and a few seconds later, I watched him walking out of a corner of the mill. He is wearing his regular black suit. I turned to the
driver and asked him to stay here with Leo, as I stepped out of the car and walked toward Calvin. Smiling, he nodded at me,
“Hello, ma’am.” I nodded back. “What is it, Calvin?” “This is about Mr Dominic madam. I find out that, he is your ex-lover?” He
raised his brow at me. I blinked. His question seemed pointless and this topic? We massed that phase, right? All of us. And he is

here to tell me this? I frowned. “Did you call me to say this only?” I asked. He smiled and shook his head, “No, ma’am. It was just
me, saying this. Recently, Miss Giana’s daughter Lisa has been kidnapped, right? You are trying to find her.” I nodded, alarmed,
“Yes... Do you know something about her? any information?” I asked. He scratched his chin. “Yes, ma’am. He did. Even though
everyone is thinking that he kidnapped her because of you, it’s not like that. There is something more into it.” “What is it? Don’t
test my patience, Calvin. Just say it.” I am feeling a little irritated now. Calvin leaned a little toward me but maintained a distance.
“I have heard that, he has sent Lisa to his mother.” He lowered his tone. “Huh!?” I gasped and he nodded. “Yeah, he did. And
now, he is also planning to send your son to his mother too.” What the fuck!? “What the hell are you talking about!?” I was fully
alert by now. My heart is beating faster. His mother? But, isn’t she dead? Then is he... No! Calvin shook his head. “Definitely not,
ma’am. Even... I am here to oblige his order...” He smiled at me, taking a step forward. I blinked... His smile... It’s so weird...
His eyes glint with something I didn’t recognise. Giving me a chill down my spine. “Is this any kind of joke!? I am leaving...” But,
before I could finish, I heard a groaning sound that came from behind and I turned around only to find the driver on the ground. I
gasped. What the... Aagh! The back of my head was suddenly hit with some hard thing. My body trembled and the world shook
around my head before everything turned dark before my eyes