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Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 490: A New Member
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Although worried and reluctant for everything that could happen, Kelly still decided that it was best for her to go, and as soon as possible. These meetings with the Dark Guild took place on the weekend for her anyway when she had free time, so it was possible.

"He is right about another thing as well, the Dark Spirit did tell us to increase the members of the Dark Guild. I'm sure the more people we have, the more we can help in the future as things go on."

Following the location on the street, she found herself in one of the least affluent areas of the town. It was always the case when she did go to these places.

It was very rare that someone who was living the high life in the city would resort to learning dark magic.

Still, the place was certainly better than the underground slums where they would meet up. It was still located above ground close to the outskirts of the main city. It was harder for one to travel to the area as there was a lack of public transport.

Not only that, but the things such as basic lighting were void as well. It was strange because when Kelly turned her head, one could see the vast large tall buildings that lit up and shined an array of different colors.

While in front of her, she was looking at a two-storey building that was crumbling paint, plaster, or something on the side. There was even an outer staircase that would lead one up from the first to the second floor, and the doors weren't that far from one another, suggesting the small size inside.

Coming to the place Kelly had done what was taught to her. She had used local services to find the correct dress, making sure that none of her personal devices had been used.

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At the same time, she currently had nothing on her that could identify her. If things went wrong. From the look of things though, the area was void of people and there was no one keeping watch of the place. She had even taken a couple of laps around the block to see if there was anyone nearby keeping an eye on the place.

"Alright, it doesn't seem like I'll need to worry about any outside interference, but that's only half the battle, now to try and not get this whole apartment destroyed."

Heading to the apartment, Kelly was wearing a hooded robe that covered most of her head, and even then, she had a scarf that was pulled up from her neck, covering her face.

The robe that she was currently using was even specially enchanted to cover her face if one tried to look directly at her, but again, all of this was just a precaution. She turned her head before arriving at the door, the first one on the ground floor, with the number one hanging on its side, ready to fall off at any moment.

"I guess it's always better to approach these things like a salesperson rather than a thief." Kelly lifted her hand and gave a small knock. She was careful not to knock too hard, so the other neighbors wouldn't hear what was going on.

She waited, but there appeared to be no answer at all before knocking again a little louder. Waiting for more time, nothing had happened. Thinking that she might not be in, Kelly waited on the street, carefully watching the door.

A few people from the apartment block had come and gone, but nothing had occurred at the room she was looking at, room 1.

"Why are things always like this when it comes to these things," she sighed.

Approaching the door, she felt like she had no choice as she hovered her hand where the lock would be, just over the handle. In this case, the best magic for her to use in this situation was a small amount of Dark Magic.

As it seeped out of her hand and touched the door, the destructive magic was doing its work. The outside of the door was fading away, almost like an acid, and this continued forward until it had reached the other side completely.

With a little push, now the door could easily be opened.

"I hope this person won't mind, and I hope I won't have to pay for this door." Kelly thought as she pushed herself in.

Immediately when she walked through the front door, she was greeted into a kitchen/living room area. It was small and open and a single space. With her hand on the door, she pushed it back, closing it behind her, and she was ready to use her magic at any moment because she didn't exactly like what she was seeing right now.

The entire room was dark, it was void, and there was a musty smell. Something that made it feel as if it wasn't lived in. It wasn't trashed like some type of thief; if anything, it was almost the opposite.

Everything had been placed away, it was neat and tidy, and looked as if the place wasn't lived in at all. In the main room, there were two more rooms. One door straight ahead, that she assumed would lead to the bedroom, and a side door that led to a small bathroom.

"Let's check out the least likely room for someone to be in," Kelly thought as she headed to what she assumed was the bathroom, or where she would place one if she had designed the apartment.

She slowly pushed the door open.

"I'm sorry for intruding," Kelly said speaking, worried that she might be walking in on someone. Maybe they just had a bad stomach and had been on the toilet that whole time.

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Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on what way one looked at the situation, there was no one inside, leaving her left with no choice but to check the main room.

"Hello!" Kelly said again, leaving a little tap before opening the room. When she did, the first thing she immediately heard was a small high pitched noise.

"Meow!" The noise came through.

Opening the door, and looking down, Kelly's eyes were laid on a black cat. The black cat was staring directly at her and was continuing to meow, and it was rather a fat cat as well.

"Oh, you must belong to the owner, right?" Kelly asked as she looked down at the cat.

Due to its large round size, all she wanted to do was kneel down and pick up the cat, squeezing it tightly, but the cat was acting rather strangely. It was continuously meowing at her and with its paw, it was hitting her leg again and again.

"I'm sorry, I'm not your owner, I know you might be afraid, but I promise I'm on your side. Do you know what happened to your owner?" Kelly asked.

Looking into the room itself, unlike the last room, this was incredibly strange. In the corner of the room, there was an automatic water and cat food feeder as well as a litter box. They were both around half full but allowed for the cat to live at least another week if necessary.

What was shocking was the room itself though; on the floor there were imprinted markings, it looked like a magic circle on the ground had been burned. Everything on the walls, papers, as well as magic-like books were thrown all over the place and torn up, even the bed sheets had claw marks as if done by the cat.

"What happened here?" Kelly thought.

When asking this question, as if on cue, the cat jumped away from Kelly, and then jumped onto the bed. With its paw, it started to hit a strange book that lay on top of the bed several times.

"Wait… can you understand me?" Kelly asked.

As if on cue, the cat gave out a meow.