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Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 317: Abram (4)
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A thoroughly soaked-through Jeneric was hoisted into the air. His limp form resembled the freshly laundered clothes hanging on a line.

He was an Archwizard of the Eighth Circle. He was the patriarch of the Osman family, which was renowned even in Aroth as a noble house of magic, a family that had produced three generations of the Green Tower Masters.

Such a wizard had been treated like a child. He had been humiliated through and through. Although Jeneric wasn’t highly regarded among the Archwizards of Aroth, there was not a single wizard who could boast that they were strong enough to toy with Jeneric as Sienna had done.


Sienna's demeanor did not change in the slightest compared to the beginning. The magic that Jeneric repeatedly used had failed to even brush against Sienna's clothes, let alone leave a scratch on her.

With a sour face, Sienna looked at Jeneric and flicked her finger.


A magic bullet as small as a bean burrowed into Jeneric's body.


As soon as he regained consciousness, Jeneric vomited a large volume of water. He had ingested too much lake water while repeatedly falling into and being pulled out of the lake.

Vomiting in front of so many people. It would have been an impossible sight for the Jeneric under normal circumstances, but now he was in no state to worry about such things.

Jeneric looked easily ten years older after regurgitating water for a while. He raised his head laboriously, gasping for breath, and looked at Sienna.

"Do you want to continue?" Sienna asked. It was a chilling question. Jeneric immediately shook his head, hiccupping.

He had never felt such dreadful pain and helplessness in the eighty years of his life as he had today. His body, plunged into the lake more than a dozen times, ached and throbbed all over, and it felt as if his bones and organs were also bruised and injured. He was dizzy from drinking too much water, and in particular, his eyes hurt as if they were about to burst. His ears were stuffed and ringing.

However, it wasn’t only the physical pain that had been inflicted on him. His heart had also been shattered into pieces. He was left with not even a grain of confidence in him.

The Wise Sienna…. He had assumed she would be powerful, but how could the difference between them be so great?

All of his confidence as a wizard, which he had polished and gained after half a century of training and studying, crumbled like sand.

“Alright,” Sienna stared at Jeneric with half-closed eyes as she spoke. "I do not acknowledge you or your family as my successors. In the future, if you and your descendants claim to be the successors of Sienna Merdein, I will exterminate your family with my own hands."


"Who knows, maybe I'll be dead in that distant future. But if I die, well, my descendants will take care of your family, won't they?" With these words, Sienna turned her gaze to Eugene.

Sienna Lionheart. Or Eugene Merdein. Either way was fine. She thought that both names held a thrilling allure….

"Hmm. Well, that's a matter for the future. For now…."

Sienna's gaze fell upon Eugene and Mer. Though she hadn't beckoned them verbally, the intent in her eyes was clear. Eugene approached Sienna while cradling Mer.

"I believe you owe an apology to my formal successor and my adorable familiar,” said Sienna.

The wrinkles on Jeneric's face quivered violently.

An apology concerning Mer? He had already given one several years prior. But back then, the apology had been made in a secluded space, far from prying eyes. Jeneric belatedly realized how considerate Eugene had been of him at that time.

But now, there were many, many spectators. The court wizards, knights, and officials from the palace were also present. Behind him were the tower masters, wizards belonging to the towers, as well as those belonging to the guilds. A crowd of curious onlookers was also present on the far side of the lake.

He did not want to do this. He was to lower his head and apologize in front of the vast crowd, in front of his rival tower masters, and in front of the wizards from the Green Tower?

Though the idea felt revolting to him, Jeneric wasn’t given a choice. He was too terrified of Sienna to offer any resistance or negotiation.

"I apologize for the harm… my deceased father… caused to Lady Sienna’s familiar.”

"You've also inflicted harm,” retorted Sienna.

"Yes... I apologize for that as well."

"Why are you apologizing to me? You should apologize to her,” said Sienna while receiving Mer into her arms from Eugene. She glared at Jeneric with wide eyes, and Mer mirrored her.

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"I am... sorry…."

"And to my successor as well."

Standing beside them, Eugene was taken aback by Sienna's relentless and harsh demeanor. Jeneric was on the brink of tears, and it was a pitiful sight. Jeneric’s breaths grew rough as if he was hyperventilating. Clutching his chest, he managed to utter the words stutteringly.

