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Dark Magus Returns-Novel

Chapter 592 The Man Who started It All
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Raze had used the special technique he had learned from the Dark Faction founder to allow him to arrive in Alterian in Spirit form.

Due to his increased cultivation body strength, his spirit body was more and more real in the other world while using this technique. Less mana leaked out while using it, and he had more powers than he did before.

Still, there was always one worry that Raze had to be concerned about. Although it didn't matter if the spirit was hurt, it could simply heal its body with more mana; this was not true for the real body.

There was a reason why all the times before, Raze had continued to use the technique while he was stuck in a cave. It was due to the safety of it all.

Using such a technique put him at a large disadvantage and in more ways than one. One of them being that it took up mana.

Even if he went back to his original body, he would have less mana than before. On top of that, his real body was defenseless while in this state.

He didn't worry about those things for now; instead, it was the first the was traveling with the other member of the Dark Guild, the person who was to have started this entire project in the first place.

The two of them had exited from the land below and reached the surface, already splitting up from Kelly and Sophie.

Right after that, he noticed Harvey tap the side of his finger, allowing him to change his uniform. He was now in a magical blazer just like that of stylish mages would wear.

It was the first tRaze was seeing his face as well. Slightly rugged with short facial hair all over, stubble as if a person couldn't be bothered to shave.

On top of that, the underneath of his eyes was slightly dark as well.

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"Followfor now. I'm pretty sure things will be able to go smoothly." Harvey commented, existing out of the alleyway and going back to the main street.

It was daytthis tin Alterian, with flying vehicles above, large advertisements playing nearly on every single building in sight.

It was always an odd feeling for him every the cback here.

"If you are expecting trouble it will be best that you letknow. I can only provide so much support in the current form I am in now," Raze said.

Raze was still wondering who this man exactly was, why so obsessed to the point of creating the Dark Guild. How was he able to get information on other members that could use Dark Magic as well?

"I'm happy that you cup with this plan," Harvey said as he continued to walk. "I had always planned to do something like this myself, but only when we had a larger number of members."

"You see, we have had other members of the guild before, but most of them cand go.and that woman are the only two that have managed to survive so long."

"If I was to lend them sof what I have, I was afraid that it might fall into the wrong hands."

"And with you, you know that it's absolutely safe," Raze asked.

"Yes," Harvey said as they had stopped just outside a police station.

Raze could read the sign clearly above. He was surprised why they were here of all places.

"This is where I work," Harvey said. "What better place to keep materials than to keep it in plain sight."

Raze thought the sthing, which was why he had hid his stash at the academy. Harvey was part of the police force, so they could seize items in their building.

They thought they were safely protected, unaware of who was working for them. This was a good position to be in for a number of reasons, and now Raze knew how he was able to learn Dark Magic as well.

"So do we need to sneak in? Any spells that you needto cast?" Raze asked.

Harvey shook his head. "No worries, you are just a member that is helpingon a case. I have access to everything in here; I'm the chief after all."

Harvey started to walk in, and Raze followed behind. Learning he was the chief though, now he was even more curious as to why this person chose to idolize and follow the Dark Magus.

With that, the two of them had headed on inside.

Kelly and Sophie had left together, and she had mixed feelings as she took the train back to the academy. In sways she was relieved that there was no need for her to go on a dangerous mission.

While at the stime, she was a little upset that she wouldn't be heading off with the Dark Spirit, going on their next adventure.

"Oh right…I forgot to tell him because he left in such a hurry," Kelly said to herself with her hand held out. Sophie was licking it with her little pink tongue.

Even though she was actually a human, she had many cat traits as well.

"He toldto look into high-ranking mages that had disappeared a while ago. It seems like there was someone that fits who he was looking for, a mage that went by the nNafob Alok… I'll tell him about it next time."

Just as Harvey had said, both Raze and him were easily able to walk through the office with no problem at all.

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There were many officers that paid their respects to Harvey. Sasked who Raze was, but with a simple explanation, he was able to just walk in.

This was what a higher position allowed one to do. Seeing this, it made him wonder though, how many people were under the Grand Magus.

If Harvey could do something like this, then the Grand Magus were able to do this almost anywhere.

Eventually they had gone to the back, into a large storage room, where evidence was kept for nearly every case they dealt with.

"Everything that you need is compiled in one area, courtesy to what you need. Although it's easy in this station, there are many other stations that might hold even more items."

"I don't have the sweight, and it's not as easy, but I think we can work something out, I just thought it was best to go to this place first."

Raze nodded, he was more than happy and surprised it was this easy to get what he was looking for.

Heading down the row of shelves at the very back to the right, just as Harvey said, there was everything to do with Dark Magic.

There were half-torn scrolls, ripped-out pages, images, and even books. Picking up the books, Raze started to glance at them one by one.

He was trying to see if there was anything he could find that would be of use to the situation he was in, and he had finally found it.

'Enchanting with Dark Magic… there are so many details in here… this is it, this is what I've been looking for.'

Closing the book, Raze started to look at the details, and could see a nimprinted at the bottom.

"Nafob Alok."

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