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Daddy’s Doting Addiction by Spicy Tuna

Chapter 242
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Chapter 242

“I hope you are pleased with the gift that Mister Hough has prepared for Green Corp’s anniversary

celebration.” Sean purposely increased his volume so everyone could hear it.

“Oh my! Tactical partnership!”

Not a single person in the celebration was not feeling envious. It was a privilege to be Hough Corp’s

tactical partner. Hough Corp had less than ten tactical partners so far. The agreement would bring

countless profits to whichever corporation got chosen by Hough Corp.

“Mister Hough really spoils Naomi to the maximum!”

“But just now I heard Clarissa say Naomi and Mister Hough’s marriage was just a contract…” “You

must have heard it wrongly. If Mister Hough needs to find a contracted wife, do you think he will pick

Naomi? Mister Hough doesn’t need to settle for anything low at all.”

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“That’s right. Look at both of them. They are obviously madly in love with each other!”

When Sean made the announcement, all the guests could not wait and surrounded Naomi and fought

to get a chance to talk to Naomi. After all, no one dared to talk to

Jack so they could only try hard to speak with Naomi. At that moment, Scott and Clarissa became just

some nobody that no one cared about in the hall. Clarissa shook with fury. She did not expect Jack

actually treated Naomi with so much attention. The advantage she held was useless after all.

However, that was not the end of it. She approached Scott and stood beside him to instigate

deliberately. “Dad, if this continues then no one will remember that you are the chairman of Green Corp


Scott looked around and his face looked terrible. Thus, he headed toward Naomi. He put on a fake

smile when he looked at Jack. “Naomi, can you please come over? I have something to tell you.”

“Okay.” Naomi knew it was inappropriate to reject Scott when there were many guests around them.

She looked at Jack embarrassingly, “Mister Daddy, if you are bored, you can leave.”

“It’s alright. I’ll wait for you,” Jack answered. “Okay. I’ll be right back!” Naomi was thrilled to hear Jack

staying and waiting for her. After that, she quickly followed Scott. Just after she left, Jack heard

someone calling him from behind with an overly pretentious sweet voice. “Mister Hough.” Clarissa

played with her hair as she walked toward Jack as if she was a model doing a catwalk on the stage

while thinking

she could seduce Jack.

This was an opportunity for her to have Jack fall in love with her. She must think of a way to steal him

away from Naomi. However, before she could get near Jack, Sean stood in the way and blocked her.

“Mister Hough does not speak to rubbish. Please leave!” Sean said while folding up his sleeves.

Clarissa gritted her teeth and glanced at Sean in contempt, “You idiot. I’m Naomi’s sister. How dare you

stand in my way?”

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Sean looked at her with cold eyes, “Miss Naomi does not have a rubbish sister. No, wait. You are even

more worthless than rubbish!”

“You!” Clarissa trembled angrily. Suddenly, Jack spoke, “Sean.”

Clarissa was pleased and thought that Jack was about to scold Sean for being rude.

“Ask her to get out of my sight,” Jack said coldly instantly.

Clarissa widened her eyes and did not foresee that result. Once Sean got the instruction from Jack, he

was eager to abide by it.

Clarissa was so scared that she kept walking backward and shouted out while feeling upset, “Mister


Naomi does not love you! There’s another person in her heart! The person Naomi loved the most is

another person. She even mentions that boy’s name in her dream and she has been searching for him

all these years! Your earrings are nothing to her! She treasures a plastic ring more than the earrings.

She is just using you! I advise

that you don’t put too much emotion into this relationship!”

‘A plastic ring?’ Jack was stunned when he thought that was what he heard.