"Eugene... Eugene Lionheart. I sincerely apologize for refusing to recognize you as Lady Sienna’s successor and for daring to test you…."

"Yes... I understand." Eugene nodded in acceptance of the apology, and Jeneric released a long sigh.

Being drenched in water, Jeneric felt incredibly cold. Inside his chest was a deep chill and sorrow that may or may not be related to his being drenched. Keeping an eye on Sienna, Jeneric cautiously asked, "May I... depart now...?"

"Yes, yes. As of today, there should be no dissatisfaction or issue between you, me, and your family, correct?" said Sienna.


"Going forward, behave appropriately. As I mentioned earlier, if you ever misuse my name by claiming to be my successor, you'll truly meet your end."

Jeneric gave a deep bow, then turned away. As he lifted his gaze, he was met with an overwhelming number of eyes on him.

The eyes that fell upon him were largely full of pity but not without their share of mockery. The wizards from the Green Tower, in particular, looked utterly despondent. Their eyes were filled with desolation and doubt. Some wept openly as if the reality of the situation was too shameful and humiliating to bear.

'Should I retire...?' Jeneric wondered.

He felt as if he couldn't face the world anymore. His original plan had been to remain as the head of the tower for at least another decade before passing the position to his son, but now it seemed utterly impossible.

"In a few days, I will be visiting the Green Tower. After all, even though it’s been some time, it is the tower where I once resided," Sienna declared, causing a ripple of reactions among the wizards.

Jeneric was hunched in despair, and she didn’t care about him. Moreover, she wouldn't have usually cared about the wizards’ reactions, but she couldn’t help but soften her heart after seeing the expressions of the Green Tower wizards.

Upon hearing Sienna's words, the wizards of the Green Tower seemed relieved. Their Tower Master might have been humiliated, but the prospect of meeting the wise and revered Sienna was an exciting event for any wizard.

"Excuse me... Lady Sienna," Eugene began, tilting his head towards Sienna. "The Red Tower Master has been a great help to me. I learned magic from him, and his assistance was crucial during our previous endeavor."

This seemed like the perfect moment to lend a helping hand to Lovellian.

"Hmm…." Sienna nodded, hearing Eugene's words. "The Head of the Red Tower... his name is...?"

"Yes, yes. It's Lovellian Sophis," Lovellian stepped forward in surprise after suddenly being singled out. He alternated between looking at Eugene and Sienna with a confused expression. Although Eugene had pre-arranged a meeting with Sienna on the thirtieth day since the battle with the Black Dragon, Lovellian had not been privy to the exact date.

Even so, he had still been somewhat expectant. Apart from the sudden snow, there was no other wizard capable of submerging Abram in water except the Wise Sienna.

"You are from the lineage of Theodore Thorne?" Sienna inquired. Theodore Thorne was one of Sienna's disciples and had been the Head of the Red Tower centuries ago.

The one who taught magic to Lovellian was a disciple of Theodore, so in essence, this traced back all the way to Sienna. As such, Lovellian had claimed to be a successor of Sienna until now.

"Yes…. That is correct," Lovellian confirmed. He couldn’t help but tremble when he recalled how Jeneric had been humiliated. He trembled at the thought of being put through the same brutal “test.” However, his fears were quickly assuaged when, unlike before, Sienna gave a gentle smile.

"You have a commendable lineage," she said, not caring that, technically speaking, Jeneric had a more prestigious bloodline. "So, you have been of great help to my rightful successor, and given the complex web of relations, you are both my successor's master and my successor yourself?"

"It’s something I simply rambled on about. I don't believe I can claim to be your successor…," Lovellian began to protest.

"What does it matter?" Sienna interjected. "Let's have a proper discussion about this when I visit the Red Tower."

Lovellian's face brightened significantly. He bowed deeply while the wizards from the Red Tower behind him cheered joyously.

"Let's go, my adorable successor," said Sienna. She quite enjoyed referring to Eugene as her successor in front of the crowd. While it was a tad disappointing that she couldn’t publicly declare her relationship with the simpleton Hamel, she found the secret and the thrill of this current superficial relationship quite enticing. With a smug grin, Sienna patted Eugene's back.

"Yes, Lady Sienna," Eugene responded before obediently following behind Sienna.

Sienna levitated through the air, heading towards the court wizards who had been commanded to stay put.

"Now, let's see how much of it’s under," said Sienna as she observed Abram. She simply ignored Trempel and Honein. Even while she had been disciplining Jeneric, Abram had continued to sink slowly. Now, the palace gardens had already turned into a lake.

"L-Lady Sienna," Honein stuttered, beads of sweat dripping down his face as he watched the garden slowly fill with water. "Please…. Please quell your anger…."

"Where’s your father?" Sienna asked. Although she was casually referring to the king, neither Honein nor Trempel had any complaints.

Even three centuries ago, the King of Aroth had always treated Sienna with the utmost respect.

Aroth had developed into a powerful kingdom of wizards because Sienna had made her residence there. But even putting that aside, they had to be mindful of Sienna.

Abram was sinking, and the Green Tower Master, Jeneric, had been pummeled mercilessly. Aroth wasn’t blameless in his crime. The royal family had given permission for the dissection of the familiar, and they had freely made use of Sienna’s name until now. The royal family of Aroth was to blame.

"His Majesty... His Majesty is waiting for you in the palace," reported Honein.

"Is he too scared to come out and is instead asking me to pay him a royal visit?" spat Sienna.

"Lady Sienna…. Please…." Honein fell to his knees without caring for dignity. Sienna shook her head in disbelief.

"What are you doing? You’re not even kneeling on the ground, but kneeling in the air? What does that accomplish?" she asked.

"Please, withdraw your wrath. No…. You don't have to do it immediately, but... please come with me to visit His Majesty first," pleaded Honein, lowering his head to the point where it almost touched the ground. In front of the numerous onlookers, this was a sight to behold: the Prince of Aroth kneeling.

Sienna grimaced as she stared at Honein.

Why wasn’t the king showing himself? It was pretty obvious, really. Being publicly rebuked was not something a king could afford to display in front of his people. However, he couldn't risk offending Sienna either, so he had likely sent the Crown Prince ahead while he anxiously waited in the palace.

"Since the Crown Prince is going to such lengths, why don’t we head inside," suggested Eugene while looking at Honein.

It wasn’t as if they didn't know each other. Honein had provided all sorts of assistance to Eugene since his time in Aroth. When Eugene was caught up in the issue of Akron’s access, Honein had personally vouched for his credentials.

"If my esteemed successor requests it," Sienna nodded as her lips twitched. Honein's expression brightened at her response. He felt deep gratitude for Eugene's help but made sure to keep his head bowed.

"Raise your head, Crown Prince. I’ll show you some respect, and Aroth too, as it was my adorable successor's request. Let's go meet the pompous king,” said Sienna.

"Yes, yes. Thank you." Honein slowly raised himself, careful not to make any abrupt movements.

"Me too!" Melkith shouted. She was still bound in shackles. Trempel, who had been restraining Melkith until now, was gaping at her.

This outrageously boisterous woman dared to assert herself even with this atmosphere?

"Release me too! Lady Sienna! I admire and adore you!" shouted Melkith.

"Lady Sienna, the White Tower Master also... provided a lot of help," Eugene said somewhat reluctantly.

"If it is a request from my brave and kind-hearted successor," Sienna responded.

Trempel instantly freed Melkith. He felt slightly uncomfortable as he glanced at Sienna and Eugene.

So, he was her adorable, esteemed, brave, and kind-hearted successor? It did feel like he was being toyed with, but at the same time, it wasn’t entirely outrageous, either.

'Well... if it's Eugene Lionheart.'

Trempel would have undoubtedly flaunted his disciple with pride if he had been like Eugene. He blankly gazed at Sienna and Eugene as they headed towards Abram with Honein, then hastily followed behind.

He had no idea what would transpire at the palace and was terrified to imagine it. Unfortunately, he couldn’t foresee anything good happening.

The person who wanted to sink Abram entirely was still in a fury, despite having taken out her anger on the Green Tower Master earlier on.

'If…. If she attacks His Majesty….'

Trempel had always admired and looked up to Sienna, but if she attempted to harm the king... he would stand against her, even if it cost him his life. Trempel quietly resolved himself to his potential death.

'What did I just say?'

Contrasting with Trempel’s dire situation and his resolve, Sienna was engaging in a moment of introspection while trying to keep her expression under control.

Adorable, esteemed, brave, and kind-hearted successor? She had spoken with the desire to flaunt, but now that she thought about it, every word she had blurted out had been quite embarrassing.

[It’s alright.]

Mer’s voice resonated within Sienna’s mind. The familiar had sensed her embarrassment.

[There's no reason for you to feel embarrassed over such trivial words.]

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'But still!' Sienna protested.


Mer assured her.

‘If you knew what horrendous acts Lady Anise and Lady Kristina committed in your absence, your remarks would seem child's play.’

Mer kept her thoughts to herself, unable to bring herself to voice them out aloud. They were far too disgraceful for Mer to articulate. Moreover, she honestly lacked confidence in accurately portraying the extent of their atrocities. And if she were to reveal them, she feared Sienna would obliterate the royal castle in her wrath.

'They... they placed their bosoms on his head and wore a victorious smile.'

How could she possibly put such a spectacle into words?

"Who currently wears the crown?" Sienna asked.

"King Daindolf Abram," Eugene answered, to which Sienna scoffed and shook her head.

"The last King of Aroth I met was the twenty-fifth, Lucard."

"The current king is the thirty-first in line."

"Thirty-first? Ah, time flies. Isn't it about time for the kingdom to be on the brink of collapse? Or for the royal line to be usurped?" said Sienna.

The fear gripping Honein was palpable as he stiffened, and Trempel seriously contemplated whether an assassination attempt was in order.

"Please, Lady Sienna. Let's keep things peaceful and not be too harsh," Eugene pleaded.

"My successor! So, you must have quite an attachment to this kingdom! You’re even worrying for its fate,” responded Sienna.

"Well, I am more concerned about you, Lady Sienna,” said Eugene.

"Me? Why so?" asked Sienna, her eyes widening with surprise.

"If you act too brutally, history may tarnish your name. Instead of the Wise Sienna, you could be remembered as the Brutal Sienna. As someone who admires Sir Hamel, I believe that anything is better than being called the Stupid Hamel like him…."

She had wondered what he was about to say. Her expression changed as she eyed Eugene. “My dear successor, you may say such things because you know nothing about the old days. Hamel wasn’t just stupid; he was a complete idiot. A complete moron. I've... I've read? The fairy tale! ‘Stupid Hamel’ seems quite tasteful and appropriate."

"Ah, right, I see! However, don’t you think Sir Hamel would cry in heaven if he found out about this?" retorted Eugene.

"Why would he cry? Dead men tell no tales,” said Sienna.

That cunning smile! Eugene trembled with clenched fists.

Trempel and Honein fell silent at the sudden change in topics. They yearned to inquire about the legends and glory of three centuries past, but unfortunately, this was not the time for leisurely questions.

"We are here," said Honein, swallowing hard. They had flown through the waterlogged corridor into the palace and halted before the door to the throne room. "His Majesty is inside…."

"You haven't stashed an assassin or royal guards in there to get rid of me, have you?" said Sienna.

"Absolutely not!" Honein cried out in surprise. Even so, he anxiously examined the area beyond the door. He detected no signs of the royal guards Sienna had mentioned.

This unsettled him considerably. Normally, the royal guards and ministers lingered in the throne room, but aside from the king, there were no other discernible presences.


Sienna noticed his confusion. Before Honein could cautiously knock, she stretched out her hand, and the door swung open with a bang.

"We're coming in."

She breezed past Honein into the room.

This was Eugene's first time in the throne room of Aroth as well. However, he found no opportunity for admiration.

King Daindolf Abram, the thirty-first King of Aroth, anxiously circled around his throne while nervously gnawing at his fingernails. He stopped in place at the abrupt opening of the door.

"What an honor to meet you, Wise Lady Sienna!" he cried out, his voice resonating throughout the room.

It became clear why there were neither royal guards, ministers, nor even servants in the throne room.

King Daindolf Abram shouted in a booming voice before dropping to his knees, prostrating himself on the floor.