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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE!

Chapter 119
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Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! Chapter 119
Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE! As strong as the Lion
“He looks just like me...” Papa said in a dreamy tone looking down at his newly born grandson, who is just three years old.
“Looks like you? Heh!” Antonio commented with a smug face. “My nephew looks like me, the end of the discussion.” He declared
spreading his arms as if feeling a satisfied breeze, only to get smacked on his head by Papa.
“How could that be! Look at his face! He looks like me!” Papa argued, while...
“I guess, all of you lost your eye sights!” Grandma spoke all of a sudden. “My great-grandson has exact features like his great-
grandfather.” She smiled, clasping her hands together and smiling at my sleeping son.
“Yeah... He does look like all of you other than me.” Alessandro’s duh tone came from the corner of the room, as my eyes turned
to him. He is focused on slicing apples for me.
All the members only looked at him once and ignore him in The next second before continuing their dreamy imaginations.
I heard Mama chuckle and frown a little. “Don’t you think all of them are mad enough?” I whispered in her ear, not wanting them
to listen and burst their bubbles.
Mama chuckled again, “This is the beauty, don’t you think so?”
Beauty? I thought in mind. How come?
“Just look at them. They also know what is the truth but they all have their imaginations surrounding that little life. Just three days
of him appearing into this world and he is already the apple of their eyes. Isn’t it beautiful?”
I turned my gaze to the people, surrounding that little glass-covered bed with the little angel lying inside. It’s true, he is the apple
of all eyes. How could he not?
I smiled... And then I heard,

“What do you think, Victoria? Who does he look like?” Antonio asked and all the eyes turned to me. Even, Aless also looked at
me, stopping his work.
I sat straight and then slowly and carefully, take my baby in my arms from his bed. He still has a pipe attached to his nose and
the doctor said, he won’t need I anymore after he is fully recovered from his premature weakness.
I looked at him. His black hair, straight nose and long dark eyelashes only point toward one person.
“Leonardo... Just looks like his father.” I said, watching him.

And immediately heard a disappointed sigh, “Yeah, not so partial.” Antonio narrowed his eyes.
Others only laughed, when the nurse came inside with a smile.
In just three days, the whole of the hospital became like a family. Nurses and doctors are friendly and they are so caring like a
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for you to leave for now. The baby and his mother need some alone time.” She said softly and
everyone went out, excluding Alessandro.
It was always Mama or Alessandro who stays with me in feeding times or other times. Because I need help with lots of things
After everyone is gone, the nurse adjusted Leo on my arms. He needs to handle with much more sensitively because of his
weak condition. He is a premature baby, after all.
She helped me remove my one breast and I started feeding her. The nurse left and this time it was only Aless.
He came beside me and helped me hold our son. Because, not only Leo, I am also much weak than other mothers. We did it
quietly and after I was done feeding him, he once again placed Leo on his destined bed.
Aless helped me button my maternity gown from the hospital and I leaned my head on his arms as he wrapped me around
securely. We both watched our child, sleeping.
He is sleeping most of the time and it’s needed for his health.
“So, how did you come up with the name Leonardo?” Aless asked, caressing my hair softly. “Was it preplanned?”.

I shook my head. “Of course, not. Remember, we decided to keep the gender a surprise? So, I never really planned. But... After
waking up when I find him fighting all the craziness around him, fighting his life and keeping himself alive, I decided to keep this
name for him. As strong as the Lion. A King. Our son would make up every situation in his entire life.”
“Hmm...” Aless hummed only. “You only wanted to save him.” He said all of a sudden. I don’t know what he is thinking but his
tone is a little stressed out.
Well, he is taking care of us, so it’s reasonable.
“Alessandro, I know, maybe that time my decision was reckless. But, if I was sent to that situation, every time I would choose his
life over mine. I can’t just...” I gulped the lump in my throat, that formed heavily in me.
His hands wrapped around me tightly. “I don’t know how it will sound. But, I will always choose you, Victoria.” He turned to me as
I looked up at him. His blue eyes were dull and guilty. But why?
“What happened, Aless? Why do you look sad? Let’s just drop this topic. I don’t want to be sad anymore.” I said anxiously.
He hold my hands and kissed them both before speaking, “Baby, I know, I wasn’t a good husband before. When you...” He

gulped, closing his eyes. His face flushed with a painful expression before he opened his eyes, looking into mine.
“When you went through a miscarriage, I wasn’t there with you... I... I was an idiot, Victoria. I know, there are no words for me to
ask forgiveness from you. But, I will keep making up for my mistakes if that ever touches a little of the part of forgiveness. I...” A
drop of tear slipped from his eyes as I pressed my index finger on his lips.
“No Aless, please, don’t. It wasn’t your fault alone. I should have told you and taken steps which I didn’t. I should have been
more careful as a mother, which I wasn’t. Please, don’t blame yourself.” I wiped away his tears and pulled him in a hug.
“What’s gone is gone now, Aless. It’s not the time to recall those painful pasts anymore. Now, let’s live in the present. You, me,
Leo and our happy little family, okay?”
Aless broke the hug and leaned a little to kiss me. He softly kissed my lips and then kissed my temple before cupping my cheeks
and joining our forehead.
“I love you so much, baby.” He confessed.
“I love you too,” I said with a happy smile on my face.

Home sweet home... That is what I felt the moment our car stopped before the Edwards Manor. Just got released this morning
and everyone decided that it would be best for me and our baby to shift with our parents.
Alessandro also stay with us till we get recuperate properly. And I didn’t object. Good for me, I would spend more time with my
parents, brother and husband together and now our son too.
Sage opened the door for us as we stepped outside the car.
Yeah, Sage... Glad he is safe and sound. After recovery, I learned that it was because of him, Aless could find us quickly.
After they injured him, they dropped him in another cell to die. However, he still didn’t give up and found a way to out of the cell
and fought with the guard, guarding him. He took his cell phone and called Aless before he lost his consciousness because of
blood loss.
Aless immediately traced the phone and found us. He need stitches in his head and I gave him a leave for a month to take
proper rest. and if needed more, he can take it.
Still, he forced to come for today and be with us. So, I agreed.
I turned to him. “Now, go home and take proper rest, Sage. It’s an order.” I said seriously.
He only smiled and nodded his head. “Yes, ma’am. Will do.”
And soon, I stayed before the entrance of my home. Yeah, this is my home, no matter who I am and what I am. The only truth is,
I am Victoria Edwards. I have a fiancee who loves me over his life and we have a little son, Leonardo Devonte.
I felt a firm touch on my hand. It was Aless. I looked up at him with a smile and he returned it. He holds my hand firmly with his
one hand and his other arm, holding our baby.
“Let’s go, shall we?” He asked and I smiled at him, beaming in happiness.
“Let’s go!!!” I agreed in a booming excitement